Chapter 18

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Ayesha's POV:
2 Months Later:
Everything's that's been happening, the highs, the lows, through everything, Stephen and I are still together. Through the accident, the fight, my ex, everything.
I believe Stephen and I could have a future, and that God made us to be together.
But enough with that, back to the real world.
"Blaire we will miss our flight if you don't hurry!" I yelled. I feel like I was always saying something along those lines everyday. Oh wait, cause I was. She was always late!
I checked my suitcase one last time to make sure I wasn't missing anything.
"I'm ready! I think," Blaire said running downstairs holding her suitcase.
"Well either way we are leaving. Now come on," we made my way out and put our luggage in the car.
We both got in the car and were finally on our way to the airport.
We were heading to the airport for two reasons; we had a week break, and we are going to watch our boys play in the NCAA tournament. Also known as March Madness, college basketball, Final Four.
And the wildcats were in the final four. They are taking everybody by shock, except the state of North Carolina. We knew their worth.
The teams in the final four were Villanova, UCLA, Gonzaga, and of course us, Davidson.
We finally pulled into the airport and rushed in because we were late.
We checked in, and did the average stuff you have to do in the airport, and were finally taking our seats on the plane.

"Make sure your seatbelts are fastened as we prepare for landing, soon we will be on the grounds of California!" The attendant said over the speaker.
"Thank Jesus. If I was gonna be in here any longer I would have died!" Blaire exclaimed as we got a dirty look from the person in front of us.
"What? It's true. I'm just the only one that's actually saying it!" Blaire snapped back.
We finally landed down and got our luggage. As soon as we stepped out of the airport the hot air and humidity hit me. I was not prepared, so I had to take off my 2 jackets.
"Damn, it's hot as hell!"
"What time is it?" Blaire asked.
I pulled out my phone and checked.
"It's 2, which means we have 5 hours to get to the hotel and get ready before the boys play," I stated.
Blaire called an Uber to come pick us up. Stephen didn't like it much because it was just random people who decided to drive as a job, but I didn't mind.
We got into our Uber and told him where we were going. The man was actually quite nice.
"What brings you sweet ladies here?" He asked. "You ever heard of the Final Four?" I ask.
"Yes, thats with the bull right?" He asked being serious. Blaire laughed.
"Sir I think your mixed up. The Final Four is basketball." She stated.
"Oh! This happens to me a lot, me getting mixed up," the old man says. We all laugh.
"Anyways our boyfriends play for a team that made it to the Final Four, so we are here to watch and support them."
"That's very kind. I wish them luck," he says as we pull into the hotel.
"Thank you so much for the ride!" I gave him the amount of money he needed with a pretty good tip.
"No," he refuses. "On me!"
Knowing I wouldn't win I put in his passenger seat.
"Thank you!" I yelled one last time before he drove away.

Blaire and I checked into our rooms, I don't know why we didn't just share but oh well. We went our separate ways, and we didn't have to be at the game for another three in a half hours. The arena they would be playing at was close so we had lots of time to relax.
I plopped onto the bed, and immediately felt tired.
I fell asleep only to get awakened by my phone buzzing. It was a FaceTime call from Stephen.
I slid over, answering it.
"Hey," I said then yawned after.
"Did I wake you?" He asked.
"Yeah but it's no big deal," I say sitting up from bed.
"What's up?" I ask.
"Just getting a few shots in before the game, and wanted to talk to my girl."
My girl.
"Why you so tired anyways?" He asked.
"Just needed to catch up on some much needed sleep."
"After we win tonight you should come back and sleep where I'm staying."
"Steph that's probably not a good idea."
"Why not?"
"Well your coach probably doesn't want that to happen."
"He don't care Ish. He will be hanging with his family anyways. Come on," He said then gave me that smile I always fell for.
"Fine, but I better go get ready. Your game is coming quick!"
I saw Stephen look at his watch.
"It doesn't start for a couple of hours."
"Well girls take a long time to get ready, Steph. You should know this," I joked.
He chuckled, "Whatever!"
"Love you babe," I say getting up from the bed.
"Love you too Ish."
We then hung up and I got in the shower.
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