Chapter 12

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Ayesha's POV:
It's been a week since Blaire and Klay got into that fight. The next day they had a really long talk, I don't know much about what they talked about, I just know that they're good now. Blaire is happier then ever. Blaire and Klay are happier then ever. I was happier then ever. Stephen and I were happier then ever.
"Strike!" Stephen yelled, he snapped me out of my thoughts.
He came over to me, picked me up and spun me around, then kissed me.
If you couldn't tell we were all bowling, we would have to go back to college pretty quick, and wanted to make the most of each day.
"Blaire you're up," Klay commented.
She got up, got a ball, and went to her lane.
She did her steps, then released the ball, only for it to go straight to the gutter.
I immediately bursted out laughing from what I just witnessed. I tried to hide it from Blaire by going into Steph's neck, but it was no use since he was cracking up too along with Klay.
"You guys are so rude! I told you guys I didn't want to come here but you all insisted! Assholes!"
Klay got up and walked over to her, "I'm sorry baby!"
They pecked, which then turned into a make-out session. Me and Stephen looked away disgusted.
"I'm so tired," I said leaning my head on Steph's shoulder.
He kissed my forehead and said, "yeah you wanna head out?"
I shook my head yes.
Stephen turned over to Klay and Blaire, "hey we're gonna bail."
They looked over at us, "okay, but don't get too nasty," they joked.
We both shook our head and made our way out of the building hand in hand.

We were finally back at my place. I walked through the door and immediately got on some comfortable clothes and lied down on my bed where Stephen was waiting. I plumped down next to him, putting my head on his chest.
He starting playing with my hair.
"You're so beautiful you know that right?" he said with a soft tone.
I shrugged my shoulders. Honestly I didn't see me as beautiful. Especially after what happened with Hailey. I was self-conscious before that, but now I seriously second guess myself everyday. Stephen must have noticed something was up. He pulled me up so I was closer to him.
"No I'm being serious, Ish. I'm so lucky to have you."
He put his arm around me pulling me closer then we already were.
"You don't have to tell me that. I know I'm not beautiful, many people have told me that, and it's true," I could feel tears start to build in my eyes. Why did I have to be so damn emotional?
"But you are beautiful! Don't listen to those people Ish, they're just jealous."
"No I'm not Stephen! So please just stop saying it," I let a couple tears flow down.
He put a hand under my chin, and lifted it up gently. He wiped away my few tears.
"I don't want to ever hear you say that again."
I put my head back down, but he lifted it up again.
We stared into each other's eyes. My eyes made  their way down to his lips, they were so plump and perfect.
Before I knew it our lips connected. At first it was light and gentle. Then it was passionate, hard, long, and it seemed as if we were hungry for each other.
He lied us both down, and turned us so he was on top of me. His lips made there way down to my neck, and began to suck lightly, which made me moan.
This time we weren't going to get interrupted.
I took his shirt off, and let my hands roam all over his back and chest, while my lips were kissing him everywhere.
He put his hands up my shirt and felt every part of my bare back. He finally took it off and kissed down.
Before we knew it, we were both naked, and Stephen has kissed every square inch of my body. He positioned himself into me, and made his way in and out, each time faster and deeper.
"Wardell," I moaned into his lips.
When we both reached our climax, he rested down next to me.
We were both panting heavily. We covered ourselves up with the blanket, and cuddled next to each other.
"I love you," He said kissing my forehead.
"I love you too," I said. I was so happy, and tired. I just gave myself to Steph. He just saw the raw me and I wouldn't have it any other way.
"Now get some rest babygirl."
I fell asleep in his arms, and dreamed wild dreams.
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