Chapter 32

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A Little Over A Month Later:
Ayesha's POV-
Well here's a quick life update. College is over for the year so that's exciting. Klay and Blaire are still broken up. Sydel broke up with Brayden. This Carolina weather is perfect and sunny. Stephen and I are still going strong but with the draft only a month away he's been training so much. Oh and Marley is big and is tearing up anything he gets his hands on. So there you go.
And speaking of Steph training so much I was about to go visit him working out in the gym right now.
I put on some shorts and a off the shoulders shirt, paired it up with some sandels and curled my hair back. I grabbed my keys and made my way over to the gym in my car.
On they way I had to get lemonade because it was so hot and it seemed so refreshing. I pulled into the gym, put my raybans on and took the quick walk into the gym.
As soon as I stepped in I could hear the sound of a basketball dribbling echoing through the building. I walked closer in and there he was. Shooting hoops nonstop.
My footsteps must have caught his attention because he turned over to me. We made quick eye contact then he directed his focus back the the hoop.
"Can't even get a hey?" I said jokingly but was actually being serious.
He looked back over at me, "Sorry, hey babe."
I walked closer to him closing the distance between us. He shot the ball then gave me a quick side hug, with a peck on the lips which surprised me because I was expecting more. Not like a makeout session or anything just some attention.
"I won't be too long. You can just wait over there," he said nudging his head to a direction, which made me be slightly taken aback.
"Okay," I said rolling my eyes and walking away.
What was supposed to be "not too long" turned into 2 hours. Stephen finally decided to finish and gathered his things while walking over to me.
"Sorry that took me a long time," he said taking a gulp of water.
"You're fine," I said with a slight smile.
"But hey at least I'm done now, all yours," He said adding a wink at the end.
"Glad you could find time for me," I said salty.
"Sheesh what's up with the attitude?" He asked while we walked out of the gym.
"I don't have one. Was just kind of irritating sitting there doing nothing for two hours."
"I'm sorry but I need to be ready. I promise I will be better next time."
I kind of felt bad for snapping at him so easily but eventually this will pass and all his attention will be to me. He gave me a dorky smile causing me to giggle.
"You're off the hook this time.. just hurry because I'm starving!"
He held his hands out acting innocent. "Alright, alright. Let's go get my girl some food!"
"What are you feeling?" I asked as I backed the car out of the parking lot.
"What am I feeling?" Stephen asked, I nodded my head, "you."
I could practically feel my blush.
"I'm being serious babe!"
"Well I am being serious but.... how about Chick-Fil-A?"
"Yes, it's like you read my mind."
We both chuckled and made our way to the yummy drive thru.
We were on our way back to my place which we were about 30 minutes away from now. And let's just say the sexual tension was very.. heavy.
His hand was oh my thigh and just his touch simplify gave me goosebumps and a shock through my body.
The music was barely hearable and made the tension even heavier.
His hand began to creep up my thigh with his grip becoming tighter and tighter coming closer to my core.
He went under my loose shorts and started to play with the hem of my panties. Then he would pretend to go in, but was teasing with me.
I looked over at him. He was wearing a smirk and kept his attention to the road. He was enjoying playing with me.
He finally decided to come under my underwear and rub my core.
And just as soon as I thought he was going to finger me he took his hand out of my shorts.
Is this man serious right now? I let out a groan and crossed my arms, Stephen was enjoying this.
The sexual tension was still there, trust me, but I was also sexually frustrated.
We made it back to my place and were walking over to my door. As I was unlocking it I felt a hand slap my ass which caused me to gasp.
I finally got the door to open after struggling for a few seconds. I stepped into my place and before I could think twice Stephen shut the door and slammed me against it. He started to kiss all over my neck and face, leaving marks along the way.
He started to kiss my lips, then slapped me again on the ass. I let out a gasp which gave him the perfect opportunity to put his tongue in my mouth.
Without breaking the kiss Steph picked me up to where my legs were around his torso and sat me on the kitchen counter.
He started to take my shirt off and sucked on my skin along the way.
I took his shirt off then admired his nice bronze chest and abs. I ran my hands down his body and pulled him closer to me.
He picked me up once again and this time took me to my bed. I threw me on it and then completely hovered over me.
He started to kiss down my stomach making my moan of pleasure.
I flipped us over to where I was on top of him, it was my turn.
I kissed down his body and started to rub his member just as he did to me earlier causing him to moan.
I kissed down his body coming closer and closer to his area. I could hear Steph's breathing start to hitch.
I went back up to his ear. "Two can play that game," I whispered, then left the room. This time he was the one who was left sexually frustrated.

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