Chapter 1-Whoops?

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(this may seem very illogical at points i'm very sorry)

Chapter 1

Shannon's pov:

I wake up on the last day of school with a sigh of relief. It's finally the last day of my junior year. I fall out of bed with a little more grace than usual, as it's almost summer.

I go through my normal morning routine and then I put on black high waisted shorts and a plain white tank top that I tuck into my shorts. I dry my dirty blonde hair, straighten it, put on concealer, and a few coats of mascara.

The smell of pancakes fills my nostrils and I sprint down the stairs to see my mom cooking pancakes.

"Thank you mom," I smile and then practically shove a couple pancakes into my mouth. Don't judge me mate.

"You're welcome sweet heart, have a good day at your last day of junior year, I love you," my mom smiles as she cleans the dishes.

"I love you too."

When I finish eating, I throw on my black converse, grab my backpack, go outside, and begin making my way down the sidewalk.

I place my earbuds in and pull out my iPod. Blink-182 begins to play and I get lost in the music. Once a Twenty One Pilots song begins I see a white van next to me. Oh well that's not suspicious at all. *note my sarcasm*

I begin to pick up my walking pace and am practically speed walking. Eventually the van drives off and I get to school safe, and on time. I notice my friend Clarie by the door and run at her to embrace her in a hug.

"We're gonna be seniors Claire!" I squeal, spinning us around.

"And one day we'll be senior citizens, and another day we'll all be dead," she stares off into space.

"Oh no, it happened again?" I say, referring to Claire's current existential crisis.

"It happened again."


Eventually in the day we all start signing each other's autograph books and I don't realize until a bit later that my friend Kyle drew boobs in my book. "Dammit, Kyle," I mutter.

It's nice being able to just be outside and have the last day of school with all of my friends, drawing boobs in each others books.

I really can't wait to spend the summer with them because next summer I'll probably be stressing about college the whole time, and that will not be a good time to have bonfires and shit.

Since it's a half-day the school day is quickly over and I say goodbye to all of my friends and start to make my way home. It's a bit sad as I'm the only one that takes this path home so I have no company. Rip.

Suddenly the white van from this morning pops up next to me and I get worried, I try fast walking again but it doesn't help.

Four people in black masks hop out of the car and block my path. I try to go past them, but they won't move their asses out of the way. Bloody hell, what a great ending to my day.

"Get her boys," someone with a thick accent says.

"Wait what the f-"

Before I can finish my sentence the person in front of me picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. This little ass is gonna get it.

"PUT ME DOWN!" I screech banging my fists on his back. He doesn't put me down so I make a bold decision and kick him where the sun don't shine. He falls to the ground in pain and I take off running. Being me, I trip over the sidewalk and face plant into the ground. I groan and stand up, probably as slow as a turtle, I've never been that fast. OKAY OFF TOPIC PEOPLE ARE CHASING AFTER YOU SHANNON. GET YOUR PRIORITIES IN CHECK.

Before I can run again two of them grip my arms tightly and lead me to the van.

"Unhand me you little shits!" I scream, wriggling around in their hands. Why aren't there any other people around to see this?

"No can do," one replies giggling like a school girl. They throw me into the van and I land with a thud.

"Not cool. First you kidnap me then you throw me on my ass," I roll my eyes. I stand up, but before I can get out the door the van starts moving and one of them closes the door. "God dammit!" I cry out as I bang my fists on the door. "IF YOU LOVE ME LET ME GOOOOOOOO!"

Two of them pin me against the wall and I struggle to get out of their grip. The third one ties my hands behind my back. Before I can try to kick one of them in the balls again I fall over on my butt, again. I groan and sit up.

"If you let me go now I won't call the police!" I plead.

"And again, no can do," one of them says. They take off their masks and I realize I don't see the fourth one. He's probably driving. They tie my ankles together, dammit. I didn't notice 'till now, but damn they are hot. NOT THE TIME.

"Are you going to kill me?" I ask, my voice shaking, while I stare at them all.

"No, we won't hurt you," one of them assures. "I'm Ashton by the way."

"Well too late, 'cause you already hurt me. Emotionally and physically," I roll my eyes again.

"Sorry about that," another one chuckles scratching his head. "Oh, I'm Michael, the one you kicked in the balls which hurt a lot by the way."


"We'll explain why we did later, but first, we are heading to Australia," another one smiles. "And I'm Luke. The one driving is Calum," he explains.

"Yeah, and my name is 'I don't give a shit about your names 'cause you kidnapped me'," I glare.

"Sassy," Ashton giggles. Wait, if we're going to Australia then I can escape at the airport. Ha you bitches.

"You're not gonna escape at the airport because we have a private airplane, suck it. Plus, we aren't bitches we are a band," Michael says. Dammit I said that out loud.

"You said that out loud too," Luke laughs. I give him the death glare and attempt to escape from the ropes. I fail and lean my head against the wall, trying not to show weakness by crying.

The van pulls up somewhere and comes to a stop. Luke and Ashton, I think, untie me. I stand up and make a break for the door but hit my head on the door forgetting it's still closed. Jesus christ, why am I so stupid? I fall onto my ass again and sigh. I stand up and Ashton and Luke grip onto my arms not letting go no matter what.

While we are sitting waiting for their private airplane to be ready Calum and the one with the bright hair that I already forgot the name of grip onto my arms, not willing to let go. Maybe if I bribed them with pizza...

At one point they let go of my arms for a split second and I stand up. Before I can run they yank me down and I'm stuck being kidnapped again and again.

"I hate you all," I say through gritted teeth. I turn and look at Calum and he has a look of guilt on his face.

"I'm sorry," Calum says loud enough so only I can hear him.

I see a security guard and decide to yell at him maybe he'll help.

"HEY SECURITY HELP ME THESE GUYS JUST KIDNAPPED ME!" I scream at the top of my god damn lungs and get the attention of everyone around us.

Ashton gathers most everyone and goes and talks to them. Once he's done, everybody goes back to the work like what I said never even mattered. I guess everyone here wanted to kidnap me. That's just terrific. I hate my life.



Hope you like this new fanfiction :). Leave comments and stuff idk.


*back to past Jolie*

~Jolie <3

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