Chapter 50

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2 Weeks Later
Ayesha's POV-

So far, so good. Stephens and I's relationship has been pretty good for the most part. We've been keeping in contact super well. Everything felt normal just except for the obvious fact we weren't physically with each other.
But today I have been quite irritated with him. All I got from him, the whole entire day was a, hey, hope your day is good. Some might say I'm over exaggerating, but let me just add he sent that text 9 this morning, and it was currently 9... at night! I've texted him several times, called him several times, and even FaceTimed him. There's no way he could've been so busy all day he couldn't check his phone once. It's six over there, cmon Steph I could be sleeping but instead I'm waiting for your dumb ass.
I called him one last time and to my very surprise he answered me. Before I could say anything someone said something on the other line. It wasn't Stephen though, but it wasn't a female either so it was okay.
"Yo Steph someone named Ayesha is calling you, I answered it," a voice said.
"Hello?" I asked through the phone.
"Oh hey, what's up," the man asked like we knew each other for our whole lives.
"Um who are you?"
"I'm Harrison, and just so you know I'm single."
"And I'm Ayesha, and just so you know I'm not."
"Come on Ayesha," he said slurring his words, "won't hurt if nobody knows."
Then, finally, I hear Steph's voice.
"Boy give me phone."
"I'm talking to Ayesha, though."
"Yeah, I kind of want to talk to my girlfriend too," he said. I was just there awkwardly listening to their conversation over the phone.
"Oh shit," the so called Harrison said.
"Babe?" Steph said through the phone.
"Steph," I replied.
"What's up?"
"Oh, so now you wanna talk to me? After literally avoiding me all day?"
"I'm sorry Ish, it's just I've been so busy, and I've been going nonstop."
"So you were so busy you couldn't check your phone once?"
"I obviously checked my phone it just-."
"Oh even worse. So you were ignoring me all day, and not just busy."
"That's not what I said."
"You didn't have too, it's pretty obvious."
"Well I'm sorry the world doesn't revolve around you. I'm sorry everything's not about Mrs. Perfect Ayesha."
"I'm not saying it does! I'm just saying you shouldn't ignore your girlfriend all day, and once you get to talk to her act like everything is fine."
"Well Ive been busy all day, like I already told you. Im trying to do something with my life so that means I can't be constantly here to aid you," he said with lots of attitude in his voice.
"Go to hell Wardell," I said before hanging up.
I felt tears form in my eyes. This was the first real fight we've gotten in to since he's been in California.
I took a quick shower, then got into some comfortable clothes to sleep in. I threw my hair up into a bun, and got the remote to my TV.
I got into bed and started to watch The Office, but then I switched it because that's what Steph and I would watch and it just made me sad to think about.
A couple of episodes in of Orange is the New Black I realized the time. 12:37 in the morning! Realizing I'm not tired and that I'd probably be up for a while longer I got up and quietly went into the kitchen to get a tub of chocolate ice cream with a spoon.
I got back and comfortable in bed and continued watching OITNB.
3 episodes, and a tub of ice cream later I got a call. Curious to see who it was I got up and ran over to my charging phone.
Once I saw who was calling, I debated on whether or not I should answer it. Before it could go to voicemail I hurried and answered it.
"What do you want?" I asked getting back in bed. The only light in the room was coming from the TV.
"You're up, I thought you'd be sleeping."
"What do you want?" I asked again.
"To say I'm sorry, so here it goes. I'm sorry for all the things I said earlier Ish. I should've answered you from the get go but I didn't and I'm sorry. And, for me, the world does revolve around you so I don't know what the hell I was thinking when I said that earlier. And now I can't get you off of my mind, so here I am, laying in bed, talking to you, at 1 in the morning," there was a short pause, "shit that means it's 4 over there. I'm sorry, did I wake you?"
"You're fine, I haven't fallen asleep yet. Was too busy thinking of you and watching Orange is the New Black."
"But out of those two you love me more right?" Steph joked.
"No, not really," I teased.
"Hey," Stephen frowned. I could see it through the phone.
"I'm kidding bighead. There's nothing in this world that I love more than you."
"Right back atcha babe. So does this mean I'm forgiven? We're in good terms?"
I thought for a second. "Yes, but only because this is the first This has happened."
"And it will be the last time, I promise."
"Okay, I believe you."
"I have something to tell you," he did making me curious.
"What is it?"
"So in two weeks I'm coming to visit you," He said with joy in his voice.
"You're kidding right?" I asked standing on my bed. My heart was beating fast, and there was a smile plastered on my face.
"Nope, I finally get to see my baby. It's been too long."
I started to jump on my bed, dancing.
"You have no idea just how happy you've made me," I squealed.
"I was gonna keep it a surprise, but I just had to tell you."
"I love you so freaking much. Eek I'm so excited!"
And till practically dawn we taking about every and anything.
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4 More Chapters To Go!
(There will most likely be a sequel)

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