Chapter 9

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Ayesha's POV:
We were walking to the front door of Steph's parents house, his childhood home, and woah it was huge. A freaking mansion.
"Holy shit Stephen, this house is nice," I said taking in my surroundings. There was quite a bit of people here.
"Who's all here anyways?" I asked.
"Just my whole family and close friends, I have a lot of cousins and shit."
Steph and I shared a glance. It's like he read exactly what my naming was thinking right now.
"Ayesha stop worrying. They will all love you. Trust me. So stop stressing and just be you."
I was beyond nervous. I was about ready to have an anxiety attack! I might be over exaggerating there.
We made it to the door way and Stephen just walked on right in.
"Stephen you forget to knock," I reminded him.
He chuckled lightly.
"It's my house. Remember?"
Oh my gosh, I'm stupid. Duh.
I went inside the huge home and took his hand in mine.
Then a middle aged woman ran to Stephen and hugged him.
"Stephen, boy, it's so good to see you! It seems like it's been forever!" The woman said.
"It's nice to see you too, ma." Stephen spoke.
Oh shit it's his mother.
They pulled out of there hug and she was looking at me.
"You must be they girl who's keeping my son in order. Ayesha, right? It's so nice to finally meet you!"
Before I could say anything she pulled me into a hug.
"It's nice to meet you too! I've heard all good things. Especially about your cooking!"
"I can throw it down in the kitchen. You should come over one day and we can spend the whole day baking and cooking!"
"I would love too!"
Another girl walked to where we were at, focusing on Stephens mother.
"Hey mom they were wondering if- " she looked up from her daze and saw Stephen.
"Brother!" She yelled, then she looked at me.
Hey eyes widened, and she ran and pulled me into a hug.
"You're Stephens girl. Finally another girl who seems normal. Ive been waiting to meet you ever since Mama Sonya told me he had a girl. I was shocked though. Thought my brother couldn't get a girl to save his life."
They exchanged glares and each other, which made me chuckle lightly, but I made sure to hide it.
Sydel grabbed my hand.
"You're coming with me in the kitchen. I could use the company, plus it shall be fun!"
I looked over at Steph, he shook his head reassuring me and tell me to go.
I followed Sydel into the kitchen.
"So how'd you meet my brother anyways?" she asked mixing in some ingredients together.
"He bumped into me one day at campus, and from there we kinda just started hanging out," I explained.
"Aweee y'all in love!" She claimed doing something with the food.
"Not yet, I mean we just met nearly a month ago, and started dating 2 weeks ago."
"Oh thats right. I totally forgot," she put whatever she was making onto the stove.
"I'm surprised your keeping up with my brother, I mean the things he's done and you're still with him? Damn. You deserve an award."
What she said kind of threw me off, but I didn't think much of it.
"So do you have a lucky boy in your life?" I asked out of curiosity.
"I'm talking to someone, but we ain't really a thing, but we are. You picking up what I'm putting down?"
"Yeah I get you."
We both chuckled.
"Do you need some help making whatever your making?"
I walked over to where she was.
"Nah, it's almost done anyways," she said, "you can go find Steph if you want. I won't judge you." She joked.
"I'll stay with you for a while longer. You see if I go to find him, I will bump into your friends and family without him and that will be a bit awkward. And I don't really feel awkward around you."
"I actually like you. Usually Stephen brings back these hoes, but you ain't no hoe."
"I hope not!"
We both laughed once again. Right when I was about to ask a question about Stephen, he walked in on cue, so I couldn't anymore.
I smiled as our eyes met.
"Hey," I said as he put an arm around my waist.
"Hey Baby, what's up?"
"Oh you know, just finding out all the juice on your mysterious life." I joked.
"Cause I have such a mysterious life," he said playfully.
He got an incoming call.
"I have to take this, I will be right back," he kissed my temple and walked away.
"He's such a dork!" I told Sydel.
"Get out while you have the chance!" She said kidding around.
"I'll keep him for a bit longer, see how things turn out," I said smiling.
I walked over to where a lot of pictures where held on the wall.
Stephen was so cute when he was younger.
Suddenly a pair of arms wrapped around my waist.
"Like what you see?" I could recognize that voice from anywhere.
"Yeah, you were so cute!"
I turned around and kissed him on the lips.
"Dinners ready!" we could her Sydel yell.
"Welp, I guess it's time to meet the rest," I said taking his hand.

The night came to an end and we were parked outside my house.
"That wasn't too bad now, was it?"
"Nope not at all. I was over thinking it."
"They really liked you, they kept asking me about you, and saying how I can't mess things up with you."
"They're right Stephen cause if you do, man you're really missing out," I joked.
"Trust me. I promise I won't mess things up with you, your a keeper."
I looked over at the house and saw one of the lights on inside.
"I better get going, I think Blaire might actually be in there."
"You mean she gon be out of Klay and I's way? Finally!"
We laughed as I leaned over to kiss him on the lips.
"Goodnight Baby," He said to me.
"Goodnight, be careful iight?"
He shook his head and we pecked on the lips once more.
I walked into my home and stopped at the living room.
"What are you doing here?" I gulped as I took a step back.
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