Chapter 31

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Ayesha's POV-
"Ayesha wake up," Stephen said, "Ayeshaaa. Damn you can really sleep hard."
I started to wake up from my deep sleep. I looked around the room and took the hair out of my face and mouth. I groaned looking at the time and shoved my head into my pillow.
"Damn I gave it to you that good last night?" Stephen just had to comment putting his arm around me.
"You were dying to say that, huh?" I teased.
"I was planning on it the whole time," Stephen said winking at me. I giggled into his chest and took in his yummy scent.
"I've been meaning to talk to you about something," I said remembering past events from last night.
"What is it, Ish?" Stephen asked slightly getting up so he could get a better look at me. Then starting chuckling for whatever reason.
"Yesterday while you were in your meeting, as you know, I ran into Sydel's boyfriend. Well he was totally coming on to me and was trying to touch me and stuff," I trailed off.
"He what?" He said slightly raising his voice.
"You're okay though, right. There's nothing to worry about?"
"Oh no, baby don't worry about me. I just feel bad for Sydel. She really liked him."
"Doesn't really surprise me though. He was a total jerk."
"I feel so bad," I sighed.
"Don't worry we can tell her to together."
"I love you."
"I love you too."
Stephen puckered up his lips which I happily kissed.
"You're so adorable," I giggled.
That caused Stephen to cheese 10x bigger and let out a laugh.
"Now let's go make breakfast you dork."
"I thought you were never gonna say anything. Thank god you did I was getting hungry!"
"Come on big head," I said pulling him off of the bed. We walked into the kitchen to get breakfast underway. "You get the eggs, I'll get the pancake mix." He nodded his head an I went to get the mix when I felt a slap on my ass. I turned around and glared at Steph.
"What? It was too tempting with them booty shorts on and stuff."
After of about an hour of cooking, and jamming out to all sorts of music over the speaker we were finally finished making the most important meal of the day.
We were sitting down at the table eating the delicious food we made.
"You know you should become a chef when you begin your main career," Stephen said with a mouth full of food.
"Please," I said laughing, "I would give people food poisoning."
Stephen laughed, "nah, in all seriousness though. You made all of this from scratch and it tastes amazing."
I kissed him on the cheek, "thank you honey."
We were about to kiss on the lips when Blaire walked in.
"I swear Marley every time we go on a walk you always have to piss in someone's yard, and they always find out too!" Blaire yelled looking at our dog then looked up. "Oh hey guys. Don't mind me."
"Hey Blaire," Stephen laughed at Blaire's attempt taking Marleys leash off.
"What are you doing?" I laughed taking another bite of my food.
"Well I thought I would take a walk, get my mind off things and Marley gotta be the dog that he is! Now shoo of Marley," she said once she finally unattached the leash. Then she went to her room.
I looked at Steph with wide eyes, "wow."
We looked at each other for a moment then both bursted our laughing.
"I should probably get going," Stephen said pulling the loose strands of hair behind my ears.
"Do you have too?" I whined.
"We can hang out later, Ish. I just need to freshen up," Stephen said letting out a slight chuckle.
"You laugh over the strangest things," I said smiling.
"You're gonna kill me," he said laughing even more.
"What are you talking about?" I said not able to take the smile off of my face.
"Nothing, Ish. Walk me out?" He asked, leaving me clueless.
"Of course," I said furrowing my brows but yet I was still smiling.
We walked to his car hand in hand. When we got to his car I pulled him into a tight hug.
"Ima miss you Steph," I whined kissing his shoulder.
"I'll miss you too babes."
I got up on my tip toes and got a good look at him, "I love you, Okay?"
"I love you too Esha. I'll text you later alright," he said he look towards my lips and laughed.
"I don't get you Curry," I said cracking a laugh myself.
"It's nothing, but give me a kiss," he said through a smile. I kissed him passionately on the lips.
I walked back to my place earning a weird look from some kid.
I went into my kitchen and got me same coffee. When I went to get the creamer from the fridge I caught my reflection. I got in the fridge, got the creamer, and started to walk back to my hot coffee. Then I stopped dead in my tracks realizing what I just saw. I turned around again to see my reflection in the mirror. Oh and boy, there I was with a mustache drawn on my face. This whole time, how embarrassing!
Ayesha- you got jokes huh? Ima get you back 😉
Stephen- yikes I'm soooo scared
Ayesha- this whole time...
Stephen- but aye, I mustache you a question
Ayesha- your probs dying of laughter right now.
Stephen- date later tonight? And yeah I'm real proud
Ayesha- sure and your lucky I'm coming with you
Stephen- you know you love me❤️
Oh my gosh.
So much happened recently in my life.
1.) I went to my first Warriors game
Thanks for reading!!
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