Chapter 5

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Ayesha's POV:
I woke up to my annoying alarm. As much as I didn't want to leave my bed, I had too. I got up, took a shower, got ready, and made breakfast for Blaire and I.
"So what's the deal with you and Stephen?" she asked munching away on her bacon.
"What do you mean?"
"Well you've hung out a couple times now, I mean y'all a thing or something?"
"No, I guess you could just say we are somewhat friends? I honestly don't know."
"Well do you want to be more than friends?" she questioned wiggling her eyebrows.
"Not really," I thought about it for a minute and sighed, "I don't know! He got me feeling some type of way that I've never felt before! He's confusing my head and heart."
"Well from the looks of it, Stephen seems pretty into you."
I grabbed my bag and walked out the door, Blaire following behind.
"You wish! You probably just want me to have someone so you can have double dates with Klay!"
"Well that too, but I also genuinely want you to be happy."
I just smiled and shook my head. As we were walking over to my car, I got a text.
Stephen: Hey beautiful. Wanna meet for lunch?
Apparently I was blushing.
"Girl are you taking to him right now? You're cheeks are so red!"
"If you must know, I am talking to him. And you're gonna have to find another lunch bud, I'm having lunch with Stephen."
"Awe your first date!"
"It's not a date Blaire!"
Ayesha: Sure thing. Where do you want to meet?
Stephen: Just meet me at my car😉
Ayesha: Okay 😂
Stephen: Its a date
Ayesha: Whatever you wanna call it 🤗
And with that I put my phone in my pocket, and we made our way to our campus.

My classes felt like they were going on for so long. It might have been that I was anxious for Steph's and I's "date". What if it's not a date, just two friends going for lunch? What did he think it was? I have no idea what this was, but I was happy and nervous.
Finally the bell for my last class before lunch rang, and I was off to Stephens car.
I saw his car in sight, and he was leaning on it scrolling on his phone. Damn he is fine.
Stop catching feels I thought to myself.
"Hey," I said smiling.
"Hey, whats good?" he said sending a smile back.
"Oh, nothing too exciting."
"You're about to go to lunch with me. What's not exciting about that?" He said grinning.
"Don't push it Curry!"
"Get in, I'm starving."
I nodded, getting into his car. Damn, I forgot how nice this was.
"Where we going anyways?"
"You'll just have to wait and see."
"As long as the food is good."
He chuckled, "it's the best around town."
"We'll have to see about that."
"Oh you'll love it. I have it on a daily basis."
"Wait. Did you make it?"
"You bet. I'm an awesome cook. They don't call me Chef Curry for nothing!"
I smiled, this guy was something.
"I love when you smile, you're so beautiful."
My heart was beating so fast.
"Thank you," I said, obviously blushing, I could feel the heat on my face.
"So what?" I said laughing.
"You're not gonna complement me? How rude."
"Oh sorry I didn-."
"I was kidding!" He said laughing. I shook my head.
"Well if you insist, you're easy on the eyes."
"Why thank you. It takes a lot of work. I mean I gotta look good for girls like you."
There he goes again!
"You're too much!"
We pulled onto this dirt road, and drove for about 15 minutes. We were surrounded by trees. We stopped at this breath-taking waterfall. It was so relaxing, and peaceful, and nobody was here. All to our selves.
"This place is so beautiful," I say.
"I was driving one day to clear my head, and came across this place. Whenever I need time to relax or think, I come here."
He pulled out a blanket, and a basket with our food.
We found a place to set the blanket and eat.
I was fairly impressed of the food he made.
"Wow, you really can throw it down in the kitchen."
"My mom always made me help her in the kitchen growing up. I guess you could say I picked up a few things."
"Well your mom seems like a real chef. Like this is pretty damn good."
"You should meet her. I can tell you to make you my personal favorite."
"And what would that be?"
"Chicken Parmesan."
"Oh my gosh! Same here."
"It's like we were destined to be together."
I threw a chip at him.
"You wish!"
"For real though. I want to ask you on a official date."
He seemed kind of shy.
"So is this you asking?" I say smiling.
"Now or never right?"
"In that case, I would love to go on a date with Stephen Curry. It would be my honor."
"How about this Saturday? That work?"
"Sounds good to me. And this time around let's just make sure no beer pong is included. We both know how that ended last time."
"Yeah, that was pretty awkward. We were both so drunk that night."
"I don't remember if I ever got to thank you for making my crazy ex go away, I was like you said, wasted. But I don't know what would have happened if you didn't show up. So thank you."
"Of course. No girl, especially you, should be treated like that."
My phone vibrated.
Blaire: hows hot stuff doing? I hope this text isn't interrupting anything😉
Stephen saw that text, and I was pretty embarrassing.
He took my phone and texted back.
Ayesha: hot stuff is doing amazing. And yes you interrupted you had horrible timing
Blaire: I was kidding when I said that! You nasty were actually doing stuff
"You're such a dork!" I say laughing and taking my phone back.
We both laughed for a sec.
"We should probably get going."
"Do we have too? This place is so relaxing," I said wanting to stay longer.
"We have our whole future relationship to come here." He said winking.
I play slapped him, and we both got in the car.
Ugh what is this boy doing to me!

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