Chapter 1

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Ayesha's POV:
"Blaire if we don't leave now we are gonna be late to class!" I said getting a bit irritated, because class started in 20 minutes. Blaire is my best friend, and we also happen to share a apartment. It was close to Davidson though, a decent sized school in North Carolina.

"Jeez I'm coming! And we're not even gonna be late! It's take like what, 5 minutes to drive there?" Blaire said gathering all her things, before biting into an apple.

"About damn time!" I picked up my bag and lap top, and we made our way down to my car.

We got in and made our way to Davidson. But what was supposed to be a 5 minute drive turned into a 15 minute drive from all the morning traffic that wasn't usually there.

I looked at my watch, then sighed.
"Great now he have 7 minutes before we're late. And we all know how my professor hates when I'm late!" I said hurrying into a parking spot, then getting all my stuff.

"Relax girl, if you hurry you'll be fine."

"Girl, you're only saying that cause your professor doesn't give two shits if your late. But bye girl, see ya later!"

We made our separate ways, as I quickly walked, almost running, to my class. I made my way through the building, walking even faster. Well I was, until someone coming from my right bumped into me, making all my stuff fall to the ground.

I was obviously pissed off, but didn't want to come off as rude, so I had to play nice. I just bent down and started to pick my things up.

"I'm so sorry," the guy said while bending down to help me pick up the last of my things.
"It's alright. don't stress it," I said getting up, then looking at the man to see if I'd recognize him.

Oh, and I did. That was Stephen Curry. Also known as the star basketball player, and most popular guy on the whole campus.

I didn't really care. But if I were any other girl and he bumped into them, they would probably be passed out from all the butterflies in their stomach. I was busy doing my own thing, and plus he was probably way to cocky for me to have any interest in him whatsoever.

"For real though, I should have watched where I was going."

"It's whatever, really." I said giving a small smile.

He held out his hand, "I'm Stephen. Stephen Curry."

I took his hand and shook it, "I already knew that, but nice to meet you anyways."

I then started to walk away, but was stopped by him lightly pulling my shoulder back.

"What?" I was sort of confused.

"I didn't catch your name."

"Oh, right. It's Ayesha." I was in a hurry, but he wouldn't stop talking.

"Well, Ayesha, I'll see you around." He said with a smile.

I nodded my head and walked away. I was nervous about walking into class, but when I did I was so relieved. The one day I was late, we had a substitute professor. Thank you Jesus.

After 4 hours of miserable classes it was finally lunch. I met up with Blaire and we went to this mini local restaurant close to the campus. A lot of students went there for lunch because the food was so good.

"So were you late?" Blaire asked.

"I was, but thank the lord we had a sub today."

"You lucky ass. Anything else cool?"

"Nah," I said, noticing Stephen and his "squad" walking in.

Blaire and I continued to talk about any and everything. Then she looked bad and smirked.

"Damn he's hot!" Blaire said winking.

"Who?" I wondered because they were plenty of hella good looking guys.

"All of them! I'd tap all of them!"

"You nasty girl!" I said smiling, and shaking my head.

I looked back to the table with Steph and all his friends, only to find him staring at me. I quickly looked away.

"Ayesha your coming to the party tomorrow right? I mean you know how to get down girl, so you better say yes."

"I guess I will," I laughed, "you ready to head out?"

"Yeah, we needa get out of here quick! Can't eat anymore or else ima throw up!"

We made our way out, and I felt eyes staring at me, a certain persons eyes. I didn't dare look back because I didn't want that certain person to think I was into them.

Classes were finally over for the day, and now me and Blaire we're chilling at the apartment eating ice cream and binge watching Shameless. Then I got a text:

Jax : Baby I miss you

I groaned out loud, then showed Blaire.
"Throw shade, girl."

Ayesha- Yeah id miss me too.. your really missing out... smh

Jax- can we talk?

Ayesha- new phone, who dis?

I stopped responding to his texts. I mean that fella is the one who broke up with me, saying that "we're better off as friends."  This happened like 6 months ago, and I definitely was over it.

"Ima go to bed, B. Love you girl."

"Right back atcha!"

I then went to my room, and scrolled through my phone. I follow Davidson College Instagram account and saw that the Wildcats took the win, and Steph had yet again another great game. I just scrolled past it, eventually growing tired. I put my phone down, then fell into a deep slumber.

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