Chapter 38

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Ayesha's POV-
"So I see that you and Klay are back together," I said taking a bite of my green apple.
"And why do you think that?" Blaire said making her self a bowl of cereal.
"I don't know. Maybe the fact y'all were eating each other's faces off last night."
"You saw that?"
"Damn sure I did."
"You know I never really understood why he broke up with me in the first place."
"Yeah, me either. But as long as y'all are happy, right?"
"Right," Blaire said.
"Oh shit!" Blaire yelled grabbing my attention once again.
"What's wrong?"
"I was too caught up in my conversation with you that I over filled the milk!" Blaire whined.
I laughed, "loser!"
She rolled her eyes grabbing a rag to clean her mess.
"I'm surprised you're still hear honestly, or that Stephen isn't over here. Aren't y'all supposed to be spending like every last second together till he leaves for Cali?"
"Yeah, were hanging out in a little while."
"You know what would be super funny?" Blaire asked smiling.
"If, for one, he didn't get drafted. And two if he doesn't end up in Cali. Everyone's expecting him too it would just suck if he didn't," Blaire smiled. I slapped her on the arm.
"That wouldn't be funny! It would be sad. And there's a 100% chance he's getting drafted, and 99% chance he's going to California."
"I know, I know, I was just saying. And damn you slap like a mofo Ayesha!" Blaire said rubbing her arm.
"Speak of the devil," i said realizing I got a text from Stephen.
Stephen: I have a surprise for you
Ayesha: what do you have up your sleeve, Curry?
Stephen: you'll just have to wait and see. Meet at the diner in 30?
Ayesha: sure thang
Stephen: Love you
Ayesha: Love you too
"Peace out bitch I gotta go get ready," I told Blaire grabbing a soda.
"Ready for what?" Blaire asked.
"I'm going out with Steph. He says he has a surprise for me. I wonder what it is."
"Let me know when you know!" Blaire yelled as I made my way into my room to get ready.
I walked into the diner looking for Steph. He should have just picked me up.
Once I saw him I walked over to the booth.
"You're late, but it's okay because your fashionably late," Steph said winking at me. I rolled my eyes sitting across for him.
"I'm literally wearing shorts and a tank-top."
"But you make it look sexy as hell."
I rolled my eyes once again then remembered he had a surprise to tell me.
"Sooo?" I asked.
"Sooo what?"
"What's the surprise?" I asked getting anxious.
"Eager, aren't you?" He chuckled.
"Steph just tell me," I whined. I hated when people would stall off.
"Once you give me a kiss, because you haven't done that yet," he smiled.
I scooted around the booth and pecked him on the lips. I pulled away but he bought be right back in. After about a 30 second kiss we pulled away both grasping for air.
"Can you tell me now?"
He chucked, "Yes. So after the draft I leave for California 2 days later. And I don't really start training or anything for about another 3 1/2 weeks later. So I was wondering if you would want to come out to California with me for 2 weeks or so?"
I shrieked and hugged him tight.
"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes! I would love too! I'm going to hold back saying goodbye for as long as I can," I said, then kissed him on the lips.
"I was kind of hoping you would say that because I already bought the plane tickets."
I laughed at his dorkiness.
"This is the best surprise ever," I smiled.
"Well I'm happy your happy," Stephen said taking a drink of his milkshake.
"Speaking of people being happy I'm pretty sure Klay and Blaire are back together."
"Bout time," Stephen says raising his eyebrows.
We both lightly chuckled.
"This is all becoming so real," I said keeping my focus on the specks on the table.
"What do you mean Ish?"
"Everything. I mean you're about to go start a career in the NBA, in California at that."
"Its so surreal. Who woulda thought that we would end up here?"
"We?" I laughed, "boy, I don't even know what ima do for a living yet."
"A chef. I'm telling ya!" Stephen said.
"You've said that since day 1. I must be that good huh?"
"Very good. Oh and that reminds me. You gotta teach me how to cook while we are in Cali that way I'm not eating junk food until you're ready to come live with me," he laughed.
"Oh yeah, I'll be sure to teach you some skills in the kitchen. Not only will you have game on the court, but on the kitchen too," I winked at him.
I literally always feel the butterflies come in my stomach when he mentions our future together. Babies, marriage, living together. He definitely is the one.
Thanks for reading!!
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This book is looking to have about 54 chapters.
There will be a sequel to this book.

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