Chapter 47

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Ayesha's POV-
My days were winding down with Steph, and I was starting to get super sad. I guess it could show because Steph was doing everything in his power to make me happy.
"Cmon Ish, we won't be separated from each other for that long. Just smile," Steph said attempting to make me smile. I wouldn't budge. "Fine then. I'll just have to make you smile then," he said smirking.
"What do you mean Curry?" I questioned. Then before you know it he was tickling my most ticklish spots. I actually started to smile, then began to laugh. I tried squirming out, but couldn't. "Stop, Steph!" I said between giggles.
"Nope, never," he grinned continuing to tickle me everywhere. I finally got out of his grip and ran out of the room, leaving him alone. I sped up my speed once I realized his steps were getting closer and closer to mine. I turned sharp around one of the hallways which had several rooms down it. Before Steph could see I ran into one of the rooms, then went into a connecting bathroom and hid behind the door, trying to slow down my breath so he wouldn't hear. After a minute I thought Steph probably just gave up because I'm just that good.
So I walked out of the room with the house dead silent. I tiptoed to where the kitchen and living room were. I was about to turn into another hallway but got stopped when a pair of arms slithered around me waist.
"Found you," he whispered into my ear, sending goosebumps down my body. He turned me around with his arms still around me. He started to kiss my neck, causing me to let out a light moan. Steph smirked at my action. "Are you finally happy now babygirl?" He rasped kissing down my jawline. I don't know why but what he was doing just made me so weak to the point where I couldn't even talk. I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out. Steph pulled away, "Okay then." I groaned cause he was such a tease. He started walking away but before he could get too far I grabbed his hand causing him to look at me.
"I'm happy," I whispered and took no time at all to smash my lips against his. He picked me up and took me to the new couch. Let's just say we showed how much we were gonna miss each other.
We were back in Steph's bed just laying down taking time to ourselves. Not that we haven't done that the past 2 weeks or anything. We just got done watching "A Walk to Remember" and I heard a sniffle. I looked up to see Steph with watery eyes.
"Babe are you crying?" I asked trying to hide my smile.
"No, I'm just getting allergies," he said trying to pull it off. Not smooth. I giggled and playfully shoved me.
"Whatever, you're crying!" I said not backing down.
"Fine, I am. This is the only movie that actually gets to me and makes me cry. It's just so sad."
"Aww my baby is crying," I said taking his cheeks in my hand.
"Yeah, yeah. What do you wanna do now?" He asked trying to change the subject, which I let.
"I don't know. Let's play cards or something," I suggested and Steph nodded. He got up, I'm assuming to get the deck of cards. And she's enough 2 minutes later that's exactly what he did.
We decided to play a round of Bullshit.
We were near the end of the game, neck and neck, and we both had little to no cards left.
"One ace," Steph said putting down his last card. There is no way his last card can be just the exact one he needs. I decided to risk it and go for it.
"Bullshit," I said standing my ground. He smirked and slide the whole pile over to me for me to take.
"You always win at everything!" I whined, putting my head down on the head board.
"What can I say? It takes a lot of skill to be this good," he said shrugging cashing me to hit him.
"Cocky much?" I joked rolling me eyes.
"Not cocky, just knowing my talent," he smirked sending a wink over to me. I pushed him again.
"Ugh I hate you," I mumbled into his t-shirt.
"That's not what you were saying last night, and it kinda shows how much you love me by the way your cuddling me right now," Stephen chuckled, me feeling is every movement.
"I'm boutta fall asleep," I said after yawning, closing me eyes. Steph got more comfortable, cuddling in closer to me.
"I'm gonna miss you," I whispered.
"I'll miss you too. Now get some sleep princess," he said rubbing my back.
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There will be a sequel to this book.

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