Chapter 28

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1 Week Later:
Ayesha's POV-

It's been one week since the incident. One week of trying to recover. One week faking a smile hoping it will turn into a real one. One week of not telling anybody, and trying to convince Stephen not to tell anyone. One week.
Stephen and I were back in Charlotte. And no, we haven't told anyone about what happened. Because for me, if we tell people they will ask if I'm okay, and I will have to say yes even though I'm not. And it will be a constant reminder of what happened. And I'm just trying to move past it.
"Ayesha what's up with you? Ever since you came back from your mini trip you've been off," Blaire said, then took a sip of her water.
I faked a chuckle, "I don't know what you mean."
"It's just, you've been different, I don't really know," she said trying to catch her breath.
"How?" I asked, taking a sip of some of my own water.
"You're constantly with Stephen now, which I guess isn't anything new, but you've just been with him a lot more. You're always dozing of into space, your not eating as much, and this. You're always exercising," she exclaimed.
I started jogging again, "that's weird."
"Girl you are going so fast!" Blaire yelled.
"The faster you run, the faster your done, right?"
"I guess so," she laughed.
We finally made it back to my car. We both got in, and we made our way. It started to sprinkle, but that turned into a full out thunderstorm.
"Marley is probably freaking out right now," Blaire chuckled.
"Probably. And if he pees you are the one cleaning it," I laughed right back.
We made it back to our place. And we were right Marley peed, so Blaire took no time to hurry up and go to Klay's to leave me to clean it.
I threw the nasty rags away once I was done, then heard my phone go off.
Stephen- make it home okay?
Ayesha- yes, you don't have too worry so much
Stephen- that's what you do when you love someone
Ayesha- You're the sweetest to me
Stephen- I would invite you over, but it's late and we gotta wake up early
Ayesha- no it's alright don't stress it
Stephen- you ready for school tomorrow?
Ayesha- no, but I have to be
Stephen- I'll never leave your side
Ayesha- I haven't seen either of them since that night. I'm nervous.
Stephen- I got you. And I'll make sure they won't come around you
Ayesha- Okay, thank you
Stephen- I should let you get to bed
Ayesha- yeah, sheesh trying to go to bed and stuff and you won't leave me alone
Stephen- you got jokes, huh? Love you Isha, Goodnight ❤️
Ayesha- love you too wardell 💘
I put my phone down and got in bed.
I stared at the roof and listened to the April weather hit the roof. Man, am I nervous for tomorrow. I heard Blaire walk in, I heard something fall then heard her cuss. That girl.
Blaire and I were walking down campus. We were somewhat early and were burning time. I caught a glimpse of Stephen and I become 10x happier.
I walked fastly over to him and hugged him from behind.
"Hey," I kissed him on the cheek.
"Hey Ish. You seem extra happy today," he said hugging me.
"I'm happy because I saw you, and I just need to be happy in order to live a happy life," I smiled, which made him smile.
"I like the way you think A," Steph replied.
"I love you Stephanie," I said catching him off guard.
"I love you too Ish, but we should probably get going," he said taking my hand as we started walking.
They day was finally over. Stephen was literally by my side 24/7 to make sure I was okay. And I was, especially since I didn't have any encounters with the 2 people I would never want to have one with again.
I was lying on Stephens chest as we were watching TV.
"I haven't really said thank you yet," I spoke as I got up slightly so I could look at him clearer, "so thank you."
He chuckled, "for what Ish? Whatchu talking about?"
"You know. That night," I said looking down.
He sighed and pulled my loose hairs behind him.
"There's no reason whatsoever you need to be thanking me."
"Yes there is. You got him off of me. You were there to help me."
"Any other person who have done the same thing. So please don't thank me, I don't want to be thanked nor is there a reason too," Wardell said sincerely.
"You're truly something else. I'm so lucky to have you in my life."
"The other way around," Steph smiled.
"Oh whatever," I giggled.
"Oh and by the way my parents want us to come over for dinner tomorrow. I'm pretty sure your more welcome then I am. They love you. More than they love me Probably," Stephen teased poking his bottom lip out.
"Whatever Stephanie. But what can I say," I shrugged causing causing the both of us to laugh.
Thank you for reading!!

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