Chapter 22

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Ayesha's POV:
"Stephen let me get ready," I whined. That just made him tighten his arms around me even more.
"Please just stay home?" He asked sticking his bottom lip out.
Usually I would have fell for that look. But nope, not today.
"Sydel and I made plans days ago, Steph."
"So you'd rather hang out with my sister then be hanging out with me?"
I chuckled, "your sister is fun to hang out with."
"But I can be even more fun."
"Is that so?"
"Stay home and let me show you," He said then started to kiss my neck.
"I have to meet her in an hour," I said then got interrupted from me moaning from him sucking my sweet spot. I pulled away.
"Later, Okay? I have to get ready."
He whined, "Whatever."
"Mhm, maybe with that attitude I won't," I said smirking.
"What I meant was okay you can fulfill that promise later. Now go get ready and have fun with my sister," he said with pleading eyes.
"You're too much," I said picking up a towel and walking into the bathroom.
"Damn That ass fine tho!" He said. I turned back around, flipped him off, then closed the door.
I washed my hair and body, then put my robe around me as I finished the shower.
When I walked out of the bathroom I saw Stephen knocked out on my bed. He was just so darn cute I had to snap a picture.
I got my clothes and walked in to a different room just in case he was pulling the same shit I was and was secretly checking me out.
I got all my clothes on, out on some light makeup.
I checked my phone. It was 11:36 and Sydel would be coming over at 12.
I walked back over to my room to the peaceful sleeping Stephen.
I kissed him on the cheek which woke him up.
"You leaving already?" He asked me.
"Anytime now, whenever she gets here."
He put his arms around me and pulled me into the bed.
"I'll take as long as I can get," he smiled.
He was obviously and most definitely tired. He put his head on my chest. I knew he was sleeping once again when I heard the light snores.
Sydel was gonna be here anytime, so I needed to be ready.
I carefully slipped away from underneath him, not waking him.
I left a note that read:
Hey sleepy head. By the time you read this I'll probably be home in a few considering you'll be knocked out for hours. Anyways, I love you to the moon and back. Oh and don't think I forgot about that promise we made ;)
-your love bug
Right in time I heard a knock on the door. I rushed over and opened it.
"Hey Sydel," I said hugging her.
"Hey Ish! Ready to get your shop on?" She laughed.
"Oh you bet," I said as we got into my car.
We jammed to Drake the whole way and made conversation. We finally pulled into the mall, which the parking lot was crazily packed.
"Holy shit, there better be some famous person in here or some!" Sydel said, I laughed.
I crossed my fingers, "Please be Zac Efron, please be Zac Econ," I teased.
Sydel smirked, "ooo, that would be nice."
We stepped foot into the mall and were immediately in the crowds.
"Where shall we go first?" I asked.
"Lets go to Nordstrom," Sydel suggested and I shook my head.
A couple of hours, shopping bags, trips to the car later we were entering our last stores. Right now we were in Victoria's Secret. The last time I was here it took me a solid 5 minutes to get Stephen to walk through the door. He felt uncomfortable, I mean I would to if I was a guy.
"Girl stop eyeing that and just get it already!" Sydel said nudging my arm.
"Whatchu talking about?" I asked.
"Oh you know what I'm taking about! That set of lace lingerie! I mean I don't want to know why you want it, even though I do. It makes me want to throw up saying this but, Steph would love it," Sydel said fake gagging at the end causing me to chuckle.
It was true I had been eyeing it. I just want to, you know, make Steph happy.
"Fine I'll get it," I chucked and rolled my eyes after.
After buying it, me and Sydel made our way out of the mall for good. We figured to get some food before we parted ways.

Stephens POV:
I woke up, then let out a big yawn. I looked around my surroundings and remembered I was at Ayesha's.
I checked my phone and it read 7:45. Damn I was knocked out for a nights sleep. But hey it was needed.
After scrolling through my phone a bit, I got up and went to the bathroom to freshen up and take a shower.
On the counter I saw a note from Ayesha. The last part made me get really horny. I set the note down and got in the shower.
When I was done I got in the clothes that I left here, the ones that were clean.
I got on Ayesha's bed and was starting to become really impatient from waiting on her.
I texted her asking when she would be back and she has yet to respond.
To pass time by I watched some TV.
I heard footsteps coming closer to the door so I turned off the TV and got up.
I was about halfway to the door when it opened. My mouth dropped as I saw what a saw.
Ayesha, half naked, in matching lace lingerie. Damn I knew we had a promise but I was not expecting this.
She walked over to me putting her hands around me neck, "baby," I said.
"Miss me?" She whispered into my ear, then started to nibble on me ear.
I swallowed the big lump in my throat, "mhm."
Things escalated from there.
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