Chapter 30

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2 weeks later
Ayesha's POV-
I was in my bathroom getting ready to hang out with Stephen when Blaire walked in.
"I don't fucking understand boys!" Blaire yelled catching me off guard. She then started to tear up, "I hate him Ayesha. I hate him!"
"Wow, calm down. Are you talking about Klay?" I asked.
"Well no shit. He broke up with me and it was for a invalid reason too!"
"Why did he break up with you then?"
"He said our relationship wasn't going anywhere and that we were just not meant for each other. Couldn't he tell me that 6 months ago when we started dating?" She said. I could tell that she was fuming. More mad than sad.
"I'm so sorry Blaire," I said getting up to comfort her.
"Don't be. I'm not even mad. In fact it feels good to be single. I'm got hit on guys."
The sound of someone knocking on the door interrupted us. Blaire beat me to the door and opened.
"Hey Stephen," she said grabbing her jacket and keys.
"Blaire, hey. What's up? Everything okay?" Stephen asked her once he got a better look at her.
"Don't act like you don't know. Klay's your bitch. Bye Ayesha!"
And with that she got in her car and sped away.
"What was that about?" Stephen asked pulling me into a hug.
"You really don't know?" I asked, he shook his head. "Klay broke up with her."
"Wait for real? He ain't say nothing to me."
"Yeah, it's weird. She's acting up though. She's not sad, more of like I'm gonna go fuck some other guy and hopefully I'll get over it."
"Hm, strange. Maybe they're just both in denial. But let's not let that ruin our day."
"I think the fact that we're going to your meetings all day already did." He looked at me with a saddened expression. "Just kidding baby, I'm happy to go with you and plan out your future."
"That's the spirit I was looking for." He leaned down and gave me a kiss.
We were at one of Stephens meetings and I'm sure you could guess what it was for. Planning out his training, and what he needed to do for the NBA Draft, and blah blah blah.
I was about to doze off to sleep but once I heard what the man was saying he had my full attention.
"You're one of the top prospects in the NBA right now, and there is no doubt. And being that your one of the top prospects you should expect to be drafted somewhere pretty far from here. You're training will start in a couple of weeks and, as you know, the draft is in late June. After the draft you will go to the organization that picked you and start your NBA career."
So practicality Stephen will be gone at the end of June. Far away at that. And today is mid April. So that gives me and Steph only 2 months together.
"I'm gonna go get some air," I whispered into Steph's ear. He nodded his head and kept his focus on the man in front of him.
I exited the building and took a deep breath of air once it hit me. I walked to a nearby convenience store and got a cold water. I walked outside and sat on a bench that was close to the building Steph was in.
I took a sip of my water and scrolled through my phone. Then someone sat next to me.
"Hey Ayesha," the low voice said.
I looked up and my eyes met with Sydel's boyfriend.
"Oh, hey Brayden," I said giving a friendly smile.
"What's a pretty girl like you doing out here all alone?" He asked. What the hell? One he knows I have a boyfriend, and two he has a girlfriend. Maybe I'm just overthinking.
"Just thinking. Waiting for Stephen too," I said.
"Thinking about what?"
"Honestly me and Steph. I'm just nervous that once he gets drafted we will drift apart," I explained.
"If he's smart that won't happen. He would have to be stupid to give up a beautiful girl like you."
Okay now I'm starting to get uncomfortable.
"Where's Sydel?"
"I don't know. Probably volleyball or some shit."
This man is so unloyal. Volleyball season is in the fall, not spring.
He put his hand on the bench and scooted a bit closer to me.
"Brayden what are you doing? We are both dating people," I said getting up from the bench.
"Don't act like you don't like like it ma," He said.
"The hell! I swear-."
"Ayesha who are you talking too?" Stephen said walking towards me.
"Him," I said rolling me eyes. Steph did the same thing once he saw him. This man was really unwanted.
"I was just telling him bye though. Let's go babe," I said taking Stephens hand and walking away.
"Stephen stopppp," I whined while also giggling. I still need to tell him about that little incident that happened earlier with Sydel's boyfriend. He was just so happy and I didn't want to ruin the mood by telling him.
"Okay, fine. Then let's do this," he said puckering his lips and leaning in to me.
"Nope," I said while dodging his kiss. I had way too much fun doing this.
He took my hands and pinned them against the bed.
"I'm having dejá vu. But this time I'm getting my way," he whispered into my ear with a raspy voice. And to be honest it was completely turning me on.
"And if you don't?" I whispered.
"Trust me babygirl. I will, don't even test me," he whispered into my ear, then started to nibble at it.
And it was at that moment that I gave in.
And let me say that was the first time Steph and I have done it since the accident that occurred a couple weeks ago. He was a real keeper for not letting his hormones get the best of him, until now of course.
Thanks for reading!!
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