Chapter 37

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2 Weeks Later:
Ayesha's POV-
Only one more week till the draft. Only one more week till Stephens life is impacted greatly, which is eventually impacting mine in the long run. One more week.
Stephen and I were cuddling in my bed under the comforter just relaxing.
"I think we should have the talk," I told Stephen, tracing shapes on his chest.
"Babe, I had the talk when I was 13," he chuckled.
"Really, that soon?" I asked.
He chuckled once again, "Yeah, when did you have the talk?"
"When I was 16, but that's besides the point," I said once I realized we were getting off topic.
"What's on your mind babe?" He asked me playing with my hair.
"A lot, mainly about the fact that you will be gone soon. And don't say we can talk about this later because it is only in a week, babe."
"If you want to talk, then let's talk. I understand that this is gonna effect us both greatly so I'm all ears babe. So just talk to me," he said understandingly.
"It's just you will be all the way in California and I will be here. Does that not worry you?"
"Well it's doesn't necessarily worry me because the distance between us isn't going to affect how much I love you. Is that what your worried about?"
"No, not really. It's just we will only be able to see each other once and a while, not everyday like we do now."
"So? That's what FaceTiming, calling, and texting is babe."
"I know, I know. It's just different."
"Okay so let me check. Are you worried our relationship isn't going to last?"
"Yes. And it's not that I'm expecting the worse, but I mean we're halfway around the world from each other."
"Please don't worry about that Ish."
"I kind of have too."
"Look. If we both love each other, and we both want to make things work then it will work. I see a future with you, Ish, and I'm not just saying that. I love you."
"I love you too. I guess I'm just overthinking."
"You know what?"
"What?" I said looking up at him.
"I'm really gonna miss being able to do this whenever I want," he said before kissing me with much passion and love.
I giggled, "Is that so?"
"Yes, and this," he whispered kissing along my jawline.
"And this," he rasped kissing my neck in various places. I let out a moan, making Steph eager to do more. I snapped out of my thoughts then realized the time, and that we would be exhausted if we didn't go to bed now.
"Stephen," I managed to say.
"Yes babygirl?"
"It's time for bed," I said gently pulling him up so we could make eye contact.
"Ugh fine. And it's only because you'll need full energy once I get you alone tomorrow night," he teased once more, pecking my lips.
He put his arms around me, and I cuddled closer to him if that was even possible.
"Goodnight Steph, I love you."
"I love you more princess."
And with that I laid in bed staring out the window, while Stephens breath slowed down indicating he was sleeping.
I still couldn't help but wonder what the future holds for us.
But I guess we will see come time, right?
I woke up to a kiss on the lips. So magical right? Kidding.
"Steph, it's to early," I whined pushing his head away.
"I wanna do something fun today. And remember we only have limited time, so let's make the most of it."
I groaned pulling a pillow over my face, "Fine, only because I love you."
"Awe love you too Isha. Now get up you lazy bum!"
I sat up in the bed and rubbed my eyes, "what are we even doing today?"
Before Steph could even answer me Blaire barged into the room.
"I know!" She exclaimed.
"You both have way too much energy right now. And wait, how'd you even know what we were talking about?"
She shrugged it off. That little eavesdropper.
"Anyways Klay invited me to go to this big fair thing the city hosts 'as friends' according to him. So too bare me from the awkwardness you guys are coming, no questions asked."
I looked over at Steph, "it's all up to you."
"Well-," Stephen tried to speak but got cut off.
"Awe thanks! You guys are the best! So be ready in 3 hours?" She explained before shutting the door.
Steph looked over at me, "Well it's looks like we're going to the fair, partner," he teased.
"You're so adorable," I said kissing his cheek.
"I better get in the shower though, 3 hours isn't very far from now."
"Can I take one with you?" Stephen smirked.
I thought about if for a minute. Why the hell not?
"Sure, but we need to make it somewhat quick."
"Wow that easy, huh? I should wake you up to a kiss on the lips every morning," he said winking. He picked me up and walked us over to the bathroom to shower, or shower along with some other activities.
We are on the way to this fair thing, and let's just say we're on level 1000 of awkwardness right now. Klay is driving, and Blaire is in the passenger seat, while me and Stephen are in the back.
There was only slight conversation, and it was the kind where you had to try so hard to keep it going.
"Uh, so Stephen, you ready for the draft?" Klay asked Stephen.
"Yeah, man. Soon it will be you," he replied.
"Let's hope. You know how crazy it would be if we were to be on the same team?"
"That would be awesome. From little league ball to the NBA."
"Ooh that would be awesome. Then in 10 years we will all be living in California with little us's running around," I said thinking about that thought. Then I realized I just inferred that one me and Stephen will be together and have kids, and two the same with Blaire and Klay.
"I mean that is if only if you guys get back together, and if we," I cut myself off.
"You know what? Just forget I said anything. Look we are here," I said pointing out the window. Thank the lord, saved by the bell. Well sorta.
Stephen chucked and put his hand on my thigh, "You're so cute when your overwhelmed."
"That was so awkward," I said before kissing him on the cheek. Then I got a text.
Blaire: Really?!
Ayesha: sorry :/
We all got out of the car then stated to walk towards the entrance. Stephen and I were holding hands while Blaire was walking by me and Klay was walking by Steph. See what I mean? Awkward.
"If you want to get back together you have to make moves," I whispered.
"He's obviously not interested in me. Plus he's the one who broke up with me," she replied.
"The looks he gives you when you're not paying attention says otherwise."
"Girl no, it's not happening."
"Fine, then it looks we will be doing it my way," i snickered.
"What do you mean? Ayesha I swear," she spoke but I cut her off.
"Stephen, look! Isn't that your aunt? We gotta go say hi!"
"My aunt? All my aunts live in different states," he said confusingly.
"Well looks like one of them came for a visit," I said pulling Stephen and I away, leaving Blaire and Klay all by themselves. I gave her a wink as we went in different directions. She rolled her eyes.
"I don't see them," Stephen said dumbfoundingly.
"That's because there not here babe," I said laughing as he made a look, "you see now Blaire and Klay are alone."
It took him a while to process everything, then he smiled.
"Ah, I like your ways," he said, then picked my lips.
"What can I say?" I teased.
"Yeah, yeah," he said playfully rolling his eyes, "what do you want to do first?"
"Funnel cake, duh," I said laughing then pulled Stephen with me to go get one.
"You're gonna have a food baby one day," Stephen teased.
"Ah the most desirable baby," I smiled then ordered the funnel cake.
"Nah, the most desirable baby is gonna be the one you and me make," Stephen winked while grabbing my lower back. I could feel the butterflies form in my stomach and my cheeks blush.
"Awe Isha your adorable. Always blushing at anything I say."
"Ugh, I feel like I'm going to throw up!" I exclaimed holding my stomach.
"Well that's kind of what happens when you eat a lot," Stephen said chuckling. I hit his arm.
"Is that supposed to be a fat joke?"
"No, Ish. Not at all," he said never taking the smile off of his face. I rolled my eyes then rested my head on his shoulder as we walked around the busy area. It felt refreshing as the chilly air hit my face in the dark night. The Ferris wheel lit up the fair.
"Let's go ride the Ferris wheel babe," I said slightly turning directions.
"What's up with you and Ferris wheels?" Steph smiled.
"I don't know, it's just so relaxing and fun. And look there's like no one over there so we get it all to ourselves."
"I like the sound of that," Stephen said as we got into one of the carts and slowly started to make way on the loops. We were sitting right next to each other all cuddled up.
The Ferris wheel looked over all of Charlotte and you could see the city lights for miles.
"It's so beautiful," I exclaimed admiring the cities beauty.
"Yeah it is, but you know what?" Stephen asked.
"What?" I mumbled closing my eyes to relax.
"You're even more beautiful," Stephen said pulling a piece of loose hair behind my ear.
"What did I do to even deserve you?" I asked being completely honest.
"It's more like the other way around."
"Oh wow. It looks like your little plan worked," Stephen added.
"What?" I asked a little confused.
"Look, Klay And Blaire are eating each other's faces off."
"Yay," I said once I looked at them, "now we're all happy," I smiled looking up at Stephen.
"And having you happy is the only think I ask for," Steph smiled then leaned down and pecked my lips.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
Thanks for reading!!
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This next week I should be updating quite a bit cause I am off!

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