Chapter 13-Cringe attack

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Chapter 13

Shannon's pov:

Calum walks towards me and leans in and then I just decided to...

"Um, I have to pee," I blurt jumping out of the pool and grabbing a towel.

WHY THE FUCK DID I DO THAT. I LIKE CALUM OH MY GOD, IDIOT. Oh no a cringe attack. I face palm and start to shake. I did the same thing to my ex boyfriend before we were dating. Shit Calum is coming over.

"You alright?"

"Uh," I stand there speechless.

"Lets get you inside," Calum picks me up in his arms and carries me inside.

"What happened? Did you show her your D?" Michael face palms.

"Dude no! She just randomly slapped herself in the face and flailed her arms everywhere," Calum shrugs.

"Cringe attack," Summer says standing up. "She's perfectly fine."

"What the hell is a cringe attack?" Calum says.

"Calum, put me down," I look at him. He sets me down and I explain. "A cringe attack is when someone remembers an embarrassing memory causing them to either slap them-self in the face, flail their arms, or cringe because of it. Just watch danisnotonfire's YouTube video for further information. Okay I'm going to pee now."

I walk out of the room and go up to my own room. I take my swimsuit and change into my clothes from earlier. I then go to the bathroom and pee. I actually did need to go, that wasn't a lie. Once I finish up I go down stairs to see Calum and Ashton arguing. I hide behind the wall and listen in to their conversation. Ha oops.

"Ashton, please, just one date," Calum begs.

"Calum I don't want you hurting her. You already did once!" Ashton says obviously frustrated with Calum. Who are they talking about? Me?

"I didn't mean to. Wait how did you know?" Calum asks surprised.

"I overheard you both in the kitchen."

"Oh. Well we talked it out and we let it go, so please Ashton. I know you're her cousin, but you don't have to decide who she dates! I wasn't even going to tell you I wanted to take her on a date, but you walked in when I was talking to Michael about it," Calum groans. Well then it is me.

"Fine. But if you rip her heart out, then I'll rip your head off," Ashton says strictly.

"Thank you Ashton," Calum basically squeals. I decide that now would be a good time to come out from behind the wall.

"Hey," I smile awkwardly.

"Hey, uh Shannon, I was wondering if you wanted to go out tonight, like on a date," Calum says even more awkward then me.

"No thanks," I joke. Calum nods with hurt in his eyes and turns around. "Oh my god Calum I was kidding!" I laugh running over to him. Calum spins around and I give him a hug. "I'd love to Calum Thomas Hood."

"Well thanks for confusing me Shannon Irwin," Calum laughs.

"Well I'll confuse you even more. My last name isn't Irwin, it's Willcox," I laugh.

"Haha, WillCOCKS," Calum bursts out laughing.

"If you really want that date, then you'll never do that again," I glare at him.

"Okay, okay sorry."

"Good," I smile running up to my room. Wait, wtf do I wear. I run back down the stairs to see Calum in the same exact spot. "Um, what the fuck do I wear?"

"Oh, um, something casual and be ready at 6 please," He smiles. Since it's only 4, then I have 2 hours.

I run back upstairs and throw clothes all over the place. How hard is it to decide on a casual outfit?!? I decide to take a shower first. Once I get out of the shower, I put on some black skinny jeans, a white tank top with the US flag in blue sideways, and some black vans. I out on my normal stack of bracelets (atl, Blink-182, p!atd, Green Day, Nirvana, sws, fob, top) I blow dry my hair and then curl it. For makeup I do the normal eyeliner and mascara.

Once I'm all ready I just stalk people's twitters. Like danisnotonfire, amazingphil, charlieissocoollike, Calum, Tyler Oakley, Troye Sivan, Zoella, pointlessblog, jacksgap, thatsojack, jennxpenn, etc. After a lot of stalking, I see that it's 5:55. I put my phone in my pocket and sprint down the stairs to see Calum standing at the bottom of the steps with a single rose. He's wearing the normal black skinny jeans with a NASA shirt and some black vans. I smile and walk over to him.

"Well hi there training bra," Calum smiles handing me the rose.

"Thanks Hood," I blush. "How about if you insist on calling me that, then you call me sports bra instead, since I actually use those."

"Well, then lets go sports bra," He laughs.

"Hold on a sec," I go into the kitchen. I search all the cupboards until I find a vase, which they surprisingly have. I fill it with water and place the rose in then go back to Calum. "Okay, I'm ready now."

"Lets go then," Calum grabs my hand. Our fingers lace together and I feel my heart rate speed up.

We get in the car and Calum starts driving.

"Where exactly are we going?" I ask.

"Well first, dinner, and no not a movie after that. That would be a shit first date. I'm not telling you what is second," Calum laughs.

"Okay, good, I'm fucking starving."

We arrive at the restaurant and go in.

After we eat we get back in the car and start driving again. We arrive at a corn maze.

"They have corn mazes in Australia?" I ask laughing.

"Well apparently," Calum says sarcastically. I roll my eyes and get out of the car.

Calum pays the guy and we go in. This will be interesting.

"Alright, lets try right, cause it's right," I wink. "You get it?"

"Yes I get it, and it wasn't very good," Calum laughs.

"Well that's no way to get a girl," I say taking off running. I hear Calum behind me so I continue running and laughing. He eventually catches up to me and cuts me off.

"Did you just get us lost?" Calum sighs.

"Well it is a fucking maze. It's not my fault you wouldn't laugh at my jokes. I'm also no good at directions so we probably are lo-"

He cuts me off by pressing his lips to mine. Surprised at his sudden actions I jump a bit. I wrap my arms around his neck as he wraps his around my waist. I slightly part my lips and Calum's tongue slips in. The kiss goes on for like 3 minutes until Calum pulls away.

"That's the way to get a girl," He smiles.




Awkward ending!

I was thinking about waiting longer for them to kiss just to annoy you, but I decided to be nice.

There are probably no corn mazes in Australia, but it's a fan FICTION.


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~Jolie <3

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