Shit Goes Down

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Roman's POV:

I wake up to see an adorable Virgil sleeping on me. After whispering sweet nothings and playing with his hair for about an hour last night, he finally fell asleep. My poor baby was so exhausted. He still is. He has dark grey bags under his eyes and just looks so feeble and weak. I'm going to pretty much let him sleep all day so he can catch up on his sleep.

I gently push him off me and cover him in blankets. I get up and head downstairs to the kitchen where I find Patton making pancakes. He turns around and smiles when he sees me. "Good morning, Roman! How did you enjoy the party last night?"

I sit down and grumble. "It was awful."

Patton's smile falters. As he sits down next to me, he says, "Awww, why?"

I sigh. "Virgil had a panic attack- a really, really, REALLY, bad one, so he was exhausted after I calmed him down. He's asleep right now. Anyways, Thomas told Virgil that he was ugly and fat and disgusting and that I didn't really love him and that all he does is hurt Thomas." My hands curl up into fists. "And he pissed me off so fucking much." I slam the dining room table and lay my head on it, just wanting to punch something. Especially Thomas. I want to beat the shit out of him.

Patton frowns. "Maybe you should talk to Thomas about it after you calm down and when he's awake."

I grind my teeth together and say in anger, "If I see him, I know that I'll punch him in the face...again."

Patton raises an eyebrow at me. "What do you mean 'again'?"

"After he said all of those awful things about Virgil, I punched him in the face and then I spit on him."

Patton frowns and shakes his head. "Roman, you know that violence is never the answer."

"Yeah, well, he had no right to talk to Virgil that way."

"Yes, I know that, but you could've dealt with it in a more diplomatic manner."

"Like what?"

Patton goes to say something, but he's interrupted by a voice.

"Oh, uh, hey Roman."

I turn around to see a bruised up Thomas behind me. Damn, I must've hit him hard. The skin around his nose and his nose are all purple and blue and have some red on it too. Fuck, I hit him really hard. But you wanna know what? I feel no mercy. He deserved it anyways. He was being a fucking asshole. He was asking for it.

I look at him and say with venom, "Why, hello, Thomas."

He sighs and says, "Look, what I said about Virgil-"

"You shouldn't be apologizing to me. You should be apologizing to him."

"Yes, I know that, but here I am." I don't answer so he goes on. "I'm really sorry about what I said. He isn't fat or ugly or anything like that. But sometimes- he just- he just gets too much. Gives me too much anxiety."

I stand up and meet him eye to eye. "But that's not excuse-"

"Yes, I know, but I was wondering if you could ask him to drop out for a few days. To give me a little break."

I narrow my eyes at him. "No."

"Why not?"

"Because he's not the one with the problem. You are."

He gives me a confused look. "No I'm not. He is. He's the one who causes me depression and anxiety."

I start to feel my anger bubble up inside of me more. "No he isn't. He's the one who takes away your depression and anxiety!" Now I'm yelling.

"No he's not! He's the one that causes it!"

"Oh my fucking God, no he's not!"

"Well, he should just disappear because he's unimportant!"

Then a voice says, "Is that really what you think of me, Thomas?"

I look to my right to see a crying Virgil standing there. I quickly walk over to him and cradle him in my arms bridle style and squeeze him tightly. After this, I'm going to his room- actually, no, all of the rooms in the house- and hiding all of the sharp objects.

Thomas looks over at Virgil, regret in his eyes. He takes a step towards us and I take one step back. He reaches out towards Virgil and says, "Virgil, I'm sorry. I didn't mean it."

"Sure you didn't," I sneer in anger. "I'm sure you didn't mean anything that you said last night."

"I didn't. I was drunk and I said...I said things I didn't mean. You have to forgive me!"

Virgil squeaks out, "But when you say things when you're drunk, there's some truth to them. So there's some truth to what you said about me last night. And you're not drunk right now, so you must've meant it." He looks up at me with more tears in his eyes and whispers so only I can hear, "Can you take me upstairs now? I want to go back to sleep...even though I was gonna eat breakfast. But I'm not hungry anymore."

I whisper back, "I'll make you a small breakfast and bring it upstairs so you can eat it. Okay?"

He nods. "Okay."

I look up at Thomas. "You are an awful person, Thomas."

He narrows his eyes at me. "But he does hurt me."

"Why can't you get it through your thick stupid dumb skull that he doesn't?!" I start breathing hard, my anger getting the best of me. "You wanna know why he's depressed?! Because he sucks up all of your anxiety and depression so you don't have to deal with it! And we've fucking already went over this! How about you don't let what you hear go in one ear and out the other?"

Thomas' eyes widen. "But he still causes it!"

"No he doesn't! The environment around you does! So stop being such a fucking pussy and own up to what you've done you goddamn asshole!" Then I spin around with Virgil still in my arms and stomp upstairs.

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