Chapter 48

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Ayesha's POV-
This was my last morning hear in California. Tonight I had a flight back to North Carolina, then reality hits me. As for Steph, he gets hit even harder.
We were cuddling in bed just enjoying the limited time we had together. This whole morning I have been a hot mess. Crying nonstop.
"Ish please stop crying. I hate seeing you cry," Steph pleaded trying to calm me down.
"I'm not crying," I said trying to hide and wipe away my tears. He gently took my hand and turned it so we were looking eye to eye.
"Yes you are Ish," he said pulling me into a hug. Then I just lost it, I softly cried into his shirt.
"It's just that I'm gonna miss you so much," I cried holding Steph tighter and tighter by the minute.
"I'm gonna miss you too. But you'll visit me a lot, I'll visit you a lot, until we can be together permanently. So don't worry. You know you could just forget about college and everything else and come live happily ever after with me," Steph teased.
"I guess so. It's obviously not the same though. And you know I would if I could," I said through my cries, which were starting to get weaker and weaker. "I love you."
"I love you more. And to lighten the mood I have something for you. You'll like it, or at least I hope," Steph said getting up and going to his closet.
"What do you have up your sleeve Curry?" I questioned wiping away from my final tears. It took a minute before he came back. It looked like he was holding some sort of box. He handed it to me. "What is this?"
Steph chuckled, "Well if you would open it, you would know," he said as if the answer was obvious.
I playfully rolled me eyes and opened the somewhat small box. My eyes widened once I saw the necklace that I was looking at the other day when we went shopping down Pier 39. My eyes started to tear as I took the necklace out, getting a better look, admiring it. Then I remembered the price tag.
"Steph this was way too much money," I complained and Steph simply shrugged.
"Don't worry about it. Do you like it?" He asked, avoiding my comment.
"Do I like it? I freaking love it."
"I was hoping so."
"How'd you know?"
"I pay attention to you Ish. You really think I'm gonna let you walk behind me without checking on you here and there? Of course I am. And I knew you were definitely eyeing something in that store, so I got you it," he explained. This just caused me to cry even more.
"Awe come on Ish. This was supposed to make you not cry, not cry even more," Steph said pulling me into a hug.
"I don't know how I'm gonna deal with myself Steph. I won't have you whenever I want you."
"This year will go by fast. I promise. Then before you know it, you can come live here in California with me. Then everything will be okay."
"Promise to call me everyday, okay?"
"I promise you."
Ayesha looked up at him as her final tears ran down her cheek. He looked so handsome. Even though nobody is perfect, he is. Everything feature about him made him just so irresistible.
She leaned up and kissed Steph on the lips. After a while Steph started to pull away but I bought him right back in for another kiss. I could feel his smirk in our kiss.
He trailed kisses along my jawline, going to my neck, making me moan of pleasure.
Things obviously escalated from there, and it made me sad thinking this would be the last time for a while that her and Steph would have this intimacy.
I was tracing my finger around Stephens chest as we both laid in bed, both fully nude.
"What time is it?" I softly asked, knowing this moment would have to end soon. He looked at his phone.
"It's 3," he said. We groaned at the same time.
"I need to get ready for my flight," I said getting out of bed and getting dressed. He got up and did the same.
"I'll help you." And we packed up all my things. I got ready while Steph was putting my final things in the suitcase.
About an hour later we were all packed and it was time to go.
"Come on Ish, if we don't leave now your gonna miss your flight!" Stephen yelled from downstairs, "not that that would be a bad thing now that I think about it," he added. I chuckled to myself turning off the light switch to all of the upstairs.
I took one last glance, and sighed, before making my way down to Stephen.
"You ready?" He asked me.
"No," I admitted and he chuckled.
He put his arm around me as we walked out. "Everything will be okay."
We got to the airport and the announcer called the 2nd warning for my flight. Meaning it's now or never. I turned around so I could look at Steph. Tears starting to form in my eyes.
"I guess I have to go now," I said, letting the tears flow down my cheeks. He pulled me into a hug.
"Ish if you keep crying your gonna make me cry," he said rubbing my back. He looked at me and gently wiped away my tears. "I love you so much. And I know we're gonna be okay because I know that we can fright through everything, okay? I will call, text, and FaceTime you everyday. And I will definitely call you when I'm making dinner so I don't burn the house down," he said causing me to giggle. The announcer called the last warning.
"I love you Steph, always remember that," I said hugging him once more. We pulled away and kissed each other will much love and passion. That last one we would have for a while.
"I love you too babe. See you soon," he said and kissed me on the cheek. I got my stuff and walked away. I was about to give my ticket to the flight attendant but then I looked back at Steph.
I ran over and hugged him so tight. Tears coming down once again. Come on Ish!
"I love you," I said.
"I love you more," he kissed me once more and I made my way back. I gave her my ticket and before I walked down the tunnel, I turned around for the last time.
I gave Steph a smile and a wave goodbye, and he did the same back to me.
Then I made my way too the plane.
For some reason it felt like this would soon be the end of something.
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There will be a sequel to this book.

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