Chapter 17

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Ayesha's POV:
It was about 10 at night, and it was raining. I parked my car and got out. It was raining so hard and so much, I instantly became drenched.
I had to walk quite the distance to get to the gym, so it gave me a little bit of time to clear my head.
I was nearing the entrance of the gym. I was about ten feet away when someone opened it. I looked up from my gaze and met Stephens eyes, he stopped in his tracks.
"Why didn't you tell me?" I asked. Everything was silent except the sound of the rain.
I continued, "you should have told me you were just trying to protect me. You could have told me about her."
He walked a bit closer to me, "Ayesha I'm so sorry. I would never hurt you in anyway-."
I cut him off, and walked closer to him.
"We made a promise at the diner. A promise to love each other and fight for our relationship. And that's what I'm doing. I don't know what happened the other day, or what the future holds. But all I know is that I love you Stephen. And I believe that this relationship is worth fighting for," I took a step closer to him so we weren't as distanced from each other.
"I love you Ayesha, and I would never do anything to jeopardize us. And I just want you to know that. You mean the world to me. What happened the other day is not at all what it looked like. Just give me anothe-."
"Shut up and kiss me already," I said walking over to him so we were only centimeters apart.
He cupped my cheeks, then connected our lips. God I've missed these lips.
The kiss was full of passion, and we just stood there. Letting the rain flow down our bodies.
We both pulled away and grasped for air. Our foreheads were touching one another's.
He took his jacket and put it over me.
"Let's get out of here, you're probably freezing," he said putting one arm around me, then interlacing our hands with his other.
We were driving, I'm not really sure where. Just driving.
I was holding Stephens hand as he drove. He looked so peaceful and handsome.
"Am I that good to look that?" He joked.
"Yes, you actually are. I've missed you. All of you."
"I love you. I love you so much Ayesha," he said keeping his concentration on the road.
"Good, because I love you to-."
I was cut off. By a big bang, and a ringing sound in my ears.
Before I could do anything, before I could react, I fell unconscious.
Wake up Ayesha.
This is just a dream.
Wake up.
I gasped and opened my eyes to be upside down in a car, glass shattered everywhere. I touched my face and I got blood covered all over my hand.
I looked over at Stephen. He had blood running all over his body.
"Stephen!" I shook his body.
Then I became completely unconscious before I could help Stephen and get somebody's help.
My mind ran back through memories as a child. Everything was so sweet, innocent. It was like there was no problems in the world.
I woke up from my dream.
My head immediately ached, and my mouth was dry.
I opened my eyes and took in my surroundings. My eyes met with two people.
"Mom? Blaire? What happened?" I asked holding my hand against my head.
My mom ran over to me and took my hand.
"Oh my gosh! Ayesha are you okay?" She asked.
"I'm fine, just, what happened?"
"You got in a car accident with Stephen."
"Where is he? Is he okay?" I began to freak out.
Blaire spoke up.
"Yes, he's okay. He got released just a couple days ago. He only had to get a few stitches here and there. Same with you, they were just worried about you falling in and out of unconsciousness. I texted him that your up, and he said he will come right away."
I shook my head.
"Thank goodness, I barely remember what happened. I do know that Stephen wasn't doing anything stupid. He was concentrated on the road. The other car just came out of no where."
"I'm just so glad you are okay," Blaire said with a smile.
Stephen walked into the room. He had stitches from behind his ear going down to his mid-neck. I smiled from just seeing him.
Blaire and my mom walked out, giving us our time.
He ran over to my side.
"Ayesha are you okay? I'm sorry this is all my fault."
"I'm perfectly fine and don't ever say that again! It was neither of our faults. It's was the driver of the other car. So don't ever blame yourself or feel sorry. Okay?"
"Ayesha I keep hurting you. None of them are intentional but that doesn't matter. The fact is I'm hurting you. I'm not good enough for you."
I took his hand and held it.
"I just got you back, neither of us are going anywhere. Now shut up with your nonsense, and lay down with me."
He did as I said. Once he was laying down, I kissed him.
"I love you Stephen."
"I love you too."
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