Chapter 13

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Ayesha's POV:
It was lateish as I walked out of my room.
"You seem extra bubbly today. What's up?" Blaire asked.
"Wait for real? How could you tell?"
"Ooo, so something is up. Spill all the details girl!" Blaire exclaimed.
"Well you know how Stephen and I bailed out on you guys last night? Well we kind of, you know, did it for the first time," I said feeling the apparent smile on my face.
"Wait last night was your first time?! I thought y'all did it like the first week in or something!"
"Ugh Blaire you know I'm not like that!" I said slapping her on the arm.
"Chill, girl. But I'm glad to see you so happy. You guys are just so in love and it is adorable."
"Yeah, yeah. You ready to go back to campus? I'm not really looking forward to it," I said because I really wasn't, I wanted to stay on break forever.
"Hell nah girl! But at least we get to see our boys ball up! And the only way I keep going is realizing each day we go to college the closer we are to getting the hell out of education for good!"
"You're always looking at the good-ish side of things Blaire."
"Well how are you gonna live if you're not?!"
"True, true," I said walking closer to where she was to get some food.
"Oh my god Ayesha! Is Stephen hitting you?" Blaire questioned.
"What? Hell no, of course not!"
I just realized I forgot to cover up the bruise that was still on my face from that night. It's gotten better, it's just not fully gone yet.
"Your cheek! What happened?"
I hesitated to tell her. I opened my mouth to say something, but nothing came out.
"You can tell me. What happened?" She asked once again.
"One night I was here by myself. Somehow Jax gotten in, and he was forcing himself on me. Obviously I tried to stop him, but that just made him hit me."
"Oh my gosh! Wait did he-." I stopped her cause I already knew what she was going to say.
"No. Stephen got here just in time, and he beat the hell out of him. I'm so thankful for him. If he had not have came any later, things would be a lot different."
She hugged me.
"I'm sorry, and I swear the next time I see him I'm going to bitch slap him so hard. I always knew his personality was faker than all his hoes!"
I laughed lightly and that last statement, but then heard knocks on the door. I walked over and opened it and saw the last person I wanted to see. Or at least someone tied for last.
Hailey Henrie.
"What the hell do you want?" I asked. I was not in the mood.
"Ayesha! Just the bitch I was looking for!" She said all happy.
"What the hell did I ever do to you?" I asked cause I never interacted with this girl. The one time I did I got slapped, and shamed.
"Well I just wanted to let you know that your bitch ass self-." she was cut off by me slamming the door. I was just not having it today.
"That girl is desperate for attention and drama. Ignore it, and eventually it will go away," I whispered to myself.
"Did you say something? Who was at the door?"
"Just the wrong address!" I yelled and got my phone out to text Stephen.
Ayesha: hey. Wanna do something? I'm bored as hell
Stephen: yeah sure, like what?
Ayesha: ehhh I don't really know, we can't be up to late we have to wake up early
Stephen: let's shoot some hoops
Ayesha: you being for real?
Stephen: yeah it will be fun
Ayesha: Okay but just be ready to lose
Stephen: We'll see... meet me at the gym?
Ayesha: yup. See you soon
I went to my room and got ready.
"Bye Blaire I'm heading out. Won't be gone for too long."
"Gonna go see lover boy?"
"Yeah, we're gonna shoot some hoops."
"Be ready to lose!" She laughed.
"Whatever," I rolled my eyes.
"Ima invite Klay over. Don't walk in my room without knocking, don't want you to see nothing your not supposed to," she laughed once again.
"Yeah, I think we both learned that from experienced," we both laughed as I walked out the door.

I walked into the gym and could hear the echo of a basketball being dribbled. I walked into the gym to see Stephen do some crossover thing and did all this fancy stuff with the ball, then stepped back and shot a 3 pointer. Swish.
"Damn my baby got some moves!" I said walking over to him.
He picked me up and spun me around as I squealed. He put me down and started to kiss me. I pulled out of the kiss and took the ball from his hands.
"Don't try to distract me from kicking your ass," I grinned.
"And you're always telling me not to be cocky," he smiled.
I dribbled the ball to the basketball hoop, and attempted to do a layup because that's the only thing I could do. Thankfully I made it in.
We were about 30 minutes in and the score was 22-8, me obviously losing.
Right as I started to dribble he stole the ball from me and I hit him.
"What was that for?"
"You don't have to be so mean!" I whined.
"Wait what?"
"You stole the ball from me!"
"That's what your supposed to do babe. Plus it's not like you were gonna win or anything," he just had to comment.
"Yeah but you could have taken it easy on me!"
"You were so confident, what happened to that?" He chuckled lightly.
"Well of course I'm never gonna be as good as my baby," I put my hand on his arm, "I mean look at those muscles."
I kissed his lips, then went to his neck. I could feel his breath begin to hitch. I went back to his lips and kissed them with as much passion and force as I could.
Still kissing, he pinned me against the wall, which made quite a large sound.
He then started to kiss my neck, and it started to become very heated. The sexual tension was real.
"Hey! What are you guys doing!?"
We immediately both turned our heads to look at what seemed like a janitor.
"We.. um," I looked over at Stephen so he could get us out of this situation.
He just came close to me and whispered, "run!"
So I did. We ran out of the gym fast, and laughing all the way.
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