Chapter 20

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One Week Later-
Ayesha's POV:
(Sorry for the little time jump)
"Today we are here to watch a battle between Villanova and Davidson! The winner takes the gold! Takes the championship!" The announcer said over the speaker that echoed through the gym.
The championship was here, in good ole North Carolina. Everyone showed up and showed out.
The announcer kept talking as the teams warmed up on opposite sides of the gym.
"Eek I'm so excited!" Sydel said nudging me.
"Me too! Your brother got this!"
"And my Klay Baby!" Blaire added causing the three of us too laugh.
"Now the final starter for the wildcats! One of the top prospects for the NBA Draft! The leader in scoring throughout all of NCAA! Your very own Stephen Curry, point guard for the wildcats!"
The majority of the crowd cheered loud, me and the group around me stood up and clapped.
"Now time for tip off!"
The teams got situated and the game started.
It was halftime and we were all tied up 52-52. Stephen was having an amazing game, per usual. 21 points, 3 assists, 5 rebounds, and it was only at the half!
I went to go get some food, then bumped into someone.
"I'm so sorry!" I said looking at the fall figure. He was cute for sure, but I only had eyes for one person.
"Nah, it's my fault. So sorry," the man said.
"Don't stress it," I said giving him a friendly smile.
"Who you got? Davison or Villanova?" He asked.
"Definitely Davidson."
"For real? I got Villanova," he said smiling.
"That's nonsense!" I joked.
"I'm Colby," he said holding out his hand for me to shake.
"Ayesha," I said shaking his hand.
"I know this is soon, but can I have your number?"
"I would, only if I didn't have a boyfriend."
"Doesn't surprise me. I would be shocked if a beautiful woman like you didn't have a boyfriend."
"Thank you. In fact you might have heard about him."
"Really? Who is he?" He asked.
"Stephen. Stephen Curry."
"Oh that guy. Now I see why you got Davidson," he smirked.
"It was nice to meet you, but I should probably get back before I miss him play."
"Nice to meet you too. Bye Ayesha."
We both turned opposite directions and I made my way back down to my seat.
I stopped when I saw Hailey smirking at me.
"What?" I said irritated.
"Oh nothing," she snickered.
I rolled my eyes and continued walking. I finally got back just in time before the third quarter.
"What took you so long?" Blaire asked.
"I was talking to somebody," I said getting situated.
"Hook a girl up. I need a boyfriend," Sydel said.
I chuckled, "just bump into somebody. That's how I met your brother."
Davidson won the championship.
We were all cheering on the gym floor. Everyone who was there to support Davidson was getting turnt in the middle of the arena.
"You did it baby!" I told Stephen.
"We did it!" He said, then kissed me with lots of passion.
Everyone was jumping up and down, and the team members were holding the trophy.
I saw Klay and Blaire getting into what looked like a pretty heated makeout session.
"Get a room!" I told the both of them.
"Speaking of I call dibs on the house tonight," she said winking to Klay.
"Gross," I said trying to shake the image the popped into my head out.
A couple hours later Stephen and I were finally in the car heading back to his place.
"I'm so proud of you. You deserve all of this," I told him the leaned over to kiss him on the cheek.
"None of this would have happened without you. You motivated me," he said putting his hand on my thigh, keeping his focus on the road.
"Please. You could have done this without me. It's not like I gave you the skills to be a baller."
"Well you make me very happy. You also make me feel very happy," he winked and started to run his hand up higher on my thigh.
Just his touch made me go crazy. Made me loose myself. Like I had no control.
As he got closer to my core, I could feel the shivers and goosebumps throughout my body. I could also feel me start to become wet.
He placed his hand on my core and started to rub.
"Wardell," I moaned. He was giving me great pleasure.
"Yes babygirl?" He smirked then stopped. Just stopped, just like that.
I gave him a look which made him snicker. He can't turn me on like that and stop. Irritating.
The rest of the car ride was silent. The sexual tension was above the roof.
We finally made it back to Stephens place and we're walking in.
"I'm going to take a shower. I still have some stuff here from the last time I was here so I'm good," I said putting my stuff down. I started to make my way before Stephen got a hold of my wrist and pulled me back.
He pulled me into a big hug then kissed all over my face.
"Ew! Take a shower your sweaty and sticky!"
He chuckled as he let go of me and I made my way to the shower.
I turned the hot water on, and stripped down naked.
I got in the shower and let the hot water hit and run down me.
I closed my eyes and pulled my hair back.
Then I felt a pair of arms wrap around me body. I turned around, to see Stephen there smiling.
"You told me to take a shower. So I'm taking a shower."
Before I could say anything he smashed our lips together. I was still turned on from earlier, so I kissed him back. I was craving him. Every inch of him.
His hands roamed my body, as mine did the same to his.
I swear he kissed every square inch of my body before he eased his member inside of me.
We both let out a moan of pleasure.
He was thrusting into me slow, then it became faster and deeper.
We both reached our highs and released inside each other.
After that I tried to finish my shower, but I was kind of hard considering Stephen would not stop kissing my body...

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