Chapter 43

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Ayesha's POV-
"Um, excuse me ma'am, it's time to go," someone said, poking my body lightly. My eyes fluttered open and I looked around the plane realizing that we've landed and everyone is getting off.
"Thank you," I replied to the woman giving her a friendly smile. She smiled back and gave me a nod, then followed the line of people getting off the plane.
I looked down and saw Stephen still knocked out. I shook his body, "babe get up."
"Huh?" He groaned.
"Yeah sleepyhead, it's time to go." He got up and stretched his body and yawned.
We got off the plane and got my luggage, as for Steph most of his stuff was either already here or on it's way.
As soon as we exited the airport the cool California breeze hit me. The sky was dark, but was lightly luminated from all the Oakland and San Francisco lights.
We got an Uber to take us to Steph's awaited house, and in the next couple of days Steph would get a new car.
"Do you have an aux cord sir?" Steph asked the somewhat old man. I was laying down on his chest being sleepy, although he was as wide awake as it gets.
"Yes I do. Here you go," he replied handing Steph the cord.
Steph took the cord and plugged in into his phone, then a few seconds later rap was blasting through the car.
"Stephhhhh," I whined tried to hide my face in his neck to lower the sound.
"What?" He asked me.
"You have way to much energy for it being like 4 in the morning, and that's way too loud for being 4 in the morning," I pouted.
"I think it's perfect. And look our driver seems to like it as well," he said pointing to the Uber driver. I looked over at him and he was bobbing his head to the music, satisfied with Stephen choice. Surprising for an old man.
I looked at Steph who was already smiling back down at me. I shook me head then tried to fall asleep. Key word; tried.
About an hour later we pulled up to Stephens house. And man, when I say house I should actually be saying mansion, cause damn!
We got out of the car and and walked up the gated residential.
"Steph are you sure we're at the right place?"
He chuckled, "Yeah, baby."
"You know I think I'll just stay here and never go back to Charlotte," I said looking around the place amused.
"I'm good with that," he smiled putting his arm around my waist.
We entered the large house. And I was in awe with everything I was looking at. There was some furniture here, but Steph would have to go get some later on. But thankfully Steph got a bed and it was already here and made. So we could get a good nights rest and not have to sleep on the floor.
Steph and I were walking around checking the place out and all it had to offer.
"Hey Steph I'm gonna-," I stopped when I realized he wasn't even by me. And just a few seconds after, the in house stereo started going off. I knew that was what Steph was gonna be hooked on as soon as he laid eyes on it.
I walked around the house and found Steph.
"Babe turn that down," I said. Man, I shouldn't have let him sleep on the plane. WAY too much energy.
I guess he didn't hear me, which wasn't surprising from how loud it was. I walked over and turned it off.
Stephen looked over at me and before he could say anything I talked.
"Babe, lets go to bed. Do you know the time?"
He thought for a second. "Fine, lets go." He held his hand out for me to take which I happily took and he lead me to the master room upstairs which only consisted of a bed, a dresser, a night stand, and a TV. Yeah we're definitely gonna have to go shopping.
I got my suitcase and went into Stephens new bathroom. I threw my hair up into a messy bun, I took my makeup off, while washing my face and brushing my teeth.
I was about to change my clothes but I felt a pair of eyes on me. Sure enough when I turned around Stephen was staring at me, smirking.
I joking rolled my eyes and shut the door. I put on my booty shorts and tank top then walked back out.
Steph already did all his stuff before bed so he was already comfortably waiting.
I got into bed with him pulling the comforter on top of me. I turned the lights off and the only light that was coming through was the moonlight.
"Night Steph, love you," I said closing my eyes, waiting for his response. But I didn't get the type of response I was expecting. Instead I got him sucking on my neck which would soon turn into hickeys.
"Steph, I'm tired, and we're going to bed," I whined flipping over that way we could look at each other.
"But I'm not tired babygirl. I have all the energy in the world," he said leaving kisses along my jawline.
"That's your problem babe. I'm going to bed," I gave him a quick kiss on the lips and flipped back over. Then not even a minute later he started kissing my neck again, and before you know it he was on top of me.
I gave in. Just the mere touch of him made me go crazy.
"Not on my watch babygirl," He rasped, then started kissing me.
By the time we actually went to bed I would say it was around 6 in the morning.
We ended up both waking up around 2 in the afternoon, basically wasting our day but oh well.
We went shopping for Stephens place. And when I say shopping, I mean shopping! He spent a whole lotta money. But hey we actually got most of everything we needed for his house, furniture wise.
Now we were cooking in his kitchen that I will forever be jealous of. Well I was the one cooking, he was just sitting around saying he was helping.
"You know Ish, you're gonna have to teach me how to cook while you're here cause if not ima be living of off drive thrus and micorwavable food," he teased coming from behind me and wrapping his arms around my waist.
"Yeah and when I come visit you I can't have you looking chubby on me now," I teased with a smirk on his face.
"I'm gonna get you for that," he said and lifted me up on to the counter and starting kissing all over me.
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There will be a sequel to this book.

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