Chapter 25-Fuck this shit i'm out

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Chapter 25

Alex's pov:

What the fuck just happened?

Ashton's pov:

It's about time for us to go onstage and Michael and Calum are both emotional wrecks. I don't know what happened, but it better be fixed or else this performance won't be very good.

"Hey Luke, do you know what's up with Calum and Michael?' I say as Luke is getting his hair done.

"Well Michael is upset because of something with Summer and Calum is upset because Shannon broke up with him because Niall kissed Shannon, but Calum thought she kissed him, but really he kissed her and Calum didn't trust her anymore so she got upset a-shit. I'm not supposed to be saying anything about this. Don't mind me I'm gonna go pee. Hey that rhymed hahaha oKAY BYE," Luke spits out.


"Well uh I don't know I didn't see anything just heard it from the girls and they said not to tell you because you'd kill Calum and oh."

I roll my eyes at the clueless boy and spring out of my seat to find Calum.

"Calum where are you you bastard!?" I mumble. My eyes land on a brown head with blonde highlights. Target acquired.

"Wait Ashton!" Luke yells at me. I ignore him and continue with my plan.

"Calum Thomas Hood," I angrily laugh shaking my head.

He turns around and I can sense his fear, "Fuck. I-It's not what you think Ashton."

"What? So you're saying you didn't break my cousins heart? Because I'm pretty sure you did. Got it straight from Luke," I glare at him. I get closer and lunge at him. Right before my fist can make contact with his face arms are pulling me back. I turn to see Luke and Erika looking worried.

"Ashton your show is starting soon you'll have to talk to Calum later. Notice how I said talk and not punch," Erika says calmly putting her hand on my shoulder.

"Okay," I grumble under my breath.

Michael comes over and sits next to Calum and I sit next to Michael as Luke stands in front of us.

"Alright boys. I understand that you are all either pissed off or heart broken, but for one hour of your life you need to forget everything that has happened today. There are fans here to see us, well mostly to see One Direction... but that's not the point. We need to give a performance as good as any of our others and not look miserable on stage even if you are. Everybody has to hide their emotions sometime in their life," Luke lectures us.

We all agree and head over to the stage to get ready to perform.

Shannon's pov:

The boys walk onto the stage and Luke looks like he's the only one who's emotions are intact.

They begin their first song with Luke singing. I'm in the front row with Summer and Erika and unfortunately we happen to be right in front of Calum.

Once they are about halfway through the song, which I'm guessing is called something like Lost Boy, I finally make eye contact with Calum as he is singing a solo during the second verse.

"I can't remember the last time I heard your voice,

I'm sat in silence, living in a world of noise,

Because you are perfection.

I've walked for weeks and weeks,

trying to bring you back,

I've walked from street to street,

'Cause I can't face the fact,

That nothing is better than you."

Oh god.

He looks down at his feet and I feel a tear slip down my face.

I quickly glance at Summer and see her looking at Michael and biting her lip trying not to cry. Erika is between the two of us and notices the sadness and she pulls us in for a group hug.

At the end of the concert once everybody has left, I sit on the side of the stage with a tear stained face. I hear somebody sit next to me, but I don't bother looking. Muscular arms embrace me into a hug and I see Alex.

"Hi," I sigh.

"Hey kid," he replies resting his chin on my head. "I know what it's like to lose somebody you love, but always remember to be who you are, and do not ever let anybody change you because you are amazing and don't need Calum or any other boy to tell you so," he squeezes my hand.

"Thanks Alex. I know I just met you, but you feel like and older brother to me already," I smile slightly.

"Was that a smile I saw?" he gasps slightly.

"Maybe," I laugh.

"Oh and a laugh! See, you don't need that asshole that shall not be named."

"Voldemort?" I joke.

"Haha funny."

"Just so you know, Summer might need some cheering up."

"Okay. We have a concert here tomorrow night if you want to come," Alex offers.

"I'll see if I can," I smile. "Now go cheer Summer up before it's too late."

Alex nods and jumps up walking off the stage.

I sit there for a few more seconds before deciding to stand up. I walk back to the dressing room, but before I get there I get stopped by Calum being in my way.

"Excuse me I need to go this way," I cough.

"You know we can't avoid each other forever," Calum looks me directly in the eyes.

"Aha, but we can for now," I laugh trying to walk past him.

He grabs my wrist and spins me around before I can go anywhere.

"That's fair, but remember this. You aren't the only one with a broken heart."




I'm on winter break so yay two updates.

The gif of Ashton on the side is so attractive I just...I just.

Lets just talk about Alex Gaskarth for a second. I mean he is an amazing human being, am I right?


~Jolie <3

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