Chapter 35

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Ayesha's POV-
We just got back from the beach and were heading to our separate rooms to shower up and get ready for dinner.
I stripped down then looked in the mirror to see my new raging tan. I didn't notice how long I was actually soaking up the sun, but it must've been s long time cause damn my tan was fire!
I stepped into the shower and let the water run down my body. There was a slight ting, but nothing to much. Guess I was the one who should've made sure I put enough sunscreen on. I washed my hair and body, then put on a robe.
I brushed my hair then went to find my outfit for the night. I looked at my lingerie then debated for a while. I've been turned on by Stephen this whole day, and it wouldn't be a surprise to me if we didn't get down and dirty tonight.
I finally decided on putting the lace lingerie on, along with a dress.
I put on some makeup then did half my hair up, half my hair down. I got my stuff then walked just across the hall to Stephens room. He gave me one of his room keys at the start of this trip, and since he wasn't answering the door I used it.
When I got in the room I heard the water running meaning that Steph was in the shower.
This time he was the late one.
I laid down on his bed and just scrolled through Insta to waist time.
Eventually I heard the bathroom door open so put my phone down.
Steph came over to the bed and slightly jumped.
"Jeez Ayesha you scared me!"
"I'm sorry, you were just taking too long," I said as my eyes roamed his body. I was getting even more turned on right now. Towel low on his waist to where you could see his V. Droplets  of water running down his body. Hottt.
"Like what you see princess?" He asked with a smirk.
I gulped. "You should get ready because I'm getting really horny and we need to get out of here."
He came closer to me and kissed me. I got up and walked towards the door.
"Come get me when you're ready. I can't contain myself right now."
He smirked and just nodded.

After a while I heard a knock on my door and I walked over and opened it.
I was confused because Stephen had shorts on, but nothing else.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"I'm about to be doing you," He said in a raspy voice, then he came in and shut the door and pinned me against it.
"But we were supposed-," I tried to say.
"Yeah, there's been a slight change in plans."
And before I could say anything Stephen slammed his lips against mine. If I wasn't turned on then, I was completely turned on now. I put my arms around his neck and ran my hands through his hair as I kissed him with much passion and force. He started to trail my jawline and neck with kisses, leaving marks along the way.
"Wardell," I moaned and let my hands roam his body. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his torso. He walked us over to my bed without ever breaking the kiss. Once we got to the bed he placed me down and hovered over me. He took out my hair to let it run loose.  I started to kiss all over Stephens toned, muscular chest, making his breath hitch. I took his shorts off. He ran his hands up my dress and as he got closer to my core, I could feel myself get goosebumps and get wet. He started to play with the hem of my panties. This was the perfect time to wear the lingerie I've been waiting on. Score for me. We were in our heated kiss when he slid his tongue across my lip asking for entrance, which I of course accepted.
He broke the kiss and made his way down on my body to where he was at the end of my dress.
He slowly slid it up, while, at the same time, leaving kisses up my body. He finally pulled the dress off of me, and took a moment to look all over my body.
"So you've been planning this the whole time, babygirl?" he said in that voice that I love, and found oh, so sexy.
"Something like that."
And without wasting any more time I slammed our lips back together. Once we both pulled away for air, he went down and kissed my stomach making me go crazy. He started to kiss, lick, and suck my body as he got closer to my core. He slowly pulled down my panties and took no time to pleasure me.
I felt warmth down there, and by now I was going completely crazy.
"Oh my fucking god, Wardell," I moaned out. In the morning I definitely wasn't going to be able to walk, and I was shaking so bad.
"I'm getting close Wardell," I moaned arching my back.
After what seemed like forever Stephen spoke up.
"Ride me babygirl."
And that's all I had to hear to obey his orders. I got on top of him and rode him. He was eating me out.
After a while he flipped us over and slid his friend into me. I let out a loud moan, along with Stephen.
He pumped into me so hard and fast. If I wasn't gonna be able to walk then, I definitely would not now.
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