Chapter 49

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Ayesha's POV-
"Hey do you wanna go out with me and Klay?" Blaire asked, coming into my room, all smiles.
"And what third wheel?" I said getting up so my back was resting against the bed.
"Come on, A. You wouldn't be third wheeling. We'd all just be having a good time," Blaire said trying to convince me.
"How about we make it a double date? Oh wait it's because me date is halfway around the world," I said sarcastically.
"What's Stephen up to anyways?" She said laughing at my earlier comments.
"He's at practice or training or whatever you call it. It kind of sucks because the time difference. We're three hours apart."
"Stop your whining and get your ass up and do something with your life!"
"Damn harsh. And nah ima just chill," I said which irked her nerves.
"Then how about we have a girls day? We haven't had that in a while," Blaire suggested causing me to smile.
"Yes, Really. Now get up and get ready," Blaire said yanking the covers off my bed.
I got up and went into my bathroom. I got music blasting through my speakers. I took a hot shower while jamming to some throwbacks.
I dried my body off, then wrapped a towel around my body. I went over to my phone, then my heart started to beat rapidly seeing I got a text from Steph. This happened on a basis now, guys.
Steph💜: what's my beautiful baby up too?
Me: I'm just getting ready to go out with Blaire, what about you, how was practice?
Steph💜: tiring.. boutta take a nap
"Ayesha you better be ready in 20!" Blaire yelled.
Me: I have to go get ready, Blaires in a rush. But call me later. I love youu.
Steph: for sure. Love you too babe.
I picked a cute, casual outfit and topped it with some light makeup and did my hair up in a messy bun.
Blaire and I have been shopping for ever now, and let's just say you can't even get into the back of my car unless you want bags full of clothes falling on you.
"I think we should call it a day," I said starting the car.
"I do too. But before we head back to our place we need to get something to eat."
"Yes, lets do it," I said before turning up the jams to my car.
We decided on eating at this little burger joint.
"Oh my gosh this is so good," Blaire said with her mouth full of food.
"Girl eat your food. That's nasty," I said cringing. She rolled her eyes and swallowed her food. She was about to say something to me when the bell that was attached to the front door rung, indicating there was a costumer. Blaires mouth dropped and I followed her eyes to see a man, about our age walking in.
"Oh. My. Gosh. He he is hella hot," Blaire said watching the man Awe.
"Blaire Stop drooling," I teased making myself giggle.
"You can't look me in the eye and say he's not hella hot."
I looked at her dead in the eyes. "He's not hella hot."
"Bullshit!" Blaire said nudging my arm.
"What? I only have eyes for one man, and one man only."
"Whatever, you ready to bounce?"
I laughed at the term 'bounce', "Yeah let's bounce," I said mimicking her.
We got back to our place and I was super tired. This day has me so exhausted. It felt like heaven taking off my shoes.
I decided to run myself a bath, so I could relax and ease up.
I filled the tub to where it was almost full, with the perfect temperature water. I put just the perfect amount of bubbles in then connected my phone to the speakers to play some music. The volume was light because I was trying to relax.
I stripped down and got in the water, immediately feeling at ease. I threw my hair up into a bun, that way it wouldn't get wet and I wouldn't have to deal with it.
I closed me eyes while running my hands through the bubbles and water. About 5 minutes later my phone rung, and I mentally groaned. I picked up my phone and when I saw who was calling I wasn't irritated anymore, I was happy.
"Hey," I said running my free hand through the water.
"Hey beautiful," he said causing me to blush, but it was okay since he couldn't see it.
"What are you up too?" I asked closing my eyes once again.
"In bed, thinking about you," He said. He probably didn't mean for that to turn me on, but it kind of was. No one would get turned on by someone saying that, but lately any, everything was turning me on.
I giggled lightly, "I'm thinking about you too."
"It feels so good to hear your voice, hear your giggle."
"I would say the same. But you did kind of interrupt my peaceful time in the bath," I teased.
"Oh, so you're in the bath? And you didn't think to send me any pictures?"
"Mhm," I mumbled.
"That's nice," he said, I could hear the thirst in his voice.
"I wish you were here in it with me though. So you could please me, so we could please each other," I whispered through the phone.
"Don't start playing with me right now."
"You know Blaire and I went shopping today," I said.
"Is that so?"
"And I got some things. I can't wait to try them on for you. So you could see me in them, in bed."
"I know what your doing. And it's sucks cause it's working," he said causing me to smirk.
"You know I was thinking. When we see each other I wanted to try some new things. You know, experiment?"
"Ayesha," Steph rasped.
"I should probably get out and dry off so I could get to bed," I whispered smirking.
"You really just gonna turn me on like that then hang up?" He asked.
"There's not much I can do about it, now is there babe? Love you, sweet dreams," and before he could answer I hung up the phone.
I got on some underwear and slipped on one of Steph's t-shirts that had his smell on it. I got into bed and got comfy.
Steph💜: still waiting for one of those pictures
I decided I should give him what he wanted. And I made sure I would give him one that would definitely leave him turned on and frustrated. It was all fun and games though.
Thanks for reading!!
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About 5 chapters left!
(most likely be a sequel to this book)

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