Chapter 25

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2 Weeks Later:
Ayesha's POV-
"Mom we are almost there. Stop worrying so much," I explained through the phone.
Stephen and I were going to visit my parents. They lived about 3 hours away from Charlotte. Stephen and I only had about an hour left of the long car ride, but his company made it bearable.
"Yes mom. Okay. I will. Love you too," I finally hung up the phone call. My mom has been calling nonstop making sure we were okay. I mean yeah that's what a mother does, but every 20 minutes? Ehh.
"I got a friend back where your parents live. Is it cool if I chill with him for a while?"
"As long as it is a him," I joked.
"It is," he chucked.
"Yeah I don't mind. But my dad is having this business party thing tonight and I would go hang out with your friend to get out of it. It's gon' be hella boring."
"But then I would have to leave you to bore yourself to death. And plus I don't want to come of rude to your parents for leaving tonight."
"Trust me it's fine. My mom would definitely understand, though. She is always trying to find ways to get out of this party herself. That's how bad it is."
"Alright I'll go with my friend, but remember to text me if anything comes up. Alrighty?"
"Of course, boo."
We were walking up to my old house, luggage in hand. I knocked on the front door. I heard scuffling on the other side, then it finally opened.
"Ayesha! Honey, I missed you!" She yelled giving me a hug.
"I missed you too mom," i said as we pulled away.
"Stephen, it's always good to see you. I don't think I've seen you since you won the championship. Congratulations," my mom said giving Steph a hug.
"Thank you, I appreciate it. Nice to see you again," Stephen said giving a friendly smile.
"Look who finally came back home to visit her parents," my dad said walking to us.
"Hey dad," I said giving him a side hug.
"Hey sweetheart," he said, then went over to Stephen and they shook hands.
We all went inside and got situated. I'll be staying in my old room, and Stephen will sleep at the guest house.
My mom was helping me unpack while Stephen and my dad were on the deck talking about lord knows what.
"You and Stephen seem to be doing good," my mom said taking a seat.
"We are. He makes me happy," I smiled.
"That's good. I'm glad that you're happy."
"Me too," I blushed.
"Do you ever feel you two are rushing things?" My mom asked.
"What do you mean?"
"It just seems like you guys are moving fast. That's all, not anything bad."
"I mean I don't think so. We've been together for almost 5 months. I don't see no rush."
"He's seems like a keeper," my mom winked at me.
"He is," I winked back causing me and her to laugh.
Me and my mom walked back downstairs to meet with Stephen and my dad.
"Don't we have to leave soon for that business party of yours?" My mom asked my dad.
He looked down at his watch, "Oh yes. I almost forgot. You two kids coming?"
"Actually Stephen isn't it, but I am. He's catching up with a old friend," I told my dad.
"You're missing out Stephen, but have fun."
"No he's not," my mom whispered under her breath, but I heard hear. I bursted our laughing.
"What's so funny?" My dad asked.
"Oh nothing," I smirked.
I hugged Stephens torso from behind.
"You're so lucky your missing out on this," i whined.
"You're the one who told me to go," Stephen chuckled.
"Well yeah but still," I let go of him so he could put on his shoes.
"I mean how bad could it really be?" Stephen said tying up his laces.
"Bad," I whined again, which made Stephen laugh.
"You'll be fine babe," he said pulling me into a hug.
"I know. I guess I'm just over exaggerating." I took in his scent.
"I better get going," Stephen said.
He pulled out of our hug and kissed me.
"I love you. Call me later," he said giving me another kiss.
"I will. Love you too."
Me and my parents were in the car driving to the restaurant.
"Ayesha I think some other students from Davidson are going to be here. Some of my business partners children go there," my dad commented.
"Really, huh? Maybe I know them."
We arrived to the restaurant. When we walked in you immediately smelt the goodness. And might I add it was pretty damn fancy.
We got sat down in one of the back rooms with a long table.
"How much people coming?" I whispered to my mom while looking at all of the seats.
"Who knows," my mom said taking a seat. I sat next to her considering she's the only person I'll really be able to conversate with.
After a while people started to show up. The waitresses came around and took our orders. I got pasta.
After about 30 minutes a family showed up in the room. The older guy went and talked to my dad, taking a seat next him, along with the guys wife.
"Oh Hailey, nice to see you again," I heard a woman say. That caused me to immediately look up. And there she was. Hailey. She was already looking back at me.
She took a seat right across from me, it being the only one left.
"What are you doing here?" I asked only loud enough for her to hear.
"I could ask you the same question," she scoffed.
"It's my dads business party," I said rolling my eyes.
Before she could answer we got interrupted.
"Hailey baby. I'm sorry I'm late," said the voice I once loved.
"Oh hey Jax, it's fine," she said getting up and giving him a hug.
I was mentally gagging. He pulled up a seat and sat next to Hailey. He was scanning the room when his eyes met mine.
"Hailey what are you doing here?" He said in a very rude tone.
"Ask your girlfriend," I said rolling me eyes.
"Keep rolling your eyes and they might get stuck up there," Hailey smirked.
"Keep talking and let's see what happens," I said sarcastically.
"She's not even worth it, loveduck," Jax said pulling a strand of her hair behind her ear.
I laughed. "Loveduck?! What the hell is that? That's the most pathetic name ever."
"Someone must not be pleasing you well," Hailey smirked.
"Trust me honey, I'm getting pleased very, very well. And I'm also pleasing Stephen. At least that's what he was saying a couple nights ago when-."
"Ah having fun with my leftovers I see?" Hailey said.
"You are so stupid. You are sitting next to my leftovers right now. That totally backfired," I laughed.
That caused her to shut up and just talk to Jax. I couldn't hear what they were saying because they were whispering, but it's not like I cared anyways.
Our food came and I just ate. I got a call from Stephen. I went outside and answered it.
"Hey Steph," I said breathing in the fresh air.
"Hey love," he replied.
"What's up?"
"Just checking up on you. You know, making sure your not dying of boredom."
"Still alive. For now," I teased. He chucked.
"How's your friend?" I asked.
"He's alright."
"You know, you never told me his name."
"It's Ashton," he laughed.
"I can sense the jealousy."
"Nuh huh!"
"Whatever babygirl. You got nothing to worry about."
"Well i would hope. Considering your friends a dude," I chuckled.
"How's the party?"
"Eventful to say the least."
"Really? What happened?"
"I'll fill you in later, there's a lot to explain."
"Alright babe."
"I'm actually gonna leave when I'm done talking to you."
"I won't be too far behind you princess."
"I love you Steph."
"I love you too."
I went back inside and went over to my mom.
"Hey mom is it okay if I take the car and go back home? I'm getting bored."
"Sure," she handed me her keys, "be safe. I love you."
"You too." I was about to walk away then my dad called for me.
"Yeah dad?"
"Are you going back to the house?" He asked, I shook my head yes.
"Why don't you take Hailey and Jax with you? I'm sure they want to get out of here too."
"Dad, I'm not too sure they would want that and-."
"We would love too! Thank you Mr. Alexander," Hailey said.
What the hell is she doing?
Here's a somewhat long chapter.
Next one will be up very soon.
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