Chapter 26

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Ayesha's POV-
Jax, Hailey, and I got in the car. Hailey sat in the passenger seat which I was pretty surprised about.
"Why the hell are you coming with me?" I asked the both of them, then exited the parking lot.
"What? Can't spend some one on one time with my bff?" Hailey responded.
"Look. I don't know what the hell you are doing but I'm sick of your bullshit."
"I don't know what you mean?" She said acting all innocent.
"Where are we going anyways?" She snapped.
"My house. Unless your princess self wanted me to drop you off somewhere?" I sad sarcastically.
"Whatever bitch," she said under her breath. All of us heard though.
"Hailey just calm down a lil, Okay?" Jax said.
Holy shit. Did he really just say that. Whatttt?
She just scoffed and turned up the radio. She honestly thinks she can do whatever she wants.
I turned it down and smirked at her.
We finally got to my house. I went and turned on the TV. I didn't know what the heck those others were doing but I made sure all the rooms were locked up so they couldn't get to anything.
After a while they came and sat on the other couch
I was starting to feel thirsty so I went to go get some water. Then I just had to be the nice person I am and ask if they wanted anything.
"Do you guys need anything?" I asked.
"For you to get a life. And to actually become a decent person that people can stand." I walked away, she definitely wasn't getting to me this time.
While I was walking away I heard Jax tell Hailey to stop and start being nice. He was surprising me.
I got my water and started walking back to the living room. I saw Hailey on my phone. I set my water down on the table.
"Who do you think you are to think it's okay to go through my phone?"
"It went off, you got a text."
"Give it to me," I said trying to snatch it way. She dropped it in the water. I hurried up and got it but of course it was no longer usable.
I didn't even say anything. I just walked away. Why the hell did this stuff have to happen to me?
I sat down on my back and put my head on my hands.
After a while there was a slight knock on my door. Jax walked in.
"Hey," He said.
"Sorry about all of that. You really don't deserve it," he said taking a seat next to me.
"It's fine."
"She just needs to come to her senses."
"No offense, but why are you being so nice all of a sudden?"
"What I did to you in the past was wrong. And I'm only just now starting to see that. I'm just trying to make up for it."
"Thank you," I said giving a small smile.
"Oh uh I got you some water, since you never really got to drink the one you got," He said with a small chuckle.
I took the glass from his hands, "Thank you."
I took a gulp and tried to clear my mind.
"Where is Hailey anyways?"
"Still in the living room."
"Are you sure she's gonna be okay with you being in here?"
"Either way she's gonna have to be."
I smiled and drank the rest of my water.
"I don't even know what I ever did to her."
"I just don't think she's over Stephen. I should have realized that a while ago. I guess as long as I know now."
All of a sudden I got this sharp pain in my head. I let out a groan and held my head.
"Are you okay?" Jax asked me.
"All of a sudden my head just starting aching," me eyes started to grow severely heavy, "I don't know what's wrong with me."
"Just lay down. That will help."
I moved deeper into the bed and rested my head on the pillow.
I look around the room and my vision started to become blurry.
I was able to make out the figure crawling on top of me. Jax. He started to take my shirt off.
"What-what are you doing?" I asked trying to keep my eyes open.
"Relax. Just let me take it from here babygirl."
He took the both of our bottoms down and he started thrusting in and out of me.
I tried for as long as I could to keep my eyes open, beg for him to stop. I tired, I really did.
Then I lost hope. Realizing that I was helpless, and weak right now and that there was nothing I could do.
I was about to give up when I heard arguing coming closer and closer to my door. Stephen.
"Stephen," I yelled as loud as I could, but it probably didn't even come out that loud.
I continued to yell. And that's when my door swung open and there stood Stephen.
"Steph help me," I said in a cry.
Then everything became blurry again.




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Another update coming soon.

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