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Roman quickly pulls away from me and stares at me in shock, as I portray the same face. I touch my lips with my fingers. Did that really just happen or am I asleep on my bed, dreaming? But the way my heart speeds up and the way I feel butterflies tells me that this is not fake, that this is real.

Roman buries his face in his hands and starts talking, worry seeping in his voice. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable! It's just that...that...I've always really liked you a lot and after reading that poem, I figured you needed a prince to come in and save you or something. I know it's stupid, I know, I know! I'm just so sorry for making an embarrassment of myself! I'm so sorry, Vir-"

I pull away his hands from his face and kiss him on the lips. "You have nothing to be sorry for because...." I look down at my bed and then back at him. "....because I really like you too."

He stares at me in disbelief but after gaining himself back up again, he kisses me. I kiss back and our lips melt together. He pushes my back onto the bed, slipping his tongue in to my mouth. We makeout for what seems like forever, probably only a few minutes, of that, until we hear my bedroom door open.


My face turns bright red and Roman pulls away from me and we both turn around to see a very happy Patten squealing at us. He then turns around and yells down the stairs excitedly, "LOGAN, PRINXIENTY IS OFFICIALLY A THING NOW!!!! EEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHH IM SO HAPPY FOR MY PRINCE AND MY DARK STRANGE SON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Logan then appears at my doorway as well. He smiles at us. That's rare. "So you too are now in a relationship?"

I was about to say I don't know but Princey beat me to it by taking my hand in his, looking me straight in the eyes, and saying, "Virgil, I know that you think that you're worthless and useless and mean nothing to the world, but I promise you that you are none of those things. You are the most beautifulest person I know and I could never live without you. You make me whole, Virgil. You really do. And you're not useless. You are one of the most talented people I know. You're artistic skills in writing and drawing and painting are amazing! Even your guitar playing and singing is beautiful! Ya, sure, you may be an emo nightmare and a little weird, but that's what I love about you. You're different and you're not afraid to be different. You're not a conformist like the rest of the world. You may be dark, but you stand out like the sun. Or should I say the moon? I don't know. Anyways, you make everything better. Whenever you're around, I get much more creative and happy and energetic. And if I go for a long time without seeing you, I don't feel right. I feel as if a part of me is missing, the piece of me that I need the most. I guess what I'm trying to say is..." He looks up at me. "Will you be my boyfriend?"

Tears coat my vision and I genuinely smile for once in my life. I wrap my arms around him and squeeze him tight. "Yes. Yes I will." He pulls me close to him and I whisper in his ear, "you're my hero, Roman. You know that? You're the knight that saves my day." I chuckle to myself. "The Pretty Reckless lyrics."

He pulls back a little bit to look at me in the eyes, a smile plastered on his face. "And you're my beautiful emo nightmare, Hot Topic."

I smile. "Awwww you think I'm hot!"

He smiles and puts his face so close to mine that our noses touch. "Yes. Yes I do. You're even hotter than me."

I was about to say we look the same, but he stops me by smashing our lips.

I hope everyday is like this for now on.

Sanders Sides- Virgil Where stories live. Discover now