Chapter 42

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Ayesha's POV-

We got back from New York City late last night, or early this morning, however you want to view it. And in a couple hours Steph and I would be hopping on another flight. But this time it was to a more desirable spot, California.
I was packing for 2 weeks, while Steph was packing for those guaranteed 4 years, although it will probably turn into his whole career.
"Girl I can't believe you're gonna be gone for a whole two weeks! And two weeks of summer at that. What am I gonna do without you?" Blaire pouted, while throwing me one of my swimsuits.
"You'll be fine. And plus you have Klay to make-out with the whole time that you won't even notice I'm gone," I replied with a smirk on my face.
"True. So in that case I'm glad you'll be gone. Interruption free. In the nicest way possible of course," Blaire said winking at me, which led to me slapping her on the arm.
"Rude," I said, rolling me eyes after.
"You know I'm kidding. And are we almost done? My arms are staring to get sore from folding so much clothes to put in your suitcase."
"Blaire you've literally folded one shirt," I said looking over at the shirt she folded, "and look. It looks like you just crumpled it up in threw it in there," I said pointing at it, trying to hide the smile on my face. Honestly, a 4 year old kid could fold better.
"You know I'm not the best at doing laundry. That's why I always have you do it."
"Klay better find some wifey material, one that can do laundry at that." Now I was going through my hygienic things, that also included my makeup.
"Uh, shutup!" She rolled her eyes and got on her phone. "When's your flight anyways?"
"What time is it?"
"6:30," she replied looking up at the clock that hung on my room.
"I have to leave here in one hour. I'm meeting Steph at the airport, then our flight takes off at 9:45," I explained starting to hurry myself so I'd be ready in time.
"You're gonna be hella tired. Your flight won't be landing till like 4 in the morning!"
"I tried telling Steph that. But you know boys, they never listen!"
And with that I continued to pack, Blaire occasionally helping, while bumping to Drake.
"Make sure to call me everyday! And take lots of pictures!" Blaire exclaimed, embracing me in a tight hug.
"You're acting like the typical mom right now. And like I'm leaving for a year," I chuckled trying to catch my breath.
"Oh and at least FaceTime me a couple of times!"
"I will, just let go of me already. I'm starting to suffocate," I chuckled. She let go of me and I felt relief.
"I should get going. Bye best friend," I said giving her a much looser, quick hug.
"Bye, be safe! Love you," She said.
"I will, love you too," I said while walking away. I gave her one last wave goodbye and walked into the airport.
I immediately met eyes with those familiar hazel ones. Well sorta, he was on his phone.
I came from behind and hugged him, "hey babe."
He jumped slightly, "Jeez Ish! You scared me!" He fully turned around, then pecked me on the lips. "How has your day been?"
"It's been good. I've been running off of lots of coffee, so mind me if I have lots of energy."
He chuckled, "at least that means you won't be sleeping on me the whole plane ride like you did to New York. With your big head I was running out of breath."
I hit him on the arm, "says you. You have the big head in the relationship!"
"I'm kidding Ish, and well, I'd hope so," he laughed. It took me a minute to catch on to his inappropriate joke. I hit him again.
"You're so nasty. And let's get going, we can't miss our flight." I got my suitcases and we checked into the airport.
We sat near our gate patiently waiting for them to call our flight. I looked down from my phone and saw that Steph was sound asleep in my lap. Damn he looked so sexy even when he was sleeping! Lucky meeee.
"Stop being a stalker," Steph said, I could see the smirk on his face. I slightly jumped because I thought he was asleep.
"How'd you know?"
"I could feel yours eyes burning through my skin," he smiled, keeping his eyes closed.
"Mhm sure," I sighed, then got on my phone again to scroll through Instagram. I liked a post Sydel posted this weekend of Seth, Steph, Sydel, and I doing funny poses in our nice clothes right before the draft started.
Soon enough I heard a light snores indicating that this Steph really was sleeping. I took a picture of him, then let him be.
About 20 minutes late the first call for our flight was announced.
I poked Steph on the cheek, "babe come on. It's fine for us to go."
His eyes slowly opened and he looked around.
"They called our flight, let's go," I said.
He got off of me and rubbed his eyes. I grabbed my purse and chuckled at his appearance.
"You're so sleepy," I chuckled. We walked over to the gate, gave them our tickets, then got on the plane.
Before you knew it Stephen was sound asleep. I thanked myself that I got the window seat since Steph was gonna be knocked out and I would have no one to talk to. I will get to see all the city lights.
The flight attendants went through procedure, then we took off from the ground as the airplanes lights dimmed.
"Off to California we go," i whispered to myself, then got comfortable for the long journey ahead of us.
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There will be a sequel to this book.

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