Chapter 2-Physical activity

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Chapter 2

Shannon's pov:

Once the plane is finally ready to board Ashton literally throws me on top of his shoulder and carries me as I scream my lungs out as he tries to quiet me down which doesn't work and I continue to yell.

We get on the private jet and I try a few more times to get help, but nobody cares. I wonder what Ashton said to make them all be so calm about this.

I look down at my pocket and realize they haven't taken my phone yet, idjits.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom quickly," I lie, standing up and trying to slide past.

"I don't think so," Ashton says, grabbing my phone from my pocket and waving it in my face.

Of course, eventually I get tired, and I'm in the middle seat. I have really no option but to wait until we get to Australia to escape since right now I have no chance of escaping, so might as well sleep to get energy so I'm ready to run. Oh okay but considering the seat I'm in I have no where to rest my head because sitting up straight is uncomfortable af.

"You alright there?" Calum laughs.

"I'm tired and I'm stuck in the middle of you two," I glare. Calum thinks for a second before saying anything more.

"You could just rest your head on my shoulder," he shrugs.

"I'm not gonna lay my head on my kidnapper! What even," I roll my eyes. Calum puts his hand over my mouth.

"Don't say the 'k' word!" He whisper screams. I move Calum's hand off of my mouth but he just puts it back so I end up biting him.

"Ouch! You jerk!" He grunts crossing his arms.

"Bitch," I reply rolling my eyes once again.

Eventually I give up and lay my head on the chair pillow thing, even though it's the most uncomfortable position ever. My eyes flutter closed and I fall asleep.

I wake up to "awes" from the rest of the boys. What? Then I realize why I hear all that. I sit up and see that I was laying on Calum's shoulder. Shit.

I groan glaring at a sleepy Calum. He smiles slightly and I smack his cheek, not playfully.

"Ow, Jesus Christ!" He complains cupping his cheek as I turn to Ashton

"How much longer until we land?" I ask curious to when I have another chance to escape.

"Um...I don't know," Ashton replies.

"Attention, we are getting ready to land, turn off all electronics now," the lady says over the speakers. That was ironic, but another chance to escape.

Once we start to get off the plane I get ready to make a run for it. I attempt to get in front of all the boys, but they keep me back. I groan and stare at the floor. When we get off I try to sprint away, but before I can take a step Ashton throws me over his shoulder.

"Fucking mother fuckers," I mutter.

They all stop walking and Ashton sets me down. In front of us is a man with a sign that says "5SOS".

"What does 5 es oh es stand for?" I ask curiously. "Is it like 5 save our ship or whatever it is?"

"No, it stands for 5 Seconds of Summer. The name of our band," Michael says. So they are a band. Well this just got a whole lot more interesting.

We arrive at a large house and the boys push me inside. Once they let go of my arms I run towards the door. I try to open it, but it's locked. Of course. I bang my head on the door a few times and then sink down to the floor. I lay on the floor for a few seconds then sit up.

"Do you enjoy kidnapping random girls off the streets or does the world just hate me?" I ask standing up.

"You can find out later I'm too tired. Calum show her her room," Ashton says walking to another room.

"Follow me!" Calum yells running towards the stairs. I walk slowly, deciding to just accept my death.


Calum comes running down the stairs and throws me over his shoulder. Again? We arrive in a room and Calum sets me down. I slowly back up and go towards the window. I try to push it open, but it won't budge. Dammit.

"Oh yeah, can't get out the windows either," Calum states. He closes the door and I try to back away more.

"If you rape me, I will find a way to contact the police no matter what," I say grabbing the nearest item and pointing it at him. How convenient, a chair.

"I'm not going to rape you," he says serious, but of course I can't trust him, he kidnapped me. I slowly set the chair down unsure, and Calum begins to show me my room.


Shannon is played by Lucy Hale if you wanted to know or else you can imagine her however you'd like.

jk i changed it to cara delevingne

~Jolie <3

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