Chapter 52

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Ayesha's POV-

I still wasn't over Steph and I's fight. Blaires been asking me what's wrong, and I just keep saying everything is fine. Faking it until I make it.
Speaking of Steph's flight lands here today, and I don't know how I'm feeling about it. I obviously want to see him, but things will be different.
Blaire was on a little get away with Klay, to god knows where. So I was stuck in this house with nothing to do, with anyone to do it with.
I decided to clean up the house for some reasons. I knew the plan was for Steph to stay here with me while Blaire was away. Obviously that might've changed from recent events. But if he does come I want him to think that I have my life in order, not that I'm a wreck without him, but truth is, I am.
I clean everything. And when I say everything, I mean everything. From floor to roof, from room to room, from everything to everything. I even thought I clean to much to the point where I messed some things up so Steph wouldn't think I was trying so hard for him.
I looked at the time that read 3:49 pm, so his plane was landing anytime now.
I felt I should somewhat get ready for Steph's arrival, since I haven't seen him in a month an all.
I took a shower, then got dressed in some casual summer clothes. I did my makeup the way I do it everyday, then debated on how I should my hair. I though about giving it some loose curls then I thought that it might be a bit too much.
Is it bad that I was worried if Steph thought I was trying to much for him?
I was literally second guessing my every move.
I just put half my hair up, and half of it down.
By the time I was done getting ready it was nearing 5. Still not a word from Steph though. I get it, he's probably catching up with his family, he hasn't seen them longer than he's seen me.
Hours started to pass by, and still no Steph. I gotta admit the longer time passed by, the more my heart hurt.
Yeah, I told him not to come, but obviously that was all in the spur of the moment. Of course I want to see Stephen, despite the way that things have been lately.
It's hurts even more that I didn't get one text, or even a call. Tears started to swell in my eyes, but I made sure not to let them fall. I had hope that he would knock on that door any second now.
It was 11:30 and I was still on that couch, waiting. It was then and there I decided to let the tears fall.
I gave up on him coming and got off of the couch after hours of waiting.
I ran myself a hot bath, this time with no music, just me laying there in a dimly lit bathroom.
The last time I had a bath, I was dirty talking to Steph and everything was alright. Now it feels as if things are completely different.
My eyes widened once I realized that just a few seconds ago I heard my door open. I was just in some sort of trance. I hurried and put my silk robe over my body, checking myself in the mirror. I took a deep breath, then opened the bathroom door, and there the man of the hour stood, just about to open the door I did from the other side. I looked at him. Seeing his hazel eyes made my heart ache. Before I could break down in front of him I closed the door and locked it. I slid down the door frame and started to cry, trying to keep it as quite as possible.
Seeing him made me remember all the reasons I'm in love with him, and I just couldn't contain myself.
"Ish can you please let me in?" Steph asked. Man, I missed hearing that voice.
I guess me not answering answered it for him. It's not that I didn't want to let him in, it's just I felt so weak.
After a while I thought he would've been gone, but him speaking up, breaking the silence, proved otherwise.
"I'm hear for as long as you need me to be," He said on the other side of the door. I heard him sit, leaning against the door. The only thing separating us was this piece of wood.
"I'm scared," I whispered, speaking for the first time.
"So am I. And I just want to let you know that I'm sorry. These past few weeks I've been out of line and I haven't realized it till after our last fight. I hate being away from you. And I've realized just how much I need you because you are my woman. I've said some dumb stuff lately and I regret with everything I have. I love you, and I promise not to make any more mistakes. Just come out, I've been dying this past month to hold you."
I sighed and wiped away my final tears looking in the mirror. I took one last deep breath before opening the door. Steph was standing there, patiently waiting for me. As soon as I saw him I brung him into one the tightest hugs ever.  I started to cry. I was so god damn emotional. He rubbed my back, holding me just as tight.
After a minute he pulled away and cupped my cheeks. "God I've missed you so much," he said before kissing me with much passion. Our first kiss in what seemed like forever.
"Let's get to bed. I'm exhausted and I'm sure you are too," he nodded and we both quickly did our night routine.
Soon enough we were both cuddled up in bed. I've missed this feeling so bad and it felt good to have it. Even if it was temporary.
"I love you so much," I said pecking him on the lips once more in the pitch black room.
"I love you even more," Steph replied.
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2 more chapters to go!
(Most likely be a sequel to this book)

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