Day Five

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Today we have to make a Sander Sides video. Though the good thing about it is that I'll get to see Virgil. I still haven't come up with that escape plan though. I was thinking of maybe knocking out Patton when he opened the door, steal his keys, and go to Virgil's room, but then he might not pass our little notes to each other anymore. And yes, I gave Virgil my favorite red sash and I wrote him a note, telling him how much I love him and how much I care for him and to not cut or harm himself in any way and to eat.

I slip out of bed and get dressed in my proper uniform. Then I brush my hair and brush my teeth. I go to the bathroom and look at myself in the mirror. Goddamn, I look like a mess. Red rims around my eyes from crying and my cheeks are still wet from my tears. I wipe away the tears and wipe my eyes, trying to get rid of the redness. Some of it goes away. Now it's time to head downstairs.

I hear Patton come over and unlock my door. "Your door is open, kiddo!" And then he walks away.

I open up my door and step out into the hallway the same time Virgil does. We stare at each other for a moment and he runs over to me, hugging me. I eagerly hug back and kiss the top of his head. I take off his hood and run my fingers through his hair. I lift his chin up with my finger and look at his adorable face. Me and him are smiling at this point. Though he has black bags under his eyes and his makeup is smeared and his cheeks are wet. I kiss him on the lips and he immediately kissed back, wrapping his arms around my neck and his legs around my waist. I hold him up with my arms as I stand there, holding him and kissing him. My heart flutters and butterflies fill my stomach. I use one arm to pull his face closer to mine, deepening the kiss. He gladly accepts. But of course, all of this is ruined.


We stop kissing and look down to see Logan standing at the bottom of the stairs, an angry look on his face. I backup against my door, still holding Virgil.

"Roman, you know you can't be seeing Virgil!" Logan yells at us as he walks up the stairs. "You two together is harming Thomas!"

"No it's not!" I yell back. "You're only doing this so Virgil can seem like the bad guy and have everything bad you've done not be noticed!"

Logan stares at me in shock and right then and there, I know that I'm right. Then he shakes his head, most likely clearing his thoughts. "You're wrong, Roman. You're very wrong." He walks up to me so our eyes meet. "Virgil is the problem here. He's the rotten core to all of Thomas' issues, to his insecurities, his flaws and wrongs. If we get rid of Virgil, all of those flaws will be gone. Thomas will have more self confidence and have less insecurities. Wouldn't that be a wonderful thing?"

I shake my head and say, "We've seen what he's like with no anxiety. He's a mess without Virgil. So no matter what you say, you're not going to change my mind. Virgil is not the bad guy here. You are." I walk into my room and slam the door in his face and then I lock the door.

I sit on my bed, still holding Virgil. "It's okay, Virgie. We'll find a way. I promise."

He sniffles and looks up at me. "Thank you, Princey. Thank you."

I kiss his forehead and he quickly lifts up his head to catch my lips. I rub his cheek with my thumb as I kiss him back. Butterflies dance around in my stomach and love fills my heart. I can't live without Virgil. Not anymore. Not now. Not ever.

"Do you mind...showing me your cuts?" I ask in a gentle voice.

He takes off his sweatshirt and places it on the bed. I take his arms in my hands and turn them over so I can see his wrists. I gasp at what I see. His left arm is covered in new scars. I frown and hug him, whispering, "My poor little baby."

"I'm sorry..." he sobs.

I run my fingers through his hair. "Hey, hey, hey. It's okay, it's okay. Everything is okay." I kiss his forehead. "Now, tell me, how much do you weigh?"

"'ll be mad."

"I don't care. Just tell me please."

He sighs and says something inaudible.

"Could you repeat that? I didn't hear you."

He whispers so quietly that I almost couldn't hear him, but I do. "

"...100 pounds."

Sanders Sides- Virgil Where stories live. Discover now