Day Six

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Virgil's POV:

I bandage up the five new cuts on my wrist, put back on my hoodie, grab my phone, and wait for Patton to come and unlock my door. I'm surprised it's taking him so long. Usually he unlocks it before I'm even awake.

I hear a ding and I pull out my phone, smiling when I see it's a text from Roman.

Good morning, Hot Topic❤️❤️❤️

I roll my eyes and text back.

Morning, Princey👑❤️❤️❤️

Soooo...what time should we meet tonight?

Does 8 sound good?

Yeah, as long as Patton and the asshole are asleep

I chuckle.

So Logan is 'the asshole' now?

Yes, because he hurt my dear beloved. And I will hurt him

Pump the breaks, Princey, pump the breaks!



Patton just unlocked my door weeeeee

That means he'll unlock mine soon

By the way, I had fun last night~😏

I feel my face flush and turn a dark red.

Shut up


Ugh I hate mornings

I know. Waking you up is a scary job to do

I laugh.

Yes, yes it is, but you still do it, my dear prince

I hear my door unlock and Patton say, "Breakfast is ready!" Then he walks away.

Welp Patton just unlocked my door so bye

Byyyyeeee and love youuuuuuu❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Love you too❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

And I had fun last night😏😏😏😏😏😏




I open my door and put my phone in my hoodie pocket. I head downstairs and the smell of pancakes hits my nose. Noooo why did was have to have pancakes today? I don't feel like eating. I just want to hang out with Princey...

Logan is already sitting at the table, reading the newspaper, and drinking a cup of coffee. Patton is putting a large plate of pancakes on the table and there are cups of orange juice for me and Roman and Patton. And, well, for my prince, he's staring at me. I go over and sit next to him even though I probably shouldn't, but I can't help it.

Roman looks at me and starts to lean in and I start to lean in too. But then our situation comes back into our minds and we both pull away. Tears fill my eyes but I wipe them away. I'll see him tonight. That's all that matters.

Patton asks us, "How many pancakes do you want, kiddos?"

Roman says, "I'll have three. And uh thank you, Patton."

"I'll have just- I'll have one please."

Patton nods with a smile, gets plates for us, puts one pancake on one plate and three pancakes on the other. Then he sets our plates in front of us. Then he turns to Logan and says, "How many pancakes would you like it, Logan?"

Logan looks up at Patton and says, "Three please."

Patton says, "Okay!" And goes to get his meal.

I look up to see Logan staring at me. I narrow my eyes at him and say, "What?"

He taps his neck and says, "What do you there on your neck, Virgil?"

My eyes widen and I quickly cover it with my hand. I forgot to use makeup to cover up my hickeys. Goddammit! God, I'm such an idiot! How are we going to get out of this one? Logan will then find out about our night visits and he- he'll-

"It's an allergic reaction," Patton says. "He must've used the wrong soap again. Isn't that right, Virgil?"

I nod, just going along with whatever he's doing. "Yeah, yeah, that's right."

With Patton's back towards Logan, he winks at me. "It'll be gone soon." Then he sits down and eats his breakfast.

Patton just saved my ass. Why would he do that? Wouldn't he want me and Roman to be separated? But then, this is Patton we're talking about, and he wouldn't want us to be in pain.

I stare down at my pancake, not feeling that hungry. I push my plate away and stand up. "I don't feel that hungry. I'm gonna go back to my room." I start to walk away, but I feel someone grab my arm and spin me around. I look up to see Roman crying.

" for me...", he begs.

I look down at the floor.

"Hey, hey. Virgil...look at me." I shake my head and start to cry. Roman cups my cheeks in his hands and bends down a little bit so he's the same height as me. He forces me to meet his eyes and then he kisses me on the lips. Roman then stands up straight and takes my jams, leading my back to the table. We both sit down and I stare down at my plate, still not wanting to eat.

Roman takes my silverware and starts to cut up my pancake and feed me. I slowly eat and chew and swallow, not wanting to upset Roman again. I look around while I eat to notice that Logan and Patton are gone.

"Where was Logan and Patton?" I ask.

"They had to go take care of Thomas," Roman says, still feeding me.

I nod. "Okay."

After my pancake is gone, Roman stares at me and then he kisses me. I put my fingers in his hair and deepen the kiss. He grabs me by my hips and sets me on his lap. I wrap my legs around his waist, our lips never parting. He pulls my hips closer to his and I let out a tiny moan. He smirks and my face turns into a bright red. I hide my face in his chest, embarrassment running through me.

"I love it when you moan," Roman whispers in my ear, sending chills down my spine.

"Stooooop iiiiiittttt," I whine.

He pulls me back and kisses my nose. "Never."

"HEY!" We look up to see Logan and Patton standing there. "BACK TO YOUR ROOMS! NOW!"

Roman glares at Logan and says, "No. I'm staying with Virgil."

Logan goes to grab me and I hide by getting closer to Roman. I peer up to see Logan going to grab my hair but Roman smacks his hand away. "Don't you fucking touch him."

Logan backs away and says, "If you're not in your rooms in an hour, I will force you to go to your room." Then he sinks down and so does Patton.

Roman looks at me with a smirk. I raise my eyebrow. "What?"

"We should do what we did last my room."

"Why are you so horny today?"

"I don't know."

"Plus, we only have an hour."

"Ugh fine. How about tonight?"

I roll my eyes. "Sure, that works, you horny bastard."

He smiles and kisses me. "Let's enjoy this hour while it lasts."

I nod. "I love you."

Roman smiles. "I love you too." And then he kisses me.

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