You okay?

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I don't know why the song made me cry. It just did. Maybe because I can relate to Elsa. She's considered an outcast, a freak, all because she's different. She has something very special that others don't, so they try to eliminate it. Like what the other sides tried to do to me before we all became friends. Thankfully Patton all of a sudden stopped them from doing so. I wouldn't be here right now if it wasn't for him.

I hear someone knock on my door. Wiping away my tears, I say, "Come in!"

Roman walks in, worry written all over his face. He sits next to me and asks in concern, "Hey, are you okay?"

I shake my head. "No. It's just that that song is s relatable."

He frowns and takes my hand in his. "How so?"

"How so what?"

"How is it relatable?"

"Oh." I sigh, figuring out a way to explain all of this without confusing him. "Elsa...she was outcastes for her power, for being different. Only Anna wanted her back home, but if you listen to the deleted song, Life's Too Short, you realize that Anna just wanted to lock Elsa back up in her cage. Like what you guys tried to do to me when I first came about. You tried" I don't finish my sentence and just stare at the ground in tears. I want to forget that memory so bad. So fucking bad.

Roman pulls me into a hug and rubs small circles on my back to comfort me. I start to cry. "Shhh shhh. It's okay. That's all gone now. We love you now, every one of us. I would never try to do that to you...ever again. None of us would. You know that, right?"

I nod. "Yeah, I know that."

He smiles at me and all of my sad thoughts go away for a split second. "I'm glad you know that now." He pulls me into a hug and I hug him back, squeezing onto him as if my life depends on it. In a way, it does. He chuckles. "Missed me, huh?"

I nod and mumble into his chest, "Yeah, I did." I bury myself deeper into his shirt. "I miss you whenever you're gone."

"Me too." We pull back a little bit from each other just so we ha s enough room to kiss. Our lips touch and I feel fireworks go off within my body, exploding and filling me with a warming sense of happiness. I haven't felt that in a long time.

"Soooooo..." Roman begins, scratching the back of his neck, something he does when he's nervous. Another clue is that his cheeks are lightly pink, so he's definitely nervous. I wonder what it's about though.

"What is it?"

His mouth hangs open and no words come out. He just stares at me, looking like an adorable idiot.

I smirk. "Come on, say it. Spit it out."

Roman whispers something but I don't catch it. I lean closer to him.

"What was that?"

Then all of a sudden, he blurts out, "Do you want to go to one of my royal galas with me? I-I know you don't like dancing all that much, but my people just meet my boyfriend." He smiles at the end, all nervousness gone.

I smile back, feeling my heart skip a beat and butterflies swarming around in my stomach. "Yes, Princey, I would love to."

He smiles brightly and hugs me tightly. "Yay! I'm so excited!" Then he blabbers on about what we'll do.

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