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I wake up in my bed next to Princy. Wait...what the fuck? I jump away from him, falling on the floor, and crawling to my closet, backing into it. He hit me. He punched me. Why is he here? Why is he near me? He hurt me! Me and him are over! I ended it! So why is he here with me in bed? I'm so confused...

Roman sits up and groans, rubbing the back of his neck. He looks over at me and frowns, probably because I'm shaking and my eyes are wide. I'm terrified of him.

He comes over to me and I keep backing up. He frowns again. "Vergie...what's wrong?"

"What's wrong?" I ask in anger. "WHAT'S WRONG!?" His eyes widen at my sudden outburst. "You punched me! Why are you here? We broke up. You broke up with me. Remember?" I start sobbing and I put my fave in my hands, not wanting the look at him.

"Virgil, what are you talking about?"

I look up at him, sniffling. "Y-you had to g-go on a mi-mission and left me here a-a-alone when I need you...when I needed you most."

He gives me a confused look. "Sweetie, that never happened. I'm so confused." Then I see a light bulb turn on in his mind. "It must've been a dream!"


He sits next to me, a dumb smile on his face. "It was just a dream! You were only dreaming!"

"Oh." Then memories of falling asleep next to him and entering my dream returns. "Ohhh. Oh yeah! I remember now! But what was the last thing that happened before my dream?"

"You pushed me off the bed and wouldn't tell me what was wrong with you but I snuck it out of you and we watch Disney and we both fell asleep."

So he never ignored me for two days. We never had that huge fight. I roll up the sleeves on my arms and I see no new cuts. It was all just a dream. I'm so happy it was though. I'm so fucking happy.

Roman gives me a concerned look. "What happened...in your dream?"

I gulp and tell him everything. About how he ignored me for two days, how he went off on a mission when I needed him most, how we had that huge fight in the bathroom, how he broke up with me and pretty much said about how he regretted it, and lastly, how we had that last fight which ended with him punching me in the face. Roman starts crying at the end and pulls me close to him...the tightest he's ever held me.

"I would never do that to you! Never ever ever ever! I love you with all of my heart and soul and you are much more important to me than my stupid royalty or saving stupid princes and princesses from distress. If you ever having panic attacks all day, I wouldn't even think about leaving you. I would hug you all down and make sure you didn't harm yourself and make sure that you weren't suffering all on your own. I would never say those horrible things to you either." He cups my face in his hands and says in such a sweet way that it takes all of my strength to not squeal, "You are beautiful. And hot. And sexy." He growls and then kisses me and I have to laugh. "You are skinny. Too skinny. You must eat more!" He pokes my stomach and says, "This is not fat. This is thin. This is the stomach of an anorexic person. Of someone who must gain more weight. And I will make you go up in that weight. I pinkie promise." I have to smile at that. He's so darn cute! "And you should not kill yourself." He takes my hands in his and kisses them. "I want you here as long as I'm here. I don't want to live without you. Hell, I can't live without you. So no killing yourself. No cutting yourself. No starving yourself. Got it?" I nod. "Good. Also, you are perfect. You're just what I want."

I raise my eyebrow at him. "But nobody's perfect, especially me-"

He kisses me. "Sh and just take the compliment." He stares into my eyes for a few seconds and says, "In my eyes, you're not a nobody. You are, in fact, a somebody. And you never have to worry about having to actually live through that dream because it'll never happen. I will refuse to leave you or to ignore you. I love you with all of my heart and soul. You know that, right?"

I nod and smile. "Yeah, yeah, I do now."

And then he kisses me on the lips.

A/N: Haaaa I tricked ya'll! I actually wrote this one first, saved it, and then did the dream sequence. So voilà!

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