Chapter 11

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Ayesha's POV:
"I don't wanna go back to college," Stephen whined playing with my hair.
"We have like a week in a half left, lets make the most of it," I said giving him a kiss on his lips.
"Okay, lets do that," he said with a grin, and pulling me close to his face to give me another long passionate kiss.
"Thats(kiss) not(kiss) what(kiss) I(kiss) meant(kiss) but(kiss) okay(kiss)," I managed to say through him kissing me.
He pinned me against the wall and started kissing my neck which caused me to let out a slight moan.
He picked me up then took us over to my bed. He put me down gently and connected our lips once again.
I took his shirt off and began to kiss down his toned chest. He was sucking on my neck that would soon turn into hickeys.
He took off my shirt, then started to kiss down. Then while Stephen was literally on top of me, kissing all over me with nothing but a bra and pants on we got interrupted.
"Hey Ayesha," she said opening the door yet to see us. She sounded kind of sad, and it looked like she was crying. Then her eyes met ours.
"Oh my god!" She yelled. She covered her eyes and turned around.
"I'm so sorry. I mean I didn't, I just didn't know, I didn't think that you guys were, then you guys were like. I'm sorry, I'll just head over to my room," she said with an awkward laugh at the end. She shut the door and walked away.
I was so embarrassed, and could feel the heat on my cheeks. At least Stephen and I weren't actually having sex. I mean, we've yet to have it anyways.
I looked over at Stephen with flustered cheeks and palmed my head, "Steph that was so embarrassing."
I put my shirt back on, because one that was awkward. And two Blaire sort of set off the mood.
"I thought you said she was gonna be at Klay's all day," he said.
"Well that's what she told me," I shrugged.
I threw his shirt at him, "Put on your shirt already!"
"You know you like what you see," he winked at me then put it on.
"Something seemed up with Blaire. I should go talk to her."
"Yeah, I should probably get going anyways. I'll miss you."
I got on my tip toes and kissed him, "I'll kiss you too."
He pulled me into a hug and wouldn't let me go. "Let me go Stephen!" I giggled.
"Fine," he groaned. He kissed me once more.
"Bye Ish, I love you," He said. Gosh my heart skips a beat every time he says that.
"I love you too, and don't forget to text me!"
He nodded his head, kissed me, then made his way out. I walked over to Blaire's room.
I knocked gently, then walked in.
"Hey is everything okay? You seemed kind off earlier," I took a seat next to her.
"Yeah. I mean no. Klay and I got into a fight," she cried and I rubbed her back.
"About what?"
"Well this girl came over to the house. Klay and her were having an intense conversation and I couldn't really hear them because I was upstairs. When she finally left I asked Klay about it and he completely shrugged it off. So I assumed that he was cheating on me and all he said was 'that's not at all what happened' and 'it's not what it looks like'. And I kept asking questions and he just wouldn't answer. So then it turned into a huge fight, and here I am," Blaire explained.
I pulled her into a hug, "I'm so sorry Blaire. You should maybe hear him out. I'm not picking sides or anything. But I know that he loves you, and I can't imagine him doing anything to lose a girl like you. But of course you're my best friend and I support whatever you decide to do."
"But what if he was really cheating on me? What if I wasn't good enough?" She asked through tears.
"You will never know until you hear him out. And if he is cheating I will beat the mofo up, but I doubt he was. He loves you. You need to talk to him."
She cried and nodded.
"You're right, but I'm just afraid of what's going to happen. I'll talk to him tomorrow."
I sighed and patted her back, "Well I think we need to get some ice cream, and binge watch something on Netflix."
She finally smiled for the first time since I seen her.
"Definitely," she chuckled and wiped some tears off of her face.
That whole night was spent with a jug of ice cream, two spoons, and the whole series of The Vampire Diaries.
Stephen: good night princess 💜
Ayesha: good night my prince ❤️

Thanks for reading! Sooner than later you will see how all these chapters fall in to place. Vote and comment! ❤️

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