Chapter 23

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Ayesha's POV:
"Blaire it's three in the morning and we aren't even tired," I said stuffing more popcorn in my face.
"Who could be when we gotta watch all of One Tree Hill in a night?" Blaire questioned jokingly.
"I don't think we will be able to finish the whole show," I said looking at my phone to see if I got a text from Stephen, but then realized it's 3 in the morning and any normal person would be asleep.
"We got tomorrow night," she said starting the the next episode.
"And that's if you're not hanging out with Klay," I laughed.
"And that's if your not hanging out with Stephen," she sarcastically said.
"Whatever," She said jokingly, rolling her eyes.
We continued to watch One Tree Hill and make small talk but then we got interrupted when we heard commotion close outside.
"What was that?" Blaire asked.
"I don't know, but it sounded close," I said starting to become worried.
"Should we go look?"
"I don't know, should we?"
"I guess so."
We began to near the door when I stopped Blaire and I.
"We need something to protect us."
"Are you for real?"
"Yes, now hold up."
I went and got a knife and a bat. I handed the knife to Blaire.
"You ready?" I asked as I put my hand on the door knob. She shook her head yes so I opened it. I starting to swing my bat when Blaire caught my arm.
"Ayesha! It's just a poor puppy! You almost killed the damn thing!"
I looked down and saw the most adorable puppy. I put the bat down and bent down.
"Awe, I think it's lost," I said petting down the puppies body.
"It's so adorable," Blaire said with her eyes lighting up.
The puppy made its way into the house and we didn't know what to do so we just let it in and shut the door.
"Lets keep it!" Blaire said chasing the puppy around.
"It's probably lost, the owners are most likely looking for him right now."
"So? Can we just keep it for the mean time?!" Blaire's begged.
"Alright," I laughed.
"What should we name it?"
I looked around and my eyes caught a movie that was lying down on the table. Marley on 22nd.
"How about Marley?" I asked.
"Love it," she bent down to the adorable pup, "how do you like it Marley?"
The night concluded in taking care of the puppy and getting a few episodes of One Tree Hill in.
I was lying down in my bed when I felt my face begin to get wet.
"Stephen," I whined. The kissing stopped for a moment but then they started back up.
"Wardell it's to early in the morning," I said trying to get him to stop.
"Stephen I'm trying to sleep! Now calm your hormones down and let me!"
"What are you talking about? I just got here like a second ago," i heard that familiar voice say.
I opened my eyes to see Stephen coming into the doorway of my room. My eyes widened as I quickly turned to my side. There Marley was innocently looking at me, drool running down his mouth.
"Ew, are you serious," I whined wiping all the slobber from my face.
Stephen started to laugh walking over to me.
"If your gonna laugh you can go home," I lectured. He put his hands up acting innocent.
"I'm sorry baby. It's just you though that was me?!" He said.
"Well yeah, who else would it have been?"
"That dog," He said chuckling pointing at the dogs direction, "by the way why do you have a dog?"
"Long story short it was outside of our house yesterday so Blaire insisted that we kept Marley."
"Marley, huh?"
"Yup," I said walking over to my bathroom, "I'm gonna shower real quick, get this slobber off of my face."
I was about to shut the door when Stephen stopped me, "you forgot to give me my kiss."
I sighed and started to walk over to him.
"Slobber face," he laughed. And for that I didn't kiss him, just flipped him off. I went back to the bathroom.
"Babe wait, I was just kidding!" Stephen yelled.
I smiled to myself and got into the shower.
After washing my body and self up I got out of the shower and put my robe on. I left the bathroom and saw Stephen scrolling through his phone on my bed.
"Can I have my kiss now?" He asked smirking. I decided I was going to play with him a little.
"No, I'm okay," I said trying to hide my smile.
He got up from my bed and I went over to dresser. I pulled out some booty shorts, an Adidias shirt, and I made sure to get Stephens favorite bra and panties.
Without hesitation I took my robe off and changed right in front of him. I put my panties and bra on first, then felt a pair of arms wrap around me.
"Damn Baby," he whispered in my ear. It took everything I had to pull away. His touch made me weak.
"I'm not in the mood right now Stephen," I said throwing on my shorts and shirt.
"Why not?"
"Don't know. I have some errands to run though. Your more than welcome to join me," I said putting on some light makeup and throwing my hair up into a messy bun.
"Sure, I don't have anything else to do."
"Glad you could find time for me," I said sarcastically, "we're leaving now."
"Alright, alright sassy pants."
We were at Target getting some groceries for the week. Stephen stood by the cart, while I looked through the aisles with him following me. I notice some girls, about our age, eying him, blushing, and taking pictures. They were checking my man out. I ignored it for a while, but then I started to become annoyed when they wouldn't stop. It was time to show them that he's happily y taken.
I walked over to Steph, who's eyes were glued to his phone. I gently pushed his chin up so that we were looking at each other.
"What's up baby?" He asked. I took that moment to smash my lips against his. He put his hands on my butt, which I'm sure our little audience of girls just loved. I finally pulled away so we could both get air, and also because I honestly don't love PDA, but it's whatever.
"I know I'm irresistible and all, but what that for?" He asked smirking.
I eyed the girls that were checking him out earlier. "They were checking you out. I just had to let them know that your taken."
"I see. You were jealous."
"Nuh-huh! I was just-."
"It's okay Ish, your hot when your jealous."
I rolled my eyes, "didn't seem to work though. They are still checking you out."
"Then let's give them a little show. To just, you know, show them I'm taken," he said smirking.
Even though, like I said, I dislike PDA, I gotta show those girls whose boss.
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