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Roman's POV:

I drag Virgil downstairs and we all sit in our usual spots. I call up Patton and Logan and they come down immediately. We all call Thomas and he appears, his hair disheveled and his eyes sleepy. He probably just woke up from a nap.

He stretches out and yawns. "What is it, you guys?"

I point to Virgil and say, "Him."

Thomas gives me a confused look. "Him what?"

"Him. We need to talk about him."


I sigh. "Virgil has depression."

Thomas gasps. "OH MY GOD!!! REALLY?!"

All of us nod while Virgil stares down at the floor, looking vulnerable and helpless.

Patton then says, "So why did you call us down here, kiddo?"

"You all know how he...uhm...cuts himself and...stuff?" We all nod while Thomas starts to cry. "Well, I think I know why he's so depressed."

Logan asks, "And what is your reasoning?"

"You remember Thomas' ex-boyfriend, right?" We all nod as Thomas starts to silently cry. "Well, Virgil has been sucking up all of Thomas' anxiety and depression, so I think that because of taking so much in, he's becoming depressed himself."

Logan nods in agreement. "For once, Roman, you are not being a complete moron." I shoot him a glare and he smiles. "My apologies. I did not mean to hurt your emotions."

I roll my eyes and continue. "Anyways, what if Virgil gives each of us a little bit of his depression?"

My boyfriend bolts up from where he is, eyes wide and in fear, yelling, "No no no no no no no no no no! No! You can't do that!"

I give him a confused look. "Why not?"

"Because then you guys will be depressed too and I don't want that for you! It's better off for just me to deal with it! I'm doing fine, anyway..." He looks like a mad man right now. A hot mad man. Okay, ANYWAYS!

"No, Virgil, you're not fine! You cut yourself! You starve yourself! You throw up in the toilet! You have a little voice in your head that insults you all of the time! You hardly get any sleep because of your anxious thoughts running through your mind! You push away everyone you love just to build up stronger walls to protect yourself from God knows what! I have one question. WHAT ARE YOU SO AFRAID OF?!"

"TO RELEASE EVERYTHING AND HURT YOU GUYS!" His hands clench into fists and part of me feels bad for pushing him, but it's the only way to get something out of him. "If I release all of this dark energy, you guys will all probably become like me. Do you want to take that chance?!" I go to open my mouth to say yes, but he interrupts me. "No! You don't! It's better if only I suffer and keep you guys safe!" He then points to Thomas. "Our goal in life is to keep him safe. Not me. Not you. Not anyone else. Just him. And what does Thomas need right now? To be less anxious and depressed. And what do I do? I suck it all up into me to protect him! If I didn't do that, God knows where we would be now! Thomas could be dead. Patton could be dead. Logan could be dead. I could be dead. R-ro-ma-..." He clears his throat as tears trickle down his cheeks. "The point is that if someone didn't suck up all of his dark energy, we would be in a very, very bad state right now. I don't want that. You don't want that. No one wants that. Spock said once, 'The need of the many outweigh the needs of the few.' Well, you guys are many and I'm few. Therefore, it's more important to protect Thomas than to protect me." He shrinks within himself and whispers so only I hear, "I don't matter anyways. I'm worthless."

I pull Virgil into a hug as I see him start to shake. I run my fingers through his hair to calm him and it helps. I whisper in his ear, "You're not worthless because you matter to me." I caress him some more before beginning the conversation again. "All in favor of splitting up Virgil's depression and anxiety, say 'I'."

Logan says, "I."

Patton says, "I."

Thomas says, "I."

And finally, I say, "I."

"No," I hear Virgil say weakly. "You can't go through with this...It will hurt you all..."

I cup Virgil's face in my hands and sink down so we're in my bedroom, sitting on my bed so his legs are wrapped around my waist. "It won't hurt us, okay?" He tries to pull away, but I keep him put. "Okay? Do you understand that? I promise you that we'll all be. You won't be hurting as much anymore."

Virgil looks up with tears in his eyes. "But then you guys will be hurt." He starts crying and I start kissing his lips to make him feel better. He kisses back while crying while I rub my fingers through his hair. I pull away from him to see more tears streaming his face. "Everything will be okay," I whisper to him while kissing his lips again. "I promise you that."

"But what if one of you kills yourselves because it gets so bad?" I feel him start to shake and cry more. I hear him whimper and pain strikes me.

"Baby, baby, baby, shhh, it's okay, it's okay." I run my fingers through his hair and kiss him over and over again. He isn't shaking as much anymore, so that's good. I hug him tighter and his shaking subsides even more.

"Thank you," I hear him whisper.

I look down at Virgil and smile. "No problem, love."

Virgil's POV:

I blush at the way he calls me 'love'. "I love you too."

He then pushes my back on the bed and kisses me.


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