Chapter 4

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Ayesha's POV:
"Hurry your ass up! We're gonna be late!" Blaire yelled from the other room.
"We are going to be fine!" I put my last earring in and walked down stairs. "Ready?"
"Yeah, you took a century!"
"Whatever, lets go."
"I'm surprised your actually coming tonight." Blaire motioned getting into Blaires car.
"You forced me into it. Remember?"
"Well you will like it. You will be thanking me later."
"Ehh I'm not to sure about that."
We pulled into the gym parking lot and got out. We walked into the gym, and the boys were warming up. Me and Stephen caught glances, then he winked at me.
I just walked into the stands with Blaire.
"So are you and Klay like a thing now?" I ask.
"You could say that! Now you needa boy!"
"I'm alright for now."
"You just wait," she said winking at me.
The whole game was close, and even though I don't know sports well I could tell Stephen was doing a hell of a job. And he might not be as cocky as I think because every time he makes a basket, he points towards the sky, indicating he's playing for god. That's sweet.
They ended up winning the game and now Blaire and I were waiting for Klay to come out.
He finally did, and Blaire and him got so engaged in a conversation, that I was there just third wheeling. Things were pretty awkward.
Stephen came out, and made his way towards us. To my surprise, he actually pulled me to the side.
"Hey Ayesha."
"What are you doing?"
"So you still don't wanna talk to me?"
I looked over at Blaire and Klay.
"Well you actually saved me from third wheeling over there, so I guess I can talk to you for a minute."
"I knew you couldn't resist me!"
"Watch yourself."
"How'd I do?"
"Ehhh." I said smiling.
"For a pretty girl you sure are rude!"
"I was kidding! Calm down. Pretty huh?" I said laughing.
"Not gonna lie."
I could feel me blushing.
"You really did play good though. You got some moves!"
"I can get better though, I made a lot of mistakes."
I looked at him for a minute.
"You're not as cocky as I thought you would be. You're actually a decent person."
"Decent? That's it?" He said smiling.
I shook my head.
"I'll take what I can get," he sighed, "You're a decent person too."
"Thanks, I mean, I try." I said smirking.
"You need a ride?"
"Nah actually Blaire and me are-" I looked over to where her and Klay were once standing, but weren't anymore. "Actually yeah. Sorry."
"No problem. It would be my pleasure."
We got into his extremely nice car, and made our way. He made the wrong turn, and I got confused.
"Where we going?"
"We gotta get some food in our system. And we don't have class tomorrow so why not?"
"Okay I'm down." I was actually super hungry.
Steph turned into this milkshake joint.
"You can never go wrong with them," he said shrugging his shoulders.
"You're too much!" I said laughing.
We ordered our milkshakes and sat down.
"Tell me about yourself." Steph said.
"What do you want to know? I'll have you know I'm actually a very interesting person."
"So tell me any and everything."
"Okay, so my birthday is March 23, 1989. I have 2 brothers and 2 sisters. I love cooking and baking. I've been on a few shows acting wise, but I don't love it. And that sums up my "interesting" life, pretty much."
"So no boyfriend?"
"That's good to know for future references."
"Don't get your hopes up Curry!"
"I'll grow on you. Trust me on that." He winked at me.
"Your turn. Tell me about the wonderful life on Stephen Curry."
"Okay here it goes. My full name is Wardell Stephen Curry the third. I have a brother and a sister. My dad played in the NBA and I hope to sometime in the future. I'm Christian, and I play for god."
"That's amazing, I'm a Christian too."
"See we were meant to be!" He said joking around.
"So you don't have a girlfriend?"
"That's good for future references."
"Don't get your hopes up Ayesha!"
"Start getting your new lines!" I said getting up as we were getting ready to leave.
We walked out of the diner and went to the car. He opened the door for me and I just got in. On the way to the apartment we just listened to some music.
He pulled up to my apartment, and parked.
Before I could get out, he stopped me.
"Can I at least have your number?" He asked.
I thought about it. There's not much harm in giving it to him.
"Sure," I typed it in his phone.
"Thanks for tonight," he said.
"No thank you. You played good!"
"Because I was trying to impress a certain someone." He said winking at me, "you should come more often."
"Maybe," I said opening the door and getting out.
"I'll talk to you tomorrow Ayesha. Have a goodnight."
"Thank you, you too."
I shut the door and he waited to make sure I got into the apartment Okay.
Stephen got me feeling some type of way, and I don't know what is, or how I feel about it.

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