Chapter 51

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Ayesha's POV-
I was hanging out with Sydel because it was long overdue. We were on this beautiful hike that I'm just gonna have to take Steph on once he is here.
We made it to the final destination and it was breathtaking. I felt so at ease and that everything in the world was gonna be okay.
"This is so beautiful," I said, snapping a few pictures in my IPhone.
"It really is," Sydel said. We sat down on a nearby rock and took a break to eat our lunch and catch our breath, before we have to head back down.
About an hour later we decided to make our journey down, back into reality.
While we were walking down we passed a group of guys that were going up. They tried to hide themselves checking out Sydel, but it was totally obvious.
"Girl they were checking you out. If you hurry you might be able to go get the guy with the hats number," I said winking over at her.
"Oh shut up! Plus I don't think momma Sonya would approve of any of them."
"Well girl, your graduated, your 18. So get it," I winked again, causing her to roll her eyes.
"Steph did a good job picking you out. Momma Sonya is always talking about you, and how your the only. You're always gonna be the one. I don't remember the last day she didn't talk about you," she explained.
"Stop your making me blush," I teased.
"But I don't blame her. I can see you and Steph definitely marrying each other, having little kids that there Aunt Syd will spoil rotten," she smirked.
"I hope that's the case, and I think it will be. I love him so much."
"And he loves you. I can tell."
"I'm so lucky we bumped into each other in the hall that one day," I said happily.
"Huh?" Sydel asked confusingly.
"Oh that's right. Not much people know about the story. There's actually a lot Steph and I haven't told people," I said recalling everything. I don't realize how much we kept from people.
"Tell me. I wanna hear it now. You got me all anxious and shit," Sydel said cashing us both to laugh.
"Okay I'll tell you. So one day Blaire and I were running late, so late that once we got to campus we were full on running into our classes. I entered the corridor to my first class. I was running down the halls to one of my classes, while Steph was turning corners into the hallway I was running in. And since neither of us were paying attention we ran into each other, him knocking me down with all my stuff. Of course I knew of him, I just wasn't really interested in him or what he was about. I guess I wasn't into athletes in general. But, anyways, after that we kept meeting up, and it all just became natural I guess you could see. Now we're here. That's how we met each other."
"That's so adorable, and hear I am in the corner not being able to have normal conversations with a cute boys without being awkward."
I laughed at her comment and she rolled her eyes. I guess I was laughing to hard because one second I was laughing, the next my leg had a deep cut, gushing out blood.
"Shit," I said between my teeth, trying not to yell from the pain.
"Um oh my god. Oh my god. Look the cars are right there we just have to get to them then we can go to the hospital," Sydel said freaking out more than me. I think she gets nauseous around blood. Yep, I remember Steph saying that.
It took a while, and with the help from a few strangers we made it to the car.
We got to the hospital and got it all stitched up. I have scars from the weirdest shit, man.
Sydel dropped me off at home. I had to reassure her 100 times before she left that I would be okay, and that I was just a cut with stitches.
Of course Blaire was out somewhere with Klay, probably getting it on.
I decided to FaceTime Steph, because I need to see his face, it's been to long.
And that's just what I did. I got comfy on the couch and rung him up on FaceTime. After a few rings my phone went black and said 'connecting' on the top. A smile came across my face, anxiously waiting to see his face.
But I didn't see his face. I saw some female, in one of his t-shirts might I add, answering Steph's phone. There was a lot of people in the background. The house was dimly lit, with flashing lights everywhere. It must've been a party. Great they were trashing Steph's house, not that I should care anymore.
"Excuse me, how can I help you?" She said giving me a bit to much attitude.
"You better take a step back right now," I warned her, I started to grow more angry than I already am.
"Who are you talking to?" I heard that familiar voice say, slurring his words. Drunk.
He took the phone and looked at it.
"Oh hey Ayesha," Steph said giving me a stupid nod.
"Why in the hell is that slut wearing your shirt?" I yelled. He looked startled though the phone from my attitude. I was a bit taken aback by it too, but I don't care.
"Jesus calm down. Just hold on a sec," he said. He started walking around the house. It made my ears hitch hearing girls giggles in the background.
Finally Steph appeared back on the camera, it looked like he was in his room. Yeah he better want privacy from how much I'm about to yell at him, and the answers he's about to give me.
"So?" I asked, urging him to tell me why.
"She spilled alcohol all over her shirt, and me being the nice person I am, didn't want her to stay in that shirt so I offered her a shirt."
"You didn't tell me you were having a party," I sassed.
"Did I have too? Last time I checked I don't have to tell you what's going on in every little bit of my life. Your not my mom Ayesha."
"Now that I think about it, you probably watched her get changed, or more so changed her yourself. She's obviously a baby if she can't keep the drink in her mouth, and ends up spilling it all over her."
"Jesus were back to that?! And are you really accusing me of doing that?! Your so immature!" He yelled.
"I'm immature? Oh you better take that back! Especially coming from you!"
"God, you're so annoying! You obviously don't trust me enough to not even believe me. Your so insecure to the point where it's kind of funny."
"Are you serious?!"
"Yes, you get so jealous, then your insecurities get the best of you. Can't say I have that problem over here, sorry if that makes your insecurities act up even more," Steph said sarcastically causing me to tear up.
"Well then I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I'm afraid that this relationship might be coming to an end. And I'm sorry that I get jealous thinking someone could make you happier than I do. And I'm sorry that my insecurities are acting up, to the point where you're laughing. But I'm not sorry that you'll never find anyone that loves you like I do. I'm sorry," I said letting the tears, fall at this point.
"Ayesha," Steph said rubbing his eyes.
"You know what Stephen don't bother coming to visit, and if you do, just don't come see me," I said before hanging up the FaceTime call.
I cried myself to sleep thinking about Steph and I's relationship.
More so the future.
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3 more chapters left!
(There will most likely be a sequel)

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