Chapter 24

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Ayesha's POV:
"That movie was so funny," I said as I took Stephens hand while we walked out the movie theater.
"My favorite part was when the guy-," Stephen suddenly stopped talking and I followed his eye direction.
What I saw was Jax and Hailey. The perfect combo, huh? They were in deep conversation, and seemed to be friendly.
"Ugh, what are they doing?" I scoffed.
Stephen shook his head, "who cares. They're perfect for each other anyways."
We started to continue walking. I looked back one last time to see Hailey smirking at me.
"That bitch!" I said as I tried to tug away from Stephens grip.
"Just let it be. She's not worth it," he said keeping a tight grip on me.
He was right. I don't really see either of them as a threat to me or my relationship.
So let it be Ayesha, calm down.
I couldn't help but feel something was up.
We got into Stephens car and drove off to my place.
"You are coming over, right?" I asked.
"Of course I am baby."
"Blaire told me her and Klay were getting into some arguments lately."
"I heard that too. But they will work through it. We always do so I'm sure they can too."
I smiled, "lets hope."
By the time we got to my place it was pretty late. Stephen and I were cuddling while watching ESPN. Trust me, if I would have never dated Stephen then this would never be happening.
I started to doze off to sleep, but opened my eyes back up when I heard the host talking about the coming NBA Draft.
Speaking of the NBA, the draft is just a few short months away. We have many top prospects. Within the next month anyone entering the draft will be meeting with their agents. Then a couple weeks after the draft will be live. They will begin summer league and start prepping for the real deal.
"Ugh, I only get a couple more months with you?" I whined.
"Don't look at it that way," Stephen said playing with my hair.
"How else am I supposed to look at it? You will be far away. We will be far apart from each other."
"We can talk about it when the time comes, Ayesha."
"So we are just going to keep ignoring the fact that we will be having to deal with a long distance relationship?"
"I'm not ignoring it, I just don't want to deal with it right now."
"So when?"
"God Ayesha! It's like 3 months from now."
I started to become quite irritated that he wouldn't just talk about the situation with me. Especially that it was a big deal.
"Whatever," I said rolling my eyes and getting up.
I checked up on Marley to see if he was all situated and fed.
I sat down at the island of my kitchen and got on my phone. I was scrolling through Twitter when I got a text from my mom.
Madre: when are you going to come visit your mother, Ayesha? It's about time.
Me: sorry mom. I will soon.
Madre: that's what you always say.
Me: this time I promise
Madre: alright honey. Love you.
Me: love you back
Me eyes started to grow heavy. Not wanting to go to my bed where Stephen was I decided to rest my head on the island.
I woke up from someone putting there arms around me to pick me up.
I looked up and my eyes met with Stephens.
"Your dumb self fell asleep on the counter. So pissed at me you couldn't even go to bed," Stephen teased.
"How long was I sleeping?" I asked.
"Bout 20 minutes."
I let out a sigh as Stephen put me down on my bed. We both got comfortable then pulled the blankets over us. He cuddled, which I let him. I wasn't really in the mood for a fight or debate.
We were lying there for a while, then Stephen started to rub my back.
"I don't talk about because I don't want to think about it. I see my future with you. And the fact that we might have to be distant from each other makes me sad. Even though we will make it though, cause we always do. I love you, Ish, and I just want to make these next months the best."
I turned to where I was facing him, "I love you too Wardell. And I know that we will have a future together no matter the circumstances. And like you said that last time I bought this up. Let's just live in the moment."
"Alrighty, babygirl."
"Now let's get some sleep cause this girl it tired," I said pulling him closer to my body if that was even possible considering how close we already were.
"Okay. I love you."
"I love you too Stephen."
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