Chapter 39

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Ayesha's POV-
"Stephen no, you're so weird!" I said, dying of laughter, over the phone.
"But you know it's true baby," Stephen said.
"I can see your smirk over the phone, babe!"
"Probably, but be ready in an hour, I'm coming to pick you up," Stephen said through the phone. I could hear him yawning.
"Okay but take a nap in the meantime your energy is at level 0 right now."
"Was planning on it. You kept me up late yesterday. You were talking about every and anything."
"I couldn't fall asleep. I should go get ready though."
He chuckled, "Okay. I love you."
"I love you more."
"Not even possible."
I rolled my eyes, "bye babe."
"Bye beautiful."
And with that I went and got in the shower.
I was washing my body when somebody came in, opening the shower door causing me to jump. I relaxed once I saw who it was.
"Jeez Blaire! You could've knocked!"
"I don't needa knock your my best friend."
"What are you doing anyways?!"
"I can't find my speaker. Is it in here?"
"Does it look likes it's in here?"
"You never know," Blaire said. We looked at each other then bursted our laughing.
"Okay I'm gonna leave now. It's getting a little awkward."
"Just a little," I smiled.
She walked away and I finished up my shower.
When I got out of the shower I got a text from Stephen.
Stephen: and make sure to bring you swimsuit too
I put on my swimsuit, then put on some shorts with a cute, classy crop top. I put on some light makeup, and French braided my hair into a half bun, then straight ironed the rest.
Once I heard a knock on the door I got my phone, and sunglasses and jogged over to open the door.
"Hey babe," I told Stephen.
"Hey Ish," he said then pulled me into a kiss.
I bent down and put on my sandals.
"Ready?" Steph asked.
"Yup," I said while closing the door.
We got in Stephens car and we made our way down the road.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"You'll just have to wait and find out," he said smirking.
After about 30 minutes of us jamming to Beyoncé, well mostly me because Steph wasn't the biggest fan, we pulled onto this dirt road.
"Why do I feel like I recognize this place?" I questioned looking out the window.
"You don't remember? I'm hurt," Stephen pretended to be sad.
Then it all started coming back to me. This was the place me and Stephen went too on our 'first date'. We had to take this dirt road for about 15 minutes, then we will come across a beautiful waterfall surrounded by all forest.
"It took me a while, but I remember. This is where we had our first date. Or that's what's you called it, I thought of it as more getting to know each other," I teased.
"Oh sheesh Ish. It was a date and you know it," Stephen smiled then grabbed my hand.
"We haven't been here in forever," I said.
"You haven't been here in forever. I still Come her on a regular basis, it relaxes me, and clears my head," Stephen went on, "during our little break I was either here or at the gym."
"I don't blame you. I remember it being so peaceful and relaxing."
"Speaking of, were here," Steph said as we pulled into the space of the beautiful waterfall.
As expected, no one was here.
We got out of the car and Stephen pulled out a blanket along with a picnic basket.
He laid the large blanket down and set the food down close to where the waterfall fell into a large lake.
We sat down and ate the food that Stephen packed, and now we were just laying down listening to the water hit water, in each other's arm.
"It's so peaceful," I mumbled into Steph's chest.
"Yeah it is," Stephen said playing with my hair.
After a while longer I broke the silence.
"What time are we leaving tomorrow?" I questioned.
"Around noonish, we will get to New York City around 2," he explained.
In 2 Days was the draft, and of course I was going.
"I'm so excited for you."
He smiled, "from here on out everything will be so much more different."
"Yeah it will be," I said tracing shapes on his chest.
"But for right now we're gonna go get in the water," he said gently pushing me up.
"Fine," I said taking my glasses off, "only because I know if I object you're gonna throw me in."
"You got that right," he smirked.
I got up and took my clothes off. Stephen was eyeing my body up and down.
"Me eyes are up here Steph," I said which causes him to immediately look up. He put his hands up in defense causing me to chuckle. He took off his shirt revealing his toned muscular body.
"Let's go," I said and took his hand to walk over to the lake/ waterfall or whatever you wanna call it.
I put my foot in and the cold water took over my body.
"Holy shit it's cold," I said feeling the shivers throughout my body.
"If you get it all the way you will get used to it," Stephen said stepping in front of me and getting in all the way into the water.
"But it's so cold," I said backing away.
"C'mon, I got you," He said holding out his hand.
I hesitantly took it and got in the water.
"Oh my gosh," I shivered as my body felt the cold water.
"Baby," Stephen teased, making fun of me.
I splashed him, "says you."
He splashed me, "take it back."
I splashed him even more, "nope." I giggled.
I tried to swim away but he caught me. He was splashing me so much I had to take it back.
"Fine, Fine," I put my hands up in surrender, "I take it back."
"I knew you would," He said and he pulled me into a long, passion-filled kiss.
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There will be a sequel to this book.

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