Chapter 19

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Ayesha's POV:
"Ayesha calm down they got this," Blaire said.
There was 2 minutes left in the game and we were up by 5. But that's really easy to catch up too.
"You're right. I gotta have faith."
The time was ramming down. The ball got passed to Stephen and he made a deep three pointer. Clutch.
The buzzer rang through the crowded gym, and around half of it stood up and cheered. They were headed to the championships.

After the storm died down and it wasn't as busy I went to where I was going to wait for Stephen. It might be a while considering he has a couple of interviews to do. I got a text from my dad.
Dad: I was watching espn and that Stephen kid came on. He's a real baller!
Ayesha: what'd I tell ya? He got skills!
I felt a pair of arms wrap around me.
"Hey beautiful," the voice said. Obviously Stephens.
I turned around, "hey baller. You did hella good."
I put my arms around his neck.
"I try," he smirked.
"But you also really need to shower. You're all gross and sweaty! But I still love you," I said kissing his lips.
"You better. And let's head outta here."
I nodded my head as he put his arm around me and we made our way out of the building.
"You coming to the championships?" Steph asked.
"What do you mean? I wouldn't miss it for the world," I smiled.
"Your so damn adorable," He said kissing my cheek. I could feel my blush.
"Wanna walk around LA for a while?" He asked.
"Yes, I've never been here."
"For real?"
"For real," I chuckled.
"Well I would be honored to be your personal tour guide," he said holding out his hand for me to take. I laughed and took his hand.
"Well show me around Mr. Curry!"
"What do you want to see?"
"Surprise me."

It's been a while since we started walking. We got chai teas, and saw all what you could in LA. Feeling pretty tired I let out a yawn.
"Let's go back to the hotel so you can get some sleep babygirl," Stephen said.
I nodded my head and we made our journey back. About midway through I stopped to sit on a bench.
"Ish the sooner we get moving the faster we will be there," he said taking a seat next to me.
"But my legs hurt," I whined leaning my head on Steph's shoulder.
"Let me carry you then."
I chucked lightly, "I'm probably to heavy for you."
"That's nonsense."
I got up from the bench and held my hand out.
"It's okay, I need to stop being a baby."
Before I could do anything he lifted me up and started walking.
"I freaking love you Wardell Stephen Curry."
He kissed my forehead.
"I love you too Ish."
As much as I tried to prevent falling asleep in his arms I couldn't resist.
Before you knew it I woke up in bed. I looked at the clock and it read 12:30 pm.
I heard the shower, then heard it stopped.
Stephen must have thought I was still sleeping because he walked out with a towel around his waist, and it was hanging down quite low.
Don't worry, I didn't see anything. Even though it's nothing I haven't seen before. I decided I was gonna "act" like I was sleeping, at least for now, because I enjoying the view.
Damn he was so hot and I felt so lucky. After he put on his shorts I felt his body get into bed.
A while later I knew he was still up so I turned my body around and lied my head down on his bare chest.
"You awake?"
I nodded me head. He started to play with my hair which felt good.
"I saw those one people today," I said.
He laughed very lightly, "there's a lot of people Ish."
"The scouts. The ones from the NBA."
"Oh, I see what you mean now."
"Stephen you're going to get drafted. You're gonna go somewhere far away, and Ill still be in North Carolina."
I've been thinking about this a lot lately. It was obvious, despite what some people say, that Stephen was gonna get drafted. And that meant I would be in my last year of college while he's somewhere, far away, playing basketball.
"Come with me," he says.
"I can't. I have to finish college," I sighed.
He continued to play with my hair and rub my back.
"Lets worry about that later, okay? Let's just live in the moment."
He's right.
"Goodnight Stephen."
"Night ish."
"Love you," we both say at the same time.
And with that we fell asleep in each other's arms.
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