Chapter 46

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Ayesha's POV-
The hot sun was soaking through Stephen and I's skin, as we tanned on the beach. We've been here for a little over an hour and we have just been laying down talking to each other and enjoying the peace and sun.
"Why haven't you opened your eyes for a while?" I asked laughing, adjusting the towel I was laying on.
"Because I don't won't to see boys checking you out in that swimsuit of yours," He said, continuing to keep his eyes shut.
"But you're the only one who can see me without out in on. And you're the only one that can give me pleasure that no else can even match up too," I whispered in his ears, then bubbling on it afterwards. He groaned.
"Do you really want me to get a boner in the middle of a beach?" He whined.
"Is that really why you keeping your eyes shut though?"
"No, well not really. I could have sworn I bought my glasses with me but apparently not. And the sun is way to bright to be keeping me eyes open."
Truth is I forgot my shades, so I took his when he wasn't looking. I chuckled lightly, trying for him not to hear me, but he did.
"What's so funny?" He asked flipping sides to where he was on his stomach.
"On nothing," I replied chuckling again. He finally looked at me.
"Yes there is, just tell me," he whined. This man was really that dumb? Woww.
"You for real babe?" I asked again. When I saw the confusion in his face I bursted our laughing. He was clueless.
"You must be really dumb to go to the beach and not pack glasses," I exclaimed waiting for him to catch on.
"That's the thing. I thought I did, I mean I even-," he started to explain but he cut himself off mid sentence, "Wait a minute." He looked at me.
"What is it?" I said grinning.
"You took my glasses!" He accused.
"What? I don't know what you're talking about," I snickered.
"Oh yes you do," he smirked.
"Maybe. Anyways, I think I look better in them anyways," I said adjusting the glasses.
"Ish give them back or else," he smirked coming closer to me.
"Or else what?" I asked but before he could answer I started running down the beach. Thing goodness it was practically empty.
As soon as I saw his long legs were catching up to my shorts ones I turned around so we were face to face. We were about ten feet away from each other, both just smirking.
I was trying to form a plan but before you know it Steph has me in his arms walking into the ocean. He throws me in and just starts laughing. I start splashing him, and he forms a grin on his face.
"Oh so were playing games now?" He snickered. He threw me over his shoulder once again.
"Steph! Let me go!" I giggled trying to squirm out of his grip. Once I finally did we were so close to each other I could feel his breath on my neck. After a minute he spoke.
"You know, you do look better in then anyways," He said then kissed me, grabbing my ass while he's at it. Before his could get more heated I pulled away, breathing hard.
This time both of his hands were on my ass and he squeezed it.
"Steph there's kids here," I giggled.
"How you think they got here?"
I shoved him, "oh shut up! Now let's go, im getting cold. I was enjoying my tanning but then some weirdo kept complaining about his glasses," I teased causing him to playfully roll his eyes.
After a little while longer at the beach we decided to head back because not only was it late, we were tired and sun kissed.
Once we got to his place we took showers and I didn't realize I got a slight sun burn till when I got in the water and it stung for a minute.
I got dressed in some comfortable clothes and climbed into bed where Steph is waiting.
"You know even though it's 6 I plan on cuddling with you all night until we fall asleep, watching lots of movies while we're at it," I said then yawned.
"Sounds perfect to me," He said while making himself comfortable in the bed.
We were cuddled up, warm and comfy beneath the covers. Just enjoying life and each other's presence. I felt so safe when I was with him.
"I love you Steph."
"I love you too Ish."
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There will be a sequel to this book.

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