Chapter 17-Sugar we're goin' down

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Chapter 17

Shannon's pov:

We arrive at Nando's and a few fans recognize the boys so they take a few pictures and sign things. After the girls calm down we go inside and get lead to a table. When we all sit down I begin looking at the menu. Holy shit a bacon cheeseburger. I know what I'm getting.

"Hey Shannon," Calum turns to me. I look up and give him the 'what' look. "The Don't Stop video is coming out tonight."

"What time?" I smile. He thinks for a second and then Luke tells him something.

"According to Luke, it is at 8pm," Calum responds.

"Okay! I can't wait to see it after all the hard work and me eating and watching you film," I laugh and Calum rolls his eyes at me.

*After lunch*

Once we finish lunch we go back to the house to chill out and shit. The door bell goes off so I hop off the couch to go answer it. I open the door to reveal somebody I didn't think I would see for a long time, especially after what my mom told me.

My fucking father.

I haven't told you what happened yet, have I?

Well when I was like 12 he started abusing my mom, my brothers and me when he got drunk with his so called friends. It went on until I was like 15 until my mom and me finally packed our bags and left. I started cutting when I was 13, but I've been clean for a year. I don't know about that now.

My first instinct is to slam the door shut, so I do. But of fucking course he puts his foot in the door.

"Come with me," he says grabbing my wrist. I pull away quickly.

"Funny. You think I'd come with you. Kindly fuck off," I smile batting my eyelashes.

"Still a little bitch, I see," he smirks.

"Still a dickhead, I see," I mock him.

He gives me the death glare and then grabs my arm tightly with one hand and uses his other hand to cover up my mouth. I do the most logical thing and bite his hand. He pulls his hand away quickly and lets out a little girly scream.

"HELP THIS MOTHERFUCKER IS TRYI-" I scream, but then something goes over my mouth and I black out.

*Waking up*

I open my eyes and realize that I'm tied to a chair in a dark basement.

"Aha, you're awake. Perfect. Now tell me, where is your bitch of a mother. That's an order not a question," he states reaching into his pocket.

"And why the fuck would I tell you?" I laugh slightly.

"Because," he responds pulling a knife out of his pocket. My so called father walks closer to me and puts the knife on my cheek. I feel my heart beat speed up and I swallow hard. "Now tell me."

Before I can reply he cuts my cheek and blood starts trickling down my face.

"I am never, going to tell you," I shake my head trying not to cry.

"Oh. Are you sure about that?" He smirks sticking the knife into my thigh.

"AGH YOU DICK!" I shriek hunching over in pain.

"NOW FUCKING TELL ME!" He shouts cutting my other cheek.

"I already explained, I'm never telling you," I practically whisper. The door swings open and five people come running in. Just who I need.

"Shannon!" Calum cries out.

"C-Calum," I stutter a tear falling down my cheek.

"Wait, is this your dad?" Ashton gasps. I nod slowly and see Ash start getting angry. "YOU FUCKING SHIT OF A FATHER!"

Ashton then tackles him to the ground and throws the knife across the room. Holy shit. I didn't know he could do that. Okay, okay, off topic. Anyway, Calum quickly runs over and starts untying me and I see Erika on her phone, probably calling the police.

I fall into Calum's arms and try to move, but I'm too weak.

"I got you, it's going to be okay," I hear him whisper in my ear before I faint.







School starts in 2 weeks ugh fuck.

I wonder if the boys got cuter over the summer.

I hope you liked this chapter with a bit more action in it.

Goodnight Wattpad.

Jk it's 1:02am I ain't sleeping.

~Jolie <3

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