Chapter 2

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Ayesha's POV:
"Girl you looking hot! Who you tryna impress?" Blaire asked wiggling her eyebrows.
"Says you. You look good!"
"I try, I try," She said smiling.
"Now let's go, before we miss out on all the booze!"
"Your the driver! Don't have too much fun!"
"It's not like I even drink that much anyways."
"Whatever girl, lets go."
We got in my car and made our way to the destination. It's was about 30 minutes away, because there was gonna be a bonfire and stuff. And you know we can't get caught with the booze.
Once we arrived, it was already dark. A lot more people than I expected were here, but oh well. Me and Blaire went straight to the cooler and got us some drinks.
"Hey, I'll be right back. I'm gonna go hook myself up!" Blaire said winking.
I laughed, "go get em tiger!"
I joined another group of people, that I knew fairly well and just hung with them.
About 20 minutes later, quite a bit of booze later, someone tugged on my arm.
I turned over and saw the last person I wanted to see. Jax.
I could tell he was drunk, just they way he was acting.
"Baby I missed you," He said slurring his words. He tried to pull me into a hug.
"No Jax. We are over and it's gonna stay like that."
"Can we talk at least?" I knew he wouldn't stop bothering me if I said no, so I said yes. I pulled him over to a more private area.
"What do you want?" I said bluntly.
"You." He said grabbing my hands. His breath smelt strongly of alcohol.
"No. And stop touching me! You drunk ass!"
"Or else what baby?" He started to kiss my neck. I tried so hard to pull away, but he had me pinned onto a wall.
"Get the hell off of me!"
He continued sucking on my neck.
"Stop! Jax! Get off-" I was cut off.
"Get the hell off of her before I make you," I was surprised to see the one and only Stephen Curry right by my side.
Jax looked at him, then me, then walked away.
"What was that about?" Stephen asked.
"Just some drunk ex boyfriend."
"You dated that? I feel sorry for you."
"I feel sorry for me too. Horrible taste, huh? But anyways thank you for that."
"For what? That? Oh that was nothing."
I was about to say something back, but we're interrupted by Blaire.
"Can I drive your car back to our place? I'm not feeling too good. I'm sure you could find a ride?" Blaire asked.
"It's okay, I'll just come with you."
"No. Stay. We just got here not to long ago. You know you want too."
"It's okay, too much troub-"
Then Stephen chimed in, "I can give you a ride to your place. I mean only if you want."
"Perfect! Then it's settled! Bye!"
Before I could say anything she was already walking away. I sighed.
"You didn't have to do that, if you want I can find another ride?"
"No it's my pleasure. I owe you anyways. I did bump into you, remember?"
"Yeah, you better watch yourself!" I said starting to feel the alcohol kick in.
"Hey, you were the one running in the first place!"
"It was still your fault though!"
"Nah, you can keep saying that though." He said grinning.
"Cause it's true and you know it!"
"How about a match of beer pong to see this? We will see who's the real champ." He offered.
"You're on Curry!"

We had just barley started our match, and Stephen already through the ball in to the solo cup 5 times. And I only made it 2 times. The buzz was definitely getting worse.
"This isn't fair! You're a basketball player!"
I whined.
"Fine, I'll drink two of them out of my own will!" He said picking them up, and swallowing down the strong liquor.
By the end of the game we were both so drunk.
"One left for each of us, Your about to lose Ayesha."
"You wish, I get to go first."
"Take your best shot," he said slurring his words.
So I did, and I made it.
"Take that! Looks like I'm the champ overall!"
He walked over to me, stumbling a bit.
He whispered into my ear, "it's only cause I let you win."
After that he kissed my neck. I moaned quietly.
"You like that, huh?" He whispered.
I took his hand and led him to an empty room, and shut the door behind us.
Right away he pushed me against the wall and smashed his lips against mine. But I gladly kissed back. He started to kiss my neck, and before things got more intense somebody walked in.
The next thing I remember is being at home, sleeping.

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