Chapter 54

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This is the last chapter of the book! Comment if you want a sequel... thanks for reading along. Hope you enjoy..
Ayesha's POV-

Stephen and I were laying in bed, not talking, not doing anything, just relaxing until things become hectic again. And by that I mean before he has to leave for California, again..

"I'm gonna go take a shower," I said squirming out of his strong grip, realizing it was actually getting pretty late.

"No, stay here with me," Steph pouted, refusing to let me out of the grip he had on me.

Realizing I wouldn't win the fight, I had another proposition to give.

"Then how about you just come take a shower with me," I suggested, causing Stephen to smirk.

"I like the sound of that," he smiled, then picked me up and ran to the bathroom while I was squealing.

I turned on the hot water, then we both stripped down, and got into the steaming shower.

Obviously what should've been a 15 minute shower, turned into a 45 minute shower because we were busy doing other things than actually showering. But once we finally did get out, we got ready to start the day.

While I was doing my makeup in the mirror, Steph was DJing the speakers throughout the bathroom.

He turned on 'The Champ' by Nelly then started to jam to it causing me to giggle so much I felt like I was getting abs.

He got my hairbrush and used it as a microphone as he did dances throughout my bathroom.

I was lucky enough to get a few videos of him without him realizing, or else, man if he did, that would be the death of me.

We were both finished getting ready, but we weren't sure what exactly we got ready for.

"So what do you want to do now that we're ready?" I asked Steph.

"Um I don't know. You decide," he said shrugging his shoulders, putting all spotlights on me.

"Well it is already pretty late, so I'm not sure," I said trying to think of things we could do.

"Let me take you out to dinner," Steph suggested and I smiled and immediately nodded my head yes.

I always get butterflies when we go on dates. I don't know why I still do, this far into the relationship, but I hope that our type of love never dies and it will always feel like that.

"I would love that," I said trying to keep my smile at a minimum, so I didn't seem like a weirdo.

"Okay. Then after we can go to our signature diner and get some milkshakes. How about that?"

"Best. Date. Ever." I said causing Steph to chuckle. It really would be the best date ever.
Just as we were about to leave Steph got a phone call, he looked at his phone, then back up at me.

"Sorry I have to take this. It's business. I'll be real quick, okay?" He said kissing my cheek.
I nodded my head and smiled, "it's okay."

I walked back to my room so I could charge my phone while I patiently waited.

After about 15 minutes Steph was still on the phone. It didn't make me mad, it just made me sad.

It started to make me think about Steph and I's future. And this time I was thinking about it realistically, not the way I hoped and dreamed of Stephen and I's relationship to be.

And the more I thought about if the more sad and disappointed I became.

Tears started to flow down my cheeks, as I came to realization that me and Stephen are trying to make something work that can't.

I walked over to my big mirror that had all the pictures Steph and I took with the Polaroid camera hung up on.

It was our first day in California. We were so happy that day, and it's crazy to think things are starting to become the way they are now. I walked back to my bed and sat down.

The tears continued to flow down my cheeks, and all I could do is try my best to think that there is a chance Steph and I could last, but I couldn't.

"Hey babe. I'm sorry that took so long," he said, "babe are you crying? What's the matter?" He asked once he got a better look at my face.

"I don't know if we can do this anymore," I mumbled as the tears continued to free fall.

"I couldn't hear you. What did you say?" He asked coming closer to me.

"I don't know if we can do this anymore," I said a bit louder so he could hear. And once he did he stopped dead in his tracks.

"What do you mean?"

"This. Us. Our relationship," I said through my tears.

"What do you mean Ayesha, could you please elaborate," Steph said. I heard the worry in his voice.

"Look at us. Things have been so different lately. We haven't been the people we use to, and that's okay. It's nothing you did, or I did, it all just came naturally."

"So what are you saying?" Steph said. I could've sworn I heard his voice crack.

"I'm not saying anything. I'm just saying I don't know how we're gonna make this work," I started to cry even more, afraid to where this was headed.

"So you're just giving up on us that easy?"

"I'm not giving up on us. Just please-."

"Well it sure sounds like you're giving up on us. What happened to the old Ayesha? The one I use to know? The one who take risks no matter what people would say?" Steph said, his voice rising.

"Things change. People change, Stephen," I said through sobs.

"So you're breaking up with me?" I could tell he was starting to become angry.

"I didn't say that Stephen. I said that I'm not sure how we're going to make this work."

"Well let me make it easy for you. If your so unsure of how we're going to make this work, then how about we just break up?!" He yelled.

"Fine," I cried.


Maybe hearts were made to be broken...
Sheesh, that was rough on me guys..
You've reached the end of my book!
Remember to comment if you would like to see a sequel to this book!
Thanks for reading along!
Xo to all my readers.
Till next time ✌🏼
And don't forget to comment for that sequel!!

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