Chapter 3

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Ayesha's POV:
I woke up and my head was pounding. Thank god we don't have classes today cause there is no way I will be able to make it through the whole day.
I got up and went to our kitchen to grab some ibuprofen and water. I noticed the time. 2 in the afternoon. Wow I thought to myself.
There was a note on the counter that read:
Yooo drunk ass, you've been sleeping forever. You're gonna have to tell me everything that happened last night cause I heard some rumors ;) right now I am at the grocery store picking up things for the week. See ya soon.
Xo, Blaire
I thought about what she said about the rumors. I slowly started to piece things together in my head.
"Son of a bitch!" I whispered to myself.
I got into a make-out session with Steph Curry. The last person I would want to make-out with!
I'm just gonna avoid him, and what happened. I definitely do not want to go there with him. Ever.
"Hey Bitch!" Blaire said opening the door.
"Hey," I walked over to her to help with the bags.
"So get to the point already. Tell me what happened."
"My day was good. Thanks for asking." I said sarcastically.
"Whatever. Sooo?"
"Yes I made-out with him, no it will never happen again."
"The one time i miss a party this happens!"
"You should have stayed and none of this would have happened!"
"You can blame me all you want, but it was really you girl. You gonna get some fists thrown at you, by those crazy girls who love him. Oh and things will be way awkward between y'all."
"It's not like I'm catching feels, so I don't have to worry."
She was right though, Stephen is the "guy" of Davidson. Hopefully no one knows.

Next Day:
I was walking down campus, and thankfully it seemed no one really knows what happened. I plant to keep it that way. Hell, I mean I plan to not even talk to Stephen about what happened.
I walked into my third hour class, and took a seat.
I felt a pair of eyes on me, so I looked up to see Stephen looking at me. I quickly looked away. The whole class I could feel him staring at me, and to be quite frank it was kind of bother me. Yeah we made-out but that doesn't mean or make us anything.
The bell rang and I walked out, down the halls.
"Ayesha!" I recognized the voice. Stephens. I kept walking, hoping he would avoid me but he didn't.
He ran to my side, and I kept walking.
"What?" I asked.
"So like are you just gonna keep avoiding me?"
"Well that's the plan, but it's kind of hard when you chase me down the halls calling for me."
"Woah, what did I do?"
"Well I don't really have anything to do with athletes, they're not my type. What happened the other night only happened because I was drunk. There's no way I would actually do that if I wasn't." I said with sass.
"Playing hard to get, huh?"
"Trust me, you're never gonna get me. So don't bother trying."
"You won't be saying that later. Just wait. And who said I was trying to get you?"
"Bye Stephen! Have just a great day!" I then turned and started walking away.
I was meeting up with Blaire for lunch. When she finally walked in she had a guy with her. They both walked over to me and sat down.
"Hey Ayesha, this is Klay." Blaire said introducing us. He put his hand out for me to shake.
"Hey." I said with a toothless smile.
We were talking some small talk. Klay was not what I was expecting for being an athlete. The opposite actually. I liked him, as a friend of course. Then Blaire all of a sudden wanted to talk about my love life.
"Klay maybe you can hook Ayesha up! I'm sure you have lots of friends."
"Oh yeah. I have lots I can hook you up with!" He said looking at me.
"Nah, it's okay. I'm good for now."
"How's basketball going?" Blaire asked.
"Pretty good. We have a game tomorrow. You guys should definitely come. It would mean a lot."
"We would love too! Right Ayesha?"
I didn't want to go, but I genuinely liked Klay and didn't want to come off as rude.
"Sure! It will be fun!" I said as real as I could.
"Thanks I appreciate it!"
I was actually dreading going.
Stephen would be there, and as you all know a basketball game isn't my type of fun. But oh well. Just have to get through tomorrow night and everything will be normal.

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