Chapter 45

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Ayesha's POV-
Stephen and I were walking around Pier 39, not really looking for anything specific, just looking around and enjoying ourselves.
We walked passed this jewelry store and I saw this beautiful necklace from the window. Once I saw the price tag it wasn't so beautiful anymore.
"Ish what are you looking at?" Steph asked walking towards me. I shrug my shoulders.
"Nothing," I smiled walking over to him and putting my hand around his waist. He just nodded his head yes and we continued to walk around.
We stopped to get some lemonade and cool ourselves down, because man was it hot!
Blaire: what happened to that call? 😒
Me: sorry mom. I've been busy 🙄💘
Blaire: Yeah, busy getting the d
Me: OMG! I'm leaving
I shake my head, letting out a laugh sending a response back.
"What are you laughing about?" Steph asked smiling, looking at my curiously. I gave him my phone and he chuckled at what he saw. "True."
I playfully shoved him, "Whatever!" I giggled seeing his smirk. He was about to say something when this man walked up to us.
"Hey, your Steph Curry right? Just got drafted to the Golden State Warriors and stuff?" He questioned. Steph gave him a friendly smile and nodded his head yes.
"I just wanted to let you know I think you're the best thing that happened to this team in years, and your going to do super good."
"Thank you, I appreciate it," Steph smiled again, shaking the mans hand. He walked away and Steph looked at me with wide eyes. "People actually know me."
"Well soon, the whole world is gonna know you," I admitted.
"Ugh I don't know how I feel about that," Stephen unintentionally made a look as if he was thinking, making me smile.
"Better fasten your seatbelt, cause from here on out life's going 100 miles an hour."
"Noooo Steph! You have to wait to put the noodles in till the water is boiling. Not when it's still cold," I said laughing a little looking at the water. It should be somewhat boiling by now. "As a matter of fact it should be boiling right now," I said looking around confused, then I noticed Steph didn't turn the stove on.
"Baby, you have to turn on the stove on," I said then notched the turner to high.
"Oh, that makes sense," Steph said awkwardly looking around.
"We might as well just go shopping for that ramen right now, cause you're gonna have no luck in the kitchen," I teased. Steph playfully shoved me.
"Hey! It's not my fault I don't know how to cook. And plus that's why you're here teaching me now."
"I'm kidding, baby," I giggled. The water was starting to boil. "Okay so now you can put the noodles in," i explained and he did as I said. "Great, good job!"
Steph chuckled, "You're acting like I'm a little kid right now."
"Well I think that's even too good for you. I'm pretty sure most kids now how to at least make something in the kitchen," I teased again.
"Well that's weird, because just the other night you were calling me daddy," he said, cashing me to blush, "Do you recall?"
"Nope, I'm afraid not," I dared, earning a smirk from him.
"Then I might just have to help you remember," he whispered picking me up and putting me on the counter kissing me. He started to kiss my neck, and I pulled away back into reality.
"We got dinner to make," I smiled earning a groan for him. "But you can help me remember later," I said earning a grin from him.
"I like the sound of that," Steph said helping me off of the counter.
And with that we continued to make dinner. After about 30 minutes we were finished and were set up at the table, we said our grace and took our first bites. It was surprisingly good.
"We make a good team Curry," I said holding my hand up for a high five. He took his hand and bought them together.
"Yeah we do," He said winking at me. Just as we were about to finish our meals the fire alarm went off throughout the whole house.
I immediately ran into the kitchen and saw the boiling water excessively heating up, bring the fog to the air which must be activating the alarms.
I turned off the stove and got a pan and started to wind the place out along with the fan. Stephen walked in and the look on his face tells me he probably knows what he did.
"Next time don't forget to turn off the stove," I said trying to hide me smile, but failing.
"Will do," he said then cracked open a few windows.
"I swear if once I leave and I get a call that this place got burned down I ain't even gonna be sorry," I said sitting down catching my breath. He chuckled.
I was laying down in bed while Steph was in the shower. After getting bored of being on my phone I turned it off and closed my eyes.
I didn't fall asleep, but it was one of those things where you are half asleep but half awake. It weird and hard to explain, I know.
Then all of a sudden I felt a drip of water hit my cheek causing my eyes to flutter open.
When I open my eyes I see Steph with nothing but basketball shorts on, still with water droplets running down his body.
"I think it's time I help you remember," he smirked getting on top of me. He kissed me passionately.
"Please do," I moaned out.
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There will be a sequel to this book.

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