Chapter 41

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Ayesha's POV-
"We are looking bomb AF right now," Sydel said as we were getting ready together in our hotel room.
"Yeah we are. But are you sure this bracelet isn't too much?" I questioned debating on if I should keep it on or not.
"Girl it just adds to your outfit, keep it on!" Sydel exclaimed continue to do her hair.
"If you say so. I need to hurry! We gotta leave here in 30 minutes," I said slipping on my dress.
We were both in hurries to get ready, but we both ended up being ready on time. We heard a knock on the door indicating our time was up, and that Steph was here.
I opened the door up and there was Stephen in his suit and tie looking hella hot right now.
"Damn I look that good?" Stephen joked stepping inside the hotel room a little bit.
"You could say that," I said, then got on my tiptoes to kiss him.
"I might just have to skip that draft and keep you here from how good you look," he said and kissing me again, this time with more lust. I pulled away and looked at him in the eye.
"Big day huh?" I asked fixing his tie.
"You could say that," he said mimicking my words from earlier.
"Will y'all stop flirting so we can get this show on the road," Sydel said coming out of the bathroom. I playfully rolled me eyes.
"We weren't even flirting. And damn girl you look good!" I replied back.
"Says you. And damn that bracelet. I told you it's not too much. It's perfect right Steph?" Sydel asked.
"Beyond perfect, but we should probably get going."
We shook our heads and got the rest of our belongings for the big night ahead of us. Steph took my head and we made our way.
We made it to the huge building the draft was taking place in. It had round tables everywhere with glasses, plates, and you get the gist.
And in the front was a stage with a podium and a big TV in the center. I continued to look around when Steph pulled me out of my thoughts.
"Isha you coming?" He said. I looked over at him and saw that he's walked ahead. I nodded my head yes and walked over to him grabbing his hand.
While walking over to our seats Steph would say hi to a few guys and dap them up.
We finally made it to our table which of whom consisted of the Curry fam, myself and a few close friends of the Curry's that I haven't really met yet.
After eating some food and talking, the NBA commissioner took step on the stage and walked towards the podium. Or at least I think it's the NBA commissioner, who knows.
He chatted for a while, and I instantly became bored. I honestly just wanna get to the drafting part.
15 minutes later he finally got done talking about whatever he was and began the draft.
"This years Draft has brought us many talent, skills, and a whole new generation of game.....
....," he went on for a little bit while, then he got on to the good stuff.
"With the 1st pick in the 2009 NBA Draft the Golden State Warriors select Stephen Curry of Davidson College!"
The people clapped and cheered making the building go loud. Everyone at the tables had smiles plastered on there faces, I couldn't keep my eyes off of Steph though. The smile on his face was irreplaceable.
I got up and hugged him, sharing a few words too.
"I'm so proud of you. You deserve this. I love you so much," I whispered.
"Thanks Ish, I love you too," he gave me a quick peck on the lips, not giving people to much PDA and walked around the table giving everyone hugs.
After walking on the stage and getting his hat he went backstage to do the stuff Rookie NBA Players would do. Answer questions, talk to the people, etc.
I didn't pay much attention to the rest of the draft. Most of its a blur. I was just thinking about how now it's officially official. Steph is in the NBA.
"Get it Seth," Sydel yelled through the blasting music of the club. We were all dancing and celebrating Steph's big day.
After a few songs Sydel and Seth went to go sit down for a while. Even though they weren't drinking alcohol, since they weren't even legal too, they were still super tired.
Steph and I stayed on the dance floor, dancing together. The alcohol was getting to me, and it was like I couldn't control my actions.
I started to grind on Steph, him holding my waist.
"Just wait till we get to California. Just me and you. All alone. For two whole weeks," I whispered into his ear, then started to dance on him again.
Thanks for reading!!
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There will be a sequel to this book.

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